He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1803 Special Galaxy Soldier

This little dish is not an exaggeration.

From her place, she even only knew the folklore title of Nightmare God, but didn't know the real name of this Pokémon.

"So it's a trainer who uses legendary Pokémon..."

Xiaozhi rubbed his chin. There are also differences among the legendary Pokémon.

They have different levels of strength, different abilities in the direction they are good at, and some even possess unique abilities...but most of them have a similar ability.

That is, the blood skin is thick and can fight protracted battles.

"Even challenged the Black Gold Gym... It proves that this guy is indeed targeting the Sinnoh Alliance, not out of interest."

Xiao Gang thought to himself secretly.

The name Nightmare God sounds evil.

"Anyway! Xiaozhi, you have to tell your boss, how can there be any reason to let this kind of person bully the gymnasium owner casually?!"

Vegetables are emphasized again.

The current promotion path for trainers is very unscientific.

According to her idea, such a competition should have come out long ago. The opponents are trainers whose levels match each other, constantly defeating opponents to upgrade, so as to match more powerful trainers...not between trainers and gym owners battle.

This is similar to the setting of ladders and rankings in many online games.

Gym masters, even alliance kings and champions can participate!

"If there are ready-made templates, don't copy them. There will always be gym challenges, alliance conferences...!"

Cai Zhong was obviously abused a lot, and he kept complaining about the unfairness of the current mechanism environment.

After speaking, he took Roseredo out of the gymnasium and walked towards the direction of the EMI Forest.

These few days, the EMI Gymnasium is no longer accepting customers. She is going to the EMI Forest next door to cultivate her body and mind for a few days to calm down.


This was AWOL in front of Xiaozhi, the inspector, but seeing the other party's appearance of almost breaking the defense, Xiaozhi just watched Caizhong silently and walked away.

Now in his head, he is more interested in the Nightmare God that the latter said!

I forgot to ask just now, and I don't know if this mysterious trainer has gone far, otherwise I can break the ground and fight on the spot.

"To fight~!"

Latias' gentle electrocardiographic voice also appeared in Xiaozhi's mind.

She just joined the team, and now she is also full of energy, eager to find an opponent to fight and vent.

"Sister Tina, what is the origin of this nightmare god?"

Xiaoguang asked about the big boss in her mind. She searched in the illustrated book just now, and the Nightmare God showed that there was no such Pokémon.

"Nightmare God, also known as Dak Lai Yin, has the magical power to induce the target to enter a deep sleep and have nightmares...Compared to the legendary Pokémon, it should be regarded as a kind of fantasy Pokémon."

Soon, Platina's slow and reasonable voice appeared in the minds of the three of Xiaozhi at the same time.

Generally speaking, very few people witness the Nightmare God in reality...

They are all nightmares, seeing a dark black in the dream, the whole body is like a demon made of black floating flames, and this is called the Nightmare God.

"Wow, as expected of Miss Plantina! She knows such details!"

Xiaozhi was the first to applaud.

It seems that the boy can ask the latter about the information about the legendary Pokémon in the Sinnoh area from the latter.

Come to this area by yourself, but there is still the task of collecting god's tokens.

It's just that he is halfway through the journey, but he hasn't collected a single item.


Seeing the three of Xiaozhi talking enthusiastically, as if there was a fourth person here, Latias, who looked like a maid, shook her head, completely unaware of what happened.


After the brief reunion with Caizhong ended, Xiaozhi and his party left EMI City and returned to Celebration City this time.

Unlike other regions, which are mostly linear maps...the Sinnoh region completely surrounds the central Tianguan Mountain, requiring constant back and forth travel.

In the next gym, it is estimated that they will return to Celebration City and EMI City.

"Here we are in this city again!"

Revisiting the old place, Xiaoguang is the most disappointed.

Celebration City was the first big city she arrived in during her travels. At that time, she was still a pure newcomer, she didn't know how to fight at all, and she was even startled by Plantina in her body...

"Stupid tape~ now we have become very strong!"

Standing at the gate of the Fairy Center in Celebration City, Xiaoguang said with confidence, with his hips akimbo.


Standing beside him was a Prince Bo, who also made a similar gesture of akimbo, and his haughty expression was much stronger than that of Bogaman.


Not only that, but a burst of metallic silver light shone from the top of Prince Bo's head, as if wearing a silver crown.

After finally mastering the iron head move that is difficult for races to master, now Prince Bo likes to lighten his head when he is free.

Even it is still thinking, since there are "iron heads" in this world...

So is there still a "golden head" move?

When the time comes to use it, isn't it just a gleaming golden crown, just like wearing a golden crown!


"It turned out to be a Prince Bo with an iron head, it's unbelievable...!"

Xiaoguang was still posing on the side of the street, when suddenly there was a surprised sound behind him.

This made Xiaoguang and Prince Bo's eyes twinkle at the same time.

Only they know that it is not easy for Prince Bo to master this move... Now that there are outsiders who know it, it is even more touching!

Xiaoguang turned his head, just about to have a good chat with a smile.

After seeing the specific object, his expression suddenly changed.

"Haha, you have vision... Huh, Team Galaxy?!"

Standing in front of him at this moment is a male soldier of the Galaxy team, still in that very common shape.

Silver-white tights, cyan pot head, pale face... just had a head-to-head confrontation with the Galaxy team, Xiaoguang and Pogaman immediately became alert.

It's just that the expression of the five sense organs of the soldier of the Galaxy team in front of him looks like a normal person, not as lifeless as those soldiers of the Galaxy team.

"Team Galaxy?!"

"What do you want to do to Xiaoguang?!"

As soon as he came out of the elf center, he saw people from the Galaxy team blocking Xiaoguang. Xiaozhi and Xiaogang quickly stood in front of Xiaoguang, and their expressions became stern.

The people of the Galaxy team are not a good thing...

"Wait a minute, this person seems to be..."

However, this soldier of the Galaxy team was very calm, instead he took the initiative to look at Xiaozhi and the two, still muttering something.

"A Pikachu in the Kanto region... a very rare electric mouse, is it an outsider?"

"Such a dark complexion... Are you a foreign friend from the United Region or the Alola region...?"

Xiao Gang: "..."


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