He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1802 Kill gyms one after another, nightmare god!

Latias temporarily joined the team, and Xiao Zhi finally became more proactive when encountering any special circumstances.

Coupled with the help of the mega stone, Latias' strength will only become stronger now!

As for Brother Chi who is far away in the Hezhong area, no letter has come back after such a long time... I don’t know how many legendary Pokémon have been encountered so far?

"Hezhong District..."

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin. Last night he went to check the information in the Hezhong area.

There are also other trainers' evaluations and suggestions for this area, which have a certain helpful effect on whether foreigners want to travel to the Hezhong area for adventure.

Finally Xiaozhi came to a conclusion.

"No hurry..."

It is not too late to think about whether to go to the Hezhong area or not after the adventure in the Sinnoh area is over.



Soon, the urging cry of the fangtooth land shark in front interrupted Xiaozhi's thinking again.

The latter had just completed its evolution, so he wished he could run around Tianguan Mountain a few times on the spot.

"Let's go, everyone!"

So Xiaozhi also packed his luggage, and the three of them moved on again.

Due to the urging of the fangtooth land shark, Xiaozhi did not let Latias try the mega evolution for the time being, and rode it for a few laps.


Latias walked beside Xiaozhi like a personal maid, holding Xiaozhi's arm, and it happened to be facing Xiaoguang's side.

As if sensing a sense of crisis, Latias is declaring his sovereignty.

Xiaoguang: "..."

Latias didn't know this human girl, but after hesitating for a while, Latias suddenly turned around.

This time it ran to the other side of Xiao Zhi, blocking Xiao Gang on the other side.

The humans on this side seem to be more dangerous!

Xiao Gang: "???"



A few days later, the two crossed Tianguan Mountain and returned to EMI City again.

Taking advantage of their free time, a few people specially visited the EMI Gymnasium, intending to say hello to the local Gymnasium owner—Cai Zhong.

"Hey, it's you... Long time no see."

However, when Xiaozhi and the others saw the vegetable seeds again, the latter looked like he was sighing and was not very interested.


The trump card Roseredo beside her also seemed to have wilted, and the plants' bodies were drooping down.

Before Xiaozhi asked what happened, Cai Zhong seemed to have realized it, and suddenly grabbed Xiaozhi's shoulder.

"By the way, you are the Gym Inspector! You can't always monitor our Gym Master, you should also monitor the challenger! It's too outrageous!


Cai Zhong kept complaining, and the saliva almost hit Xiaozhi's face.



This made Latias look serious, and immediately inserted forcefully, blocking Cai Zhong.

"Hey, what a beautiful maid... No, it's not important!"

Cai Zhong was amazed for a few seconds by the humanoid face transformed by Latias, and then shook his head violently to bring himself back to his senses.

"I strongly urge future challengers to have level restrictions... high-level trainers are prohibited from challenging gyms!


I didn't know what happened before, but after hearing this sentence, Xiaozhi also reacted.

It turns out that Miss Caizhong, this is a trainer who came to fry fish.

And judging by her angry and angry expression, and the wilting look of this Rose Redo, this fish fryer's level is not low.

You must know that Cai Zhong is not a rookie like Ali, who is good at fighting Pokémon.

Unless it is a great master at the level of the king of the alliance, it is not possible to break the defense of vegetables.

"Interesting, did any masters appear in this Sinnoh conference?"

Xiaozhi's eyes brightened. It's definitely not Mingyao and Shinji who fried fish. These two people have already passed EMI Gymnasium.

That is to say, there are other masters in the Sinnoh Conference this time? !

"Hey... why are there so many people here to fry fish!"

Compared with Xiaozhi's excitement, Xiaoguang's expression suddenly collapsed.

Shinji alone is a bit overwhelming for her...

The fish pond is too small, don't come here to fry fish again!

"Speaking of which, what does that master look like, and what kind of Pokémon does he use...?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking, and urged.

As for Cai Zhong's suggestion... this point, Xiaozhi actually wrote it down long ago.

Now even the coordinators of the Gorgeous Contest next door have their own ranks.

The trainer itself should also have a hierarchy, and when he met Damaranche this time, he was planning to make a suggestion.

When asked about the pain point, both Cai Zhong and Rose Redo shivered, as if they were already aching just thinking about it.

"Um, that trainer is probably in his twenties, maybe in his teens... He has long dark blue curly hair covering his face, and I can't tell his age."

So Cai Zhong tried hard to remember.

The long-haired man was wearing a dark red robe, dressed mysteriously, completely different from the normal trainer style.

"The Pokémon I used was a Nightmare God I had never seen before. I used only three moves to kill my three Pokémon in seconds..."

When it came to this, Cai Zhong shivered.

This is no longer an overwhelming gap... It's completely disrespectful, just kill yourself with one move!

Not to mention Ah Li, even she, who has been the head of the gymnasium for several years, broke the defense in minutes!

Of course, the long-haired man's tone was much more polite than Shinji's. He simply fought and then took the badge and left without much nonsense.

He didn't even know the other person's name.

The way he looked at himself was the same as looking at a stone on the side of the road, with a look of complete indifference.

"This kind of situation is not only on my side... Pyota's side has just been flushed by this guy, who is also the Nightmare God, and he beat his three Pokémon with three moves!"

Caizhong couldn't help complaining that she and Piaotai are old friends, and the information is exchanged in real time.

Piao Tai's mentality was not even mature enough for her, and she was directly broken.

Now Piaotai has temporarily left Heijin City, planning to re-communicate with his old father in Shuimai City...

"Kill three in seconds with three moves...?"

"And even Mr. Hyota...?"

After listening to Cai Zhong's description, Xiaozhi and the three looked at each other, and their expressions gradually became tense.

It sounds like he is really an amazing person.

"Also, what kind of Pokémon is Nightmare God...?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but wondered, there was a word "God" in the suffix, which sounded like a very tall Pokémon.

"Nightmare God is a kind of Pokémon in our Sinnoh area that exists in mythological books. It has power comparable to that of gods... I have only heard of this name occasionally before, and I don't really understand other details. "

Caizhong shrugged. In her eyes, Nightmare God is no different from the legendary Pokémon.

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