He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1800 Brother Chi left?

Elf Center, Telecom Office.

"Yo~Xiaozhi, how come you have the time to call me today~!"

On the other side of the screen, Dr. Oki is setting up an alcohol lamp and an asbestos net, and the beaker placed on it is being roasted by the flame.

But what was in the beaker was not any chemical agent, but instant noodles.

call out...!

With the violent burning of the alcohol lamp, hot fragrant white smoke rises.

Xiaozhi resisted the idea of ​​complaining, and said straight to the point:

"Doctor, I'm going to exchange for another Pokémon!"

Hearing this, Dr. Oki asked in a little surprise:

"Hey Xiaozhi, did you encounter any powerful enemies in the Sinnoh area, and you still need to send reinforcements?"

Dr. Oki knew that Xiaozhi still had the Hammer Dragon and the Flower Rock Monster on his body. Relying on these two Pokémon to guarantee the bottom line, ordinary trainers are no match at all.

No matter how bad it is, there is Pikachu, the existence that even the king of the alliance can win steadily.

"Is this Pikachu so strong...?"

Dr. Oki was surprised for a while when he saw Xiaozhi relying on Pikachu to fight various powerful opponents.

After all, it was a wild electric mouse that was easily caught by the food bait he had in the backyard, yet it still had such a powerful force?

"Uh... Anyway, the situation is a bit chaotic."

Xiaozhi didn't know how to explain it, so he could only perfunctory.

Whether it is to defeat the powerful Miss Zhulan, or deal with the Galaxy team who does not know what to do next, he still needs to bring some guaranteed Pokémon with him.

"Okay then, I'll go to the backyard to get it for you later, you can tell me your list first... There are a few Pokémon in the backyard recently, and I'm panicking."

Dr. Oki took a mouthful of ramen and said with his tongue hot.

Xiaozhi nodded, and a lot of Pokémon figures floated in his mind, and finally he fixed on one Pokémon.

"Help me replace Latias first...!"

He now needs a Pokémon with strong mind power, which can deal with many momentary difficulties.

Ladias' rapid long-distance flying ability also allows him to reach various places in the Sinnoh area in a short time.

Even in the face of the powerful biting land shark, Latias also has the ability to restrain... although he is also restrained.

After thinking about it, Latias is the most suitable choice for the recruited combat power.

"Oh, Latias... This Pokémon just came back recently~! It's pestering me to let it travel with you~!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, what a coincidence!

When he came to the Sinnoh area before, he originally wanted to bring Latias with him.

It's just that the latter needed to go back to his hometown - the capital of water, to return the water drops of his heart.

This special drop of heart affects the water level of the entire water city... It can be regarded as returning to her mother's home.

"Not only that, this time Latias also brought back a surprise... I won't talk about it, you will know when you meet."

Dr. Oki sold a trick, which made Xiaozhi's heart itch when he heard it.

"So there is no need for a second one? Your big chrysanthemum seems to miss you too~!"

"Well, just change one for now, and say sorry for Big Chrysanthemum..."

Xiaozhi could only reply helplessly.

Now on him, including Pikachu and Rotom... In fact, he has already carried a full 11 Pokémon, and there is only one Pokémon left at most.

But now every Pokémon is in a period of rapid improvement, Xiaozhi is a little reluctant to change them back to the backyard.

After Warhammer Dragon and Huayan Monster returned to Sinnoh's hometown, they were also very excited every day, and Xiaozhi also couldn't bear to change them back.

No way, he can only exchange for one more.

"All right."

Dr. Oki nodded over there, and within the time of talking, he had completely eaten a beaker of instant noodles.

gurgle gurgle...!

Even the second cup of instant noodles in the beaker was set up, and the hot air bubbled and slowly floated to the surface.

Taking advantage of this time, Xiaozhi also asked about Chi in the backyard.

"Brother Chi, how are you doing recently...?"

Not to mention, it's the first time I've been separated from Brother Chi for such a long time, and now I suddenly mention it, Xiaozhi still feels empty.

I don't know if I'm used to living in the backyard with Dr. Oki...

Speaking of this, Dr. Oki showed a sigh of relief, and said slowly:

"You said Chi... That guy left after living in the backyard for a few days."

Ever since Xiaozhi and Xiaomao mentioned the souls of different worlds in their bodies, Dr. Oki was shocked for a long time.

Especially after discovering that Chi has a deep understanding of Pokémon, the two even formed a year-end friendship.

When Xiaozhi went to the Sinnoh area to venture alone, the two of them had been playing chess in the backyard and chatting about the world.

"Brother Chi has been superseded?!"

Hearing the word "leave", Xiaozhi's eyes widened, thinking that Chi had ascended to heaven again.

"No, no, you just told me to leave for a few days and go outside to collect some tokens of God...?"

Hearing Dr. Oki's explanation, Xiaozhi was relieved.

It is understandable to collect God's tokens, after all, this is a matter related to Brother Chi's own body.

Originally staying in my body all the time, it can be regarded as traveling everywhere, seeing all kinds of things...

It's normal to stay in the backyard all the time now, and want to do it yourself out of boredom.

With those two complete sets of unknown totems, it is not difficult for Chi to condense a physical body action in a short period of time uureading books www.uukanshu.com.

"Brother Chi, did you say where you are going?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking curiously.

"Oh, I went to the Hezhong area."

Dr. Oki replied casually, continuing to operate his beaker ramen in his hand.

At the beginning, he and Chi were playing chess leisurely in the backyard. Just when Chi was about to complete the lore, Xiaozhi's ancestor bird was suddenly thrown from the air by the fossil pterosaur, destroying the entire chess game.

"A bird from the Hezhong area, hmph...!"

After leaving these words, Brother Chi left the next day and officially embarked on the road to the Hezhong area.

"So it's the Hezhong area..."

Xiaozhi nodded, wondering what legendary Pokémon will be in the Hezhong area?

But if Brother Chi makes a move, no matter what kind of terrifying god it is, he will probably be beaten down, right?

Unlike Ming Yao who only brought five riding Pokémon here...

Brother Chi has a whole box of Pokémon on him.

Even Chaomeng Boss is still a terrifying existence who can wrestle with Longshen Lie Kongzao.

"That is to say, I don't need to go to the Hezhong area next...?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin. If brother Chi collected all the tokens of God on that side and went by himself, it would seem like a waste of time?

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