He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1797 Thief steals thief!

call out...!

Traveling more than a hundred meters in the shadow space, the night demon finally slowly re-emerged its shadow in reality.

Although the one-eyed face has no facial features, it has a somewhat arrogant and mocking expression.

Next, just bring the beads inside the abdomen, meet Chiri, and you're done!

Although Chiri doesn't seem to like fighting on weekdays, and he doesn't carry too many Pokémon with him, it seems that if an alliance king comes, he can easily clean it up.

But it is the night demon, but it is a big killer that Chiri deliberately brought with him!

Whoosh whoosh! !

At this time, the night demon suddenly heard the sound of a gust of wind whistling behind him.

It subconsciously turned its head, only to see that a hundred meters away from itself, there was a human youth carrying a large stone pier, and was chasing towards him at high speed.

"Magic Roar?!"

Night Demon's expression was startled, what kind of ghost, is this still a human being?

That is the main body keystone of the Huayan monster. According to the weight of human beings, it should be about 100kg...

A biting land shark weighs only 99kg!

Holding such a thing, can you still sprint towards yourself, chasing all the way from the research institute to here? !

Naturally, a cloud of purple-black swirling ghost fog drifted out from the cracks in the keystone, and was also chasing him.

"Jie Jie~!"

The Huayan Monster let out a sinister laugh, but the main body followed Xiao Zhi's bumps, which made its shadow body also shake slightly.

Residents and travelers along the way saw a rare night demon spirit followed by a human boy carrying a big stone, and all cast sideways surprised expressions.

Are people chasing ghosts, or ghosts chasing ghosts? !

In less than a few minutes, several people had already run to the outskirts of Shenhe Town.

I ran for a few kilometers, and it was Xiaozhi's system. He carried a heavy rock and ran for several kilometers at a speed of sprinting at a speed of 100 meters, and his forehead finally started to sweat.

"Stop it for me, Rotom! Use the grid!"

So Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed, intending to completely stop the opponent in the surrounding small forest area.

Rotom quickly chased after him, flew out a ball of electricity, spread it in the air and turned it into a large lightning net, which was about to completely cover the Night Demon.


However, the Night Demon Spirit sensed the attack, and slashed the power grid from the middle with a backhand strike.

It's just that the movement of escaping was restricted, and Rotom flew in front of the escape track of the night demon, blocking the way.

Xiaozhi was finally able to put the keystone in his hand on the ground, wiped his sweat, and then raised his finger:

"Flower rock monster, use black eyes!"

A one-eyed phantom flickered from the vortex ghost, which happened to land on the night demon who was also a one-eyed ghost.

Night Demon, can't escape!

"Hmph, hurry up and hand over the white jade orb! Otherwise, you won't be able to escape today!"

Only then did Xiaozhi pant a little, and shouted righteously.


Pikachu is also helping out, and even the electric current is flickering on the cheek, and he is about to go up and punch.

"Devil Roar!!"

However, surrounded by a crowd of human Pokémon,

But this night demon roared lowly, and the red one-eyed redness on its face became more intense.

At this moment, he wanted to escape again, but his body fell into a strange state of rigidity, driving it to fight head-on and not to leave.

But don't look at it as if it's been running away...

Since it has been stopped in this way, let's kill all of them before leaving!

The fighting spirit rose, and the night demon suddenly punched the ground in front of him.

Boom! !

The next moment, a translucent black shadow fist suddenly refracted from the ground, aiming at Rotom in front of him!

Shadow Fist!

Even a little guy dares to stop me, so I'll take you first!


The power of this night demon is not weak, and the shadow fist is even more powerful, which made Rotom immediately dodge and fly upwards.

However, the next moment, this Shadow Fist was suddenly refracted back, attacking Rotom again at a tricky angle!

Whoosh! !

Shadow Fist, hit Rotom head-on, the effect is outstanding!

Shadow Fist is a move similar to Yan Fan and Bo Missile, and it is impossible to dodge with ordinary movements.

A slap in the face caused Rotom to fall in a mess.

"Don't lose to it, use electromagnetic waves!!"

It wasn't until he heard Xiaozhi's shout that Rotom condensed his plasma body again, levitated up, and focused his eyes.

Crackling! !

A burst of electric fire shot out from its lightning body, and dense arcs landed on the body of the Night Demon Spirit, flickering continuously!

The Night Demon has entered a state of paralysis.

"It's now, Huayan monster, misfortunes never come singly!!"

Following Xiaozhi's command, Huayan Monster twirled as a ghost, and several blue fireballs flew out in an instant, and landed on the Night Demon Spirit completely.

Boom boom! !

As soon as it came into contact with the body of the Night Demon Spirit, these fireballs exploded instantly as if encountering gasoline, and turned into a huge ghostly ghost fire, which exploded on the latter!

Once the target enters an abnormal state, the power of misfortunes never come singly will be doubled.

Coupled with the outstanding restraint effect...

"Demon uh...!!"

The Night Demon Spirit wailed fiercely in the will-o'-the-wisp for a moment, in great pain.

And Pikachu, who had been watching the show by the side, finally found a chance, and his figure turned into a rapid white light again and rushed towards the Night Demon.


Pikachu's collision figure once again penetrated the body of the Night Demon directly. uu Reading www.uukanshu.com

But this time the move worked, as if touching the target, the body of the Night Demon also fell backwards following Pikachu's movement, and his chest was hit hard.

And as Pikachu landed, it held a pink-blue translucent bead in its hand...

White jade orb!

This is not a flash of light, but a trick of a thief!

The thief's move was successful, and Pikachu stole the items carried by the Night Demon again!


Recapturing the white jade orb, Pikachu leaped several times, and nimbly jumped back behind Xiaozhi.

"Nice job, Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi immediately praised it loudly.

After all, the night demon put the white jade orb into a different space in his body. Unless he voluntarily handed it over, there were only two ways to get the white jade orb back from the night demon.

Either knock it down directly, and then tear open the belly slit to find the props.

Or use moves such as "thief" and "magic" to forcibly take away props from different spaces directly!


Pikachu held up the white jade orb and shook his little paw triumphantly.

Its ghost hand is still very effective!

And it feels that if it is next to it, watching the three ghosts fighting in front of it... its ghost attribute moves will soon overflow!

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