He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 158 I Have Been Served by One-stop Service

The hypnosis was successful, and the electric monster went to sleep.

"Heh, your idea is very novel, but the hook is too straight, normal people won't be fooled..."

Chi ignored Zeus' expression and said lightly.

Although the normal person he said refers to the level of the king of heaven, or even the upper middle level of the level of the king of heaven.

"If your Electric Shock Monster uses a normal attack style, it's not so easy for me to defeat you with this Geng Ghost... Geng Ghost, use Dream Eater." Chi pointed.


Facing the fallen yellow Pokémon in front of him, Geng Gui's blood-red eyes widened suddenly, and then a purple-black phantom seemed to float out of his body, quickly covering the latter like a devil. body.


Immediately, the electric shock monster emitted a miserable red energy, constantly absorbing its energy, the lines connected with Geng Gui, turning into green healing energy, restoring its physical strength.

In less than two rounds, Geng Gui's physical strength returned to a healthy green blood state.

"Come back, Electroshock Monster."

But to Chi's surprise, Zeus took it back even though the Electric Shock Beast hadn't completely lost its ability to fight.

After all, the level gap is there. When the sleep state is over, Geng Gui may have another hard fight.

"I lost."

It is difficult for ordinary people to say, but Zeus said these three words very simply.

"See through my plan, and even use that Geng Ghost whose level is much lower than mine to do this. Your trainer level is far better than mine, so there is no need to continue to compete..."

Zeus stared straight at Chi, wondering what he was thinking.

Although he is a member of the Rockets, he did not join the Rockets for fame and fortune, nor for being a villain, but only for being able to fight against the strong, regardless of any decent rules.

Therefore, the half-black and half-gray organization of the Rockets is more suitable for him than the Pokémon League.

He will submit to anyone who is stronger than him. This is a simple logic.

Zeus could see the gap with his boss, Sakagi, and one day he would get rid of that old fox, Sakagi.

But with the person in front of him, Zeus was very at a loss. After taking back the poke ball, he finally couldn't help asking:

"How strong is your real strength...?"

With such a strong command ability, it is impossible for Pokémon to be weak. Zeus wanted to know the real gap between him and Chi.

Chi thought for a while, and although the hulking man in front of him was of a different camp from his, but his obsession with fighting was the same. Thinking of this, he simply asked questions truthfully.

"One look is enough to kill you instantly..."

Zeus: "..."

Even though the words were so absurd, he couldn't help but take half a step back, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

But then an unrestrained smile appeared on his rough face again, and the flames of war became even worse, and he shouted:

"Even so, I won't lose to you next time!"

"I am waiting."

Chi nodded, as if he had accepted the promise of the fetters of a powerful enemy.


At the end of the conversation, Zeus didn't plan to do anything to Chido, he was just an insider, as long as he couldn't see it, anyway, the Rockets also have a lot of insiders.

"By the way, there is one more thing..."

Chi finally remembered the purpose of this infiltration, so he informed the strange phenomena of the Pokémon in the elf center and the strange disappearance of children in the city.

Zeus: "?"

He looked at Chi with a blank face.

Yuhong City is different from other places. It is a place where the Rockets can make a lot of money with peace of mind. The economic development here means that the Rockets' income will increase.

To be honest, this is the legal coffers of the Rockets, and they have never considered making trouble here.


Seeing the other party's innocent expression, this time it was Chi's turn to be dumbfounded.

"I suggest you go to the top of the Yuhong Building. There are always some rich people who like to fix these weird things..."

Before parting, Zeus gave him a hint.



After the goal was over, Chi manipulated the bodies of the bodyguards and miscellaneous soldiers, passed the first staircase smoothly, and returned to the lobby of the game city.

Perhaps because of the earthquake caused by the battle just now, the number of people in the game city has decreased by one-fifth at this moment, but most of the gambling dogs are still playing with fiery faces. After all, gambling is more important than life.

In the hall, Xiaozhi's figure didn't know where to go.

So Chi silently recited a sentence in his heart:

"Chaomeng, answer Xiaozhi's call for me..."

With the terrifying ability of the Chaomeng he put on Xiaozhi's body, it is enough to transform his thoughts into telepathy from a long distance, and then transmit them to Xiaozhi's mind, the kind of seamless and real-time communication without delay.

After a while, Chi felt a trace of sullen emotion.

After a while, the phone was connected, and Chi felt the familiar smell of Xiaozhi's stunned head.

"Hey, brother Chi, is everything done?"

Xiaozhi's voice was a little excited and intoxicated, which was very strange.

"Okay, where are you now?"

"Oh, I'm in the footwashing city next to the game city, and I'm enjoying the one-stop super VIP service of the Rockets... Yes, yes, this is here, ah, you are too strong!"

Xiaozhi replied enthusiastically, and suddenly let out a strange cry while talking, and then his voice gradually became soft.

"Okay~ I'm already comfortable~~"

On the phone, he could still vaguely hear the sound of friction and collision between flesh and liquid, which was greasy.


The situation seems to be a little bad.

With a thought, Chi's soul quickly escaped from the bodyguard's body and flew towards the telepathic direction.

Geng Gui next to him also entered a state of invisibility and floated away.

The city has nothing left to hold on to, and it's time to go.


The ghost went to the empty space, and the bodyguards who stayed in place regained control of their bodies, and couldn't help shivering.

"Accidentally fell asleep..."

He looked around, and it was still the wall at the edge of the hall that he was leaning on before. He gave up thinking after thinking about it to no avail, and continued to sneak up on a beautiful dealer...



Yuhong City, Foot Washing City.

It is said to be a foot-washing city, but it is actually a supporting entertainment facility of the game city. It is located next to the casino. The one-stop service of massage, foot-washing and sauna is very extravagant.

This is another big industry for the Rockets.

Between the two points, the straight line is the shortest. Following the source, Chi and Geng Gui passed through several walls in succession, drifting towards Xiao Zhi like a plug-in through the wall.

"Geng Geng Geng!!"

What he saw along the way made Geng Gui a little excited, and what he said probably meant that it was also doing the actions of the human beings below these days.


Soon, the two arrived at their destination. Xiao Zhi was lying on a big bed in a terry bathrobe, and Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia were lying on the other two big beds.

It was belly down, with its head on the pillow, enjoying the service.

On his body stood a brown-yellow Pokémon that was nearly 2 meters long, with a fat body and limbs, small and cute wings, two curved triggers on its head, and a cute head.


A fast dragon is dancing on Xiaozhi's back, constantly triggering the acupuncture points on his back with the soles of his feet, giving him a relaxing massage.

"It's comfortable, Brother Kuailong, try harder~~"


Hearing that Kuailong stepped up his footsteps, there was a "click" sound of bones rubbing against each other.

"Is this being served by a dragon...?"

Seeing this scene, Chi couldn't help rubbing his temples, his face turned black.

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