He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 159: GF is the best company

"Oh, brother Chi is here~~"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows and turned his face again. After all, they still have business to do, and they didn't come to enjoy themselves, so he waved his hand to signal the Kuailong on his back to stop dancing the dragon's tap dance.

"Big brother, you can go out now."

Although Pokémon is kind, but it is also Team Rocket's Pokémon, so he has the experience of defense.

"Hmm~~ (I'm Technician No. 3, remember to give a good review later)"

Kuailong fell back to the floor with a smile, clenched his two small fists in front of his chest, and bowed politely.

They are all to make a living, and quasi-gods are no exception.

"Understood, I will give you a 5-star praise when I leave." Xiaozhi nodded and said with a smile:

"As long as you are strong enough, the two next to you can't do it. I will look for you next time."

Red raised his eyebrows, this Xiaozhi was talking nonsense about his own Pokémon, but he was a little sister Li about the technician's Pokémon language?

On the other end, the Pokémon serving Xiaogang Xiaoxia also left the room with a smile. These are two identical Pokémon.

It has an oval body, a light blue upper body, and a white lower body. The junction is like waves, with two long ears standing upright. It looks even cuter than Kuailong.

According to the boss here, he is still some kind of strongman who can slay dragons, but Xiaozhi snorted, wondering if he could unscrew the bottle cap with strength, and leaving this bone-setting, looks useless.

The crowd retreated, and Chi realized that after the miscellaneous soldier Xiaolan had played the most unlucky pattern on the slot machine, Lambda gritted his teeth and paid for it, and invited everyone to enjoy VIP health care in the footwashing city next door.

He was afraid that if Xiaolan stayed here for a while longer, this casino would be entangled by powerful bad luck and never closed down.

At that time, it will not be a matter of assigning to the Indian branch. Boss Sakagi may offer a reward for the head, dead or alive!

But he didn't dare to be rough on Xiaolan, so he could only "invite" them out like this.

After all, the three of Xiaozhi paddled water and drank soup beside them.

And Xiaolan, a miscellaneous soldier, ran away after leaving the house because of her guilty conscience.


He glanced around. According to the geographical location, the Footwashing City in his electronic world is actually a matching prize redemption center next door to Yuhong Game City.

The game tokens obtained in the game city can be exchanged for many props, skill machines, and even precious Pokémon here.

Such as wrist strength, six tails, Eevee, etc...

Rare 3d dragon.

Even a miniature dragon, worth 99999 game tokens.

"Wait..." Chi suddenly paused.

Reminiscent of the technician Kuailong just now, he felt as if he had discovered a blind spot.

Could it be that the mini dragon here can only evolve into a fast dragon and go to the sea to become a technician in order to make a living?

Sure enough, life is not easy...

"Brother Chi, do you know what this is?"

Seeing that Soul Chi was inexplicably sighing, Xiao Zhi suddenly took out a certificate-like thing from his arms, about the size of two palms, with a line of stamped characters written on it.

"Insurance: Works when hit by a skill with outstanding effects. ——The right to explain belongs to the Rockets."

There is also a drawing of a doodle Squirrel on the reverse.

Xiaozhi asked with some disgust:

"This thing was given by that unlucky guy just now. You said you should just throw it away. I always feel a little angry."

Before the farewell, the unlucky guy said he gave away his baby. Xiaozhi was still baffled at the time. He didn't know that he had a big turtle certificate on his back when he was served by the Kuailong technician.

The unlucky guy seemed to have patted himself on the back at the playground.

"Don't throw it away. It's a good thing. You can stick it on Pikachu's back."

Chi explained.

Although it is true that he is a bit angry, this certificate is a good prop. If used properly, it may even be able to turn the tide.

Seeing what the boss said, Xiaozhi quickly and carefully put the insurance certificate into his backpack.



Yuhong Building.

Or it should be said to be the Yuhong Twin Towers. The two tallest buildings in Yuhong City stand in the city center. On the left is the Yuhong Department Store Building. Every floor sells strange and weird products.

The other is an office building for entrepreneurs.

The top floors of the two buildings are connected together. It is the place where rich people in Yuhong City communicate daily. There is even a villa built there.

There is the goal of Xiaozhi and his party.

Boarding the elevator directly to the rooftop, the three of Xiaozhi and Ms. Junsha from Yuhong City came to the top floor and entered the villa unimpeded.

The crowd is surrounded by two chubby brown-yellow Pokémon.

One is short and fat, with a nose like a bunch of elephant trunks, and a somewhat wretched expression.

The other one looks a little more robust, with a ring rope that is often seen in the hands of hypnotists swinging in its hand, with a pointed nose, looking a little shrewd and sinister.

"Didi. Sulip, hypnotic Pokémon."

"Didi. Suripai is also a hypnotic Pokémon."

Surprisingly, there wasn't much to say in today's illustration book, and he didn't say anything after he gave his name, perhaps because he couldn't think of words.

Seeing that even Miss Junsha had come in, the gentlemen and ladies did not dare to neglect. One of the old gentlemen who looked like the leader came out to negotiate, and everyone knew what was going on.

No money is a kind of trouble.

But being rich is also a kind of trouble, and many people even suffer from insomnia because of it.

And these two hypnotic Pokémon can just solve their problems, but they may have used too much force, and the radio waves radiated to the entire city, causing abnormalities in the surrounding children and Pokémon.

After explaining all this, Ms. Junsha quickly took the two Pokémon to search in the city, and she found the group of missing children. After Suripai performed the reverse illusion, they all returned to their original state. .

Even the Pokémon in the abnormal state of the Pokémon Center returned to normal.

The gentlemen were sincere and said that they would only use these two Pokémon next time in a room that is isolated from radio waves. After throwing a lot of coins, this incident came to an end...


"Thank you so much!"

Just as the three of Xiaozhi were about to leave, a man with square glasses and a white coat who looked like a researcher came up to him, and was very grateful to Xiaozhi.

He is the advocate of using sulip and sulip this time. Fortunately, the incident was discovered within two days. If two more days were left, the lives of these missing and abnormal children might be in danger.

When there is a human life, the time is not something that can be settled with money...

He knew from Miss Junsha that the provider of the information was the childish young man in front of him.

"It's a trivial matter, don't worry about it, I'm really Xiaozhi from Xinzhen, I never leave my name when I do good deeds."

Xiaozhi waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Please be sure to come to our company and let me do my best as a landlord..." said the engineering researcher eagerly.

Xiaozhi wondered: "Company?"

"Yes, it's on the seventh floor of Yuhong Building, where our company's office is located."

The man in science and technology pushed his glasses, and the frames flashed a white light, with a little pride.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, our company is called GF, and it specializes in making Pokémon games. In the eyes of many people, our GF is the best company in the world."

As he spoke, he pointed to a signboard next to him.

"For example, that is a brand new shocking masterpiece that our company will launch soon!"

On the billboard are 10 cartoon Pokémon in a strange environment, divided into two camps of five each, and are anxiously confronting each other.

It also has the name of the game written on it.

"Pokémon Glory".


(It's not just opening your mouth, this is really the office of gf in the game.)

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