He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 160 I am Pikachu in the wild, if you don’t give it, give it away

Xiaozhi and his group followed the engineering researcher in the elevator and headed towards the 7th floor of Yuhong Building.

"I don't think I've ever heard of GF before."

In the elevator, Xiaozhi discussed with his two friends in a low voice.

When he was a child, he always went fishing with Xiaomao and Xiaolan in the back mountain to catch insects, and he basically didn't know how to stay at home and play any game consoles.

Game consoles, he thought, were depraved things.

"I played their new game called "Ultimate Sun and Moon" a few years ago. The quality is average, but I have never seen many Pokémon in it." Xiaogang explained.

"I just played their "Pokémon Sword and Shield" last year, and it turned out to be one-handed, which made me sick. My favorite starfish, gemstones, and starfish were all blocked from the customs. At that time, I gave the game console to smashed."

Xiaoxia on the side said angrily, not shying away from the science and engineering man in front of them at all.

At that time, if her three older sisters hadn't stopped her, she would have led a protest march in Hualan City anyway.

"Hehe, but we have already signed Gem Starfish in the latest dlc..."

The engineering man laughed dryly.

Xiaoxia stared, her tone was a bit unfriendly:

"This is what you should do, do you still need my praise?"

"Hehe, the main reason is that the workload is too great. We also need to pay attention to other aspects of research and development. The manpower is really insufficient, so we can only temporarily delete some of the Pokémon."

"There's not enough manpower to recruit people."

"That's right, with super-first-line money and not enough manpower, how about starting a family economy?"

Engineering man: "..."

He already regretted bringing the three of them to the company...

Xiaozhi hung up to watch the show, after all, he is a pure passerby and doesn't understand the brain circuit of the game party.


Entering GF Company, the office building here is quite open, but there are not many desks. At a glance, there are only 30 seats, and many seats are still empty.

It was still a working day, and many employees were working at their positions. This engineering man was probably some kind of supervisor. Seeing him coming in, the employees greeted him one after another, and then immersed themselves in manipulating their computers and phones.

"Wait here, I'll go in and get something for you."

The man of science and technology made a calm movement, then turned and entered the inner room.

There was nothing to do, Xiao Zhi looked around curiously, and caught a glimpse of four people at the nearest row of desks whispering, pointing at the mobile phone, as if discussing something, so he leaned over curiously.

I saw that the four employees were holding a full-screen mobile phone with a chrysanthemum symbol on the top.

On the screen was the same game. It was the game called "Pokémon Glory" that everyone had seen on the billboard outside. Because of the built-in voice, you could even open the microphone to talk to your teammates.

Right now, Pokémon Glory is still in the internal beta stage, but it has also released many accounts, the popularity is not low, and many employees are also playing.

"My mid laner on the first floor is Charizard. I'm an old power leveler. I can check my record."

"The Iron Armored Rock Snake on the 2nd and 3rd floor is on the way, so you can win if you don't give it away."

"Hey, I'm playing wild Pikachu on the 4th floor, if you don't give it, give it away."

These four employees were in the fourth row, playing the same game, and grabbed their seats as soon as they entered. The fifth passerby with a confused face manipulated the Squirtle to the top.

It really makes the glans bigger.

Although Xiaogang and Xiaoxia are players of mainstream turn-based games, they couldn't help but gather together to watch.

I was startled when I saw it. The battle was very intense. In three minutes, the jungler Pikachu was killed twice by wild monsters.

In four minutes, Charmander has been killed three times in the mid laner, and the Frog Seed on the opposite side has evolved into Tier 3 Froggrass, and he is still in the form of Charmander.

In five minutes, the lower road towers had been pushed by the opposite side, and the iron armored rock snake didn't dare to approach at all, so it could only hang up the phone to watch the animation of returning to the city.

Not to mention, there is still an easter egg in the animation of returning to the city between Iron Armor Shell and Big Rock Snake.

Finally, the passer-by who fought all the way in the top lane until he evolved into a water arrow turtle couldn't bear it anymore. He managed to score 1-0, and then looked at the team's total score, 1-28, and started yelling .

"Pikachu who is playing in the jungle, why don't you go shopping in the jungle and pick a graveyard for your horse?"

"I sprinkle a handful of rice on my mobile phone, and call a chicken to play it better than you."

"The two dead gays in the bottom lane are still stabbing the hammer?"

Spraying four, the Internet hit hard, which made the four people in the fourth row couldn't bear it anymore, and joined the scolding battle with their backhands.

"There is a saying that this road is cerebral palsy."

"We're going to jump the second tower at level 1, can't we get TP on the road?"

"A Jenny Turtle actor?"

"You dare to bark first in 1-0, don't you look at your own data first?"

The Jenny player almost spewed a liter of blood, and the jungler Pikachu 0-17 is the worst for you, and you still despise 1-0?

In the end, he turned off the language, typed a line on the screen, and his mood suddenly became terrible.

"It's 15 o'clock, don't order the family biss tonight."

The other four people simply hung up at the spring and gave out to the Jenny Turtle.

"Brothers report and hang up on the road together."

"It's too bad."

"Dare to come out and pretend to be aggressive after 1-0?"

10 players in one game, 5 lucky ones, 4 orphans, 1 unlucky one, that's all.

The three of Xiaozhi: "..."

This game is a bit mouthwatering.


Soon, the engineer man came out, holding three bricks in his hand, with a red handle and a column of handles attached to the two sides of the bricks.

"This is the latest ns game console developed by our company. I will give it to you as a souvenir. There are not only the latest sword and shield games, but also the entire series of previous games. It is a special customized version."

The man in science and technology smiled and handed three specially-made ns into the hands of the three of them.

"The whole series!?"

The eyes of Xiaogang and Xiaoxia's two game parties brightened, and they quickly accepted the two game consoles.

Although Xiaozhi didn't realize it, he also took over the ns game console.

But one thing to say, he is not very interested in turn-based games, but more interested in the Pokémon Glory they played just now.

Not only can you practice hand speed, but you can also practice a good eloquence, which is a healthy and self-cultivating game.

"Don't look down on the turn-based system. If you are familiar with Pokémon turn-based battles, maybe you can find inspiration in real-life Pokémon battles."

This sentence is not aimless. Many elite trainers are actually advanced turn-based players. Although the two fighting styles are very different, there are still countless things that can be used for reference.

It's just that this world is basically a customs clearance party, and the turn-based tactics are basically equal to 0, and there is no quality at all.

Hearing that Xiaozhi could only put the ns game console in his backpack, he suddenly thought of something and asked:

"Speaking of your game expert, let me ask, is it possible for humans to travel into the electronic world of the game, or for characters in the electronic world to travel to our real world?"

He was talking about Chi in his mind.

"How is it possible, the real world and the electronic world are completely two concepts, how can they be connected to each other."

The engineering man immediately retorted.

Xiaozhi immediately retorted:

"That's not a reason, isn't there a Pokémon called 3D Dragon, it is said that it can enter the electronic world from the real world."

When he was still in Golden City, he had heard others say that although the technology was not perfect, it was indeed feasible.

The man of science and technology frowned slightly. As an expert in this field, he naturally knew about Pokémon like 3D dragons.

"Well, let's assume that the two worlds can be connected, but the role of the electronic world is in the final analysis a tool-man puppet, and there is no possibility of any intelligence, unless..."


Xiaozhi's eyes lit up and he said curiously.

"Unless the characters in the game show advanced intelligence, and even realize the fact that they are game characters, so as to detach themselves from the electronic world... Haha, but it's too metaphysical. I guarantee it with my 20 years of professional qualifications as a programmer. Such absurd things may happen, it is just an NPC composed of 10."

The man in science and engineering suddenly laughed out loud, thinking that Xiaozhi was just talking casually.

Xiaozhi didn't say much, and after a few laps, he followed his friends and left GF company...


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