He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1798 Anti-thief steal thief!

"Magic Roar...!"

After receiving a series of heavy blows, the Night Demon Spirit didn't just fall down so easily.

Slowly standing upright, the blood-red one-eyed eyes stared at everyone.

The next moment, with the opening of its palm, a dense black mist was blown from the black hole in the palm, covering the surroundings overwhelmingly.

Black mist moves!

"Is it to cover the field of vision, is the target Pikachu?!"

Seeing that his field of view was blocked, Xiaozhi simply closed his eyes and used the power of waveguide.

The White Jade Orb has been taken back... Now we just need to keep Pikachu and the White Jade Orb safe!

However, to Xiaozhi's surprise, in the dark mist, the night demon did not move, but remained floating in place, not intending to fight in close quarters.

He even raised his palm again suddenly.

Hush! !

This time, what blown out from the black hole in the palm of the night demon spirit was countless icy snow and fog, accompanied by the violent wind, the surrounding temperature plummeted!


Hurrah! !

The big blizzard was entwined with the black mist that had not completely dissipated before, and suddenly turned into a more intense and violent black mist blizzard!

"Can I still use ice-type moves?!"

Xiaozhi wondered, what exactly does this night demon want to do? !

Are the members of the Galaxy team also using their black technology to remotely override this night demon?

"Devil Roar!!"

However, the following night demon did not choose to attack, but let out a violent roar on the spot.


It seemed that he was just letting out a low growl, but Xiaozhi heard a sound like breaking glass.

The black gaze effect is gone!

It is also a ghost-type Pokémon, and it is easier to get rid of the black-eyed state than other-type Pokémon.

call out...!

And after completing all this, the night demon spirit sneaked into the shadow space again and disappeared.

"Be careful, everyone!"

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, and quickly commanded Rotom and Huayan Monster to stand by and guard against the opponent's shadow attack moves.

Just waited for a long time, and there was no attack.

After the outburst roar just now, it seems... the night demon ran away?

"Rotom, use Strange Wind to scatter them!"

Xiaozhi could only raise his finger and direct Rotom to blow out a dark wind, completely blowing away the surrounding black mist.

At this moment, the Muke Bird was left by him in the Institute of History, otherwise he would be able to instantly break through the dark snow fog around him with a defogging move...



After blowing on Rotom for a while, the surrounding vision finally became clear again.

This grove also seemed quite quiet, and the tense momentum before had completely disappeared.

Xiaozhi sensed it with the waveguide for a while, and then looked at the two ghost Pokémon in front of him.

"Lotto~!" "Jie Jie..."

Both Rotom and the Flower Rock Monster shook their heads,

The Night Demon Spirit wasn't around, so it should have run away completely.

"Strange, isn't that their goal?"

Xiaozhi took advantage of the opportunity and grabbed the white jade orb that Pikachu was holding, feeling a little puzzled.

"Wait a moment?!"

However, after carefully looking at the white jade orb in his hand, Xiaozhi's expression suddenly changed.

You must know that when you looked closely at the white jade orb before, you could see the strange scene of space ripples slightly raised on the surface.

But the "White Jade Orb" in his hand at this moment has nothing unusual, just like a big glass bead?

Most importantly, Xiaozhi didn't feel any divine breath on it.

After all, he has come into contact with a lot of legendary Pokémon. Generally, the device tissues of legendary Pokémon, or the props and treasures related to it, will also be attached to their breath.

Although this kind of aura is very metaphysical and cannot be seen with the naked eye, Xiaozhi is sure that he can feel this "divine breath".

But the white jade orb in front of him didn't have any breath at all!

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi took a deep breath, and immediately threw the white jade orb to the ground!

If it is really something related to the legendary Pokémon, it shouldn't be smashed by myself all at once, right?

Bang bang...! !

However, as this "white jade orb" touched the ground, the bead burst open extremely simply, shattering into countless glass slags, making a crisp sound.

Looking down at the glass residue, Xiao Zhi's face darkened.

The ones that can reach ducks are really glass beads!


Pikachu also touched his cheek innocently.

It is indeed a white jade orb grabbed from the "belly" of the night demon. It is impossible for the one in the research institute to be a fake, right?

One person and one mouse looked at each other in blank dismay. As for the culprit, the night demon, he had already run away.

"Hey, let's go back first, Pikachu..."


The two of them could only sigh helplessly, and silently walked in the direction of the History Research Institute.


the other end.

call out...!

The seriously injured Night Demon Spirit was still running away quickly.

Originally, it wanted to beat Xiaozhi and his group to the ground before running away, but it was only after getting started that it realized that...it was no match at all!

And the human running with the keystone on his back didn't look like a normal person either.


Fleeing quickly, it took about twenty minutes before the night demon caught up with a helicopter flying in the air.

In the cabin, Chi Ri was sitting there with his chest folded, his eyes closed, and his expression was calm.

He is a thoughtful person who never misses any detail. uu Reading www.uukanshu.com

So when the operation is over, Chiri will no longer worry about the next plan, whether there will be mistakes.

Chiri has absolute confidence in himself!

"Magic Roar...!"

And the night demon spirit also penetrated the cabin on the surface, and came in front of Chiri.

After the huge figure entered the cabin, it seemed a bit crowded.

Chi Ri slowly opened his eyes, looked at the one-eyed ghost in front of him with a thin face, and said slowly:

"What about things?"

"Magic Roar~!"

The night demon immediately took out a white jade orb from the cracked space in his abdomen as if offering a treasure!

If you can see through the cracks and gaps at this moment, you can still see dozens of identical white jade orbs in the different space inside the night demon spirit's body!

This is Chiri's last plan.

In order to prevent the Night Demon after using the "thief" successfully, others will use "thief" and other moves to forcibly take away the props.

Then simply stuff a little more fake white jade orbs in his body, then even if he is hit by a thief, he still cannot steal the real one.

Anti? Thief steal thief!

This is the same as Geng Gui. In the different space inside their bodies, they can't only carry one item...

It can hold a lot of props!

Of course, in an official match, there can only be one item that can be effective.

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