"Hmph, as expected."

After receiving the white jade orb, although Chi Ri said it very disdainfully, the corners of his mouth still slightly raised.

Under his careful planning, let alone a league championship...

The whole world will be shaken in his hands!

"Everything is ready...!"

For a moment, many things floated in Chiri's mind.

At this moment, Team Galaxy has mastered the White Jade Orb and the Vajra Orb at the same time, and the connection with the God of Time and the God of Space has been prepared.

As long as he masters the two original forces of time and space, the whole world will usher in changes!

Thinking of this, Chiri looked at the soldiers of the Galaxy team in front of him.

"Next is the gods in the three lakes... Go and inform that cunning poacher that the plan is ready to start."

"Yes, leader!"

The co-pilot soldier in the cabin immediately called the pager...



When Xiaozhi returned to Shenhe Town History Research Institute, the whole indoor situation became much calmer.

Miss Junsha finally had a job to do, took a big net, and cleared out all the big-mouthed bats that couldn't fight on the ground.

Aftermath, they are old professionals!

The cracks on the ground and the holes in the walls all indicate that this place has experienced a battle before.

Fortunately, most of the cultural relics and treasures were not affected.

Even the gods and relics in the backyard, although the already dilapidated stone pillars on the periphery were once again destroyed by the explosion, the central relic stone chamber is still intact and has not been attacked.

Historical relics are the way for Chiri to study ancient myths...

Unlike the lawless Zhenxing, under normal circumstances, Chiri would not choose to attack these things.

Of course, Chiri would mercilessly blow up the ruins if necessary.

"Xiao Gang, Xiao Guang..."

Back at the research institute, Xiaozhi found that his two friends had returned.

However, it didn't seem that his expression was so high, and the bad frog beside him, Ye Yibu, also had many scars on his body.

After seeing Xiaozhi, both of them shook their heads.

They didn't beat Zhen Xing and Sui Xing...but they weren't defeated by their opponents either.


The bad frog hunched over, with a gloomy face, and secretly vowed in his heart that the next time he fights, he must defeat the poisonous skeleton frog head-on!

And the two cunning Galaxy team cadres, after receiving the evacuation order from Chiri, quickly interrupted the battle and left the battlefield.

This made Zhulan's plan to capture one or two core cadres and obtain information completely in vain.

Seeing the expectant looks from both Zhulan and Dr. Mustard Lan, Xiaozhi could only shake his head helplessly in the end.

"Sorry, the white jade orb was not taken back..."

Hearing this, both grandparents and grandchildren's expressions tightened.

Dr. Jie Zilan's feet went limp, and he sat down on the ground.

"Zhulan...it's all my fault, I shouldn't be holding this white jade orb exhibition...!"

The bell next to it rang and dropped its long ribbon-shaped ears,

Jump to the side to comfort him.

"Well, I also have a lot of responsibility for this matter..."

However, Zhulan quickly helped her grandma up and comforted her softly.

Although it was the fishing plan put forward by Jie Zilan, using the white jade orb in an attempt to recapture the diamond orb...

But if Zhulan doesn't agree, this plan cannot be carried out.

Zhulan looked at the pothole on the ceiling, finally took a deep breath, and said leisurely:

"In the final analysis, I also underestimated the strength of the Galaxy team."

The Galaxy team has always been presented as a high-end technology company, and it doesn't look like an evil villain organization at all.

However, now, not only are the cadres under him not weak, but they are also blessed with black technology inventions such as ultrasonic devices...

This means that behind the scenes of Team Galaxy, there must be a research doctor with high IQ, who is constantly providing technical support.

The most dangerous one is the leader of Team Galaxy, Chiri.

Design a plan so seamlessly that it becomes irresistible.

"The two orbs are in their hands now... What are they going to do next?"

In Zhulan's eyes, there was a look of worry.

Faintly, she had a premonition that there might be some unpredictable catastrophe in the Shenao area next.

After all, personal strength has a bottleneck.

As far as fighting alone, Zhulan is confident that no matter who she is, she can fight.

But how can this world be so simple, everything can be solved through Pokémon battles.

"In short, Shenhe Town will be handed over to grandma... The Galaxy team's plan has been completed, and this small town should not be taken care of anymore."

Zhulan nodded slightly to Dr. Mustard.

Next, she has to go back to the Pokémon Alliance headquarters to discuss this matter with several senior colleagues.

"I see..."

Dr. Mustard Lan's expression is also much more serious than at the beginning.

After suffering a loss, she didn't dare to be so bold again.

Fortunately, the loss this time was only the loss of the white jade orb, and no other precious treasures were affected.


On weekdays, no matter what Zhulan does, she will face many difficult choices and cannot act for a long time.

But when it comes to business, she is still very decisive, as if she is about to leave Shenhe Town.

"As for you... Thank you for your help this time. Speaking of the next goal, have you thought about where you want to go?"

Before leaving, she looked at Xiaozhi and the other three and asked. uuReading www.uukanshu.com

"Well, we plan to go back to Jiayuan City first to see if the gym master there is back."

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi replied.

Although they helped out, they were still taken by the Galaxy team, which made the morale of the three of them a little low.

"Jiayuan Gym? Then you don't need to go there, Melissa is not in that city yet."

Zhulan blinked and replied.

She and Melissa are old acquaintances. When Zhulan was looking for someone to deliver the secret medicine of Kodak, Melissa was the first one she looked for.

It's just that the latter is in another place, and there is no time to help, so Zhulan can only ask other people to deliver the medicine.

This was only a day's delay, allowing Xiaozhi and the others to solve the upduck incident that blocked the way one step ahead of time.

Otherwise, Melissa could fly across the mountains by relying on her wind balloon, and it would be enough to fly from Jiayuan City to the sky above Shenhe Town within half a day.

"Not here again...?!"

This made Xiaozhi frowned.

This gym owner is too irresponsible, it has been two months, and I still haven't bumped into him once!

"I suggest you go to Shuimai City first, there is also a gymnasium there."

After Zhulan left the last sentence, she left in a hurry.

The three of them watched Zhulan's back disappear into the distance, and then came back to their senses, and went to the Spirit Center in Shenhe Town to rest for a while, and then went to the Water Maiden City that Zhulan mentioned.

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