He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1805 Fireball Slate

"So this is ah..."

After listening, Xiaozhi nodded. Although he didn't know Mr. Du very well, he did have contact information.

Although he hasn't formally played against Mr. Du... but roughly speaking, Xiaozhi doesn't think Du will lose to Miss Zhulan.

These two people are undoubtedly the top powerhouses at the level of master Gaomi Keli!

Seeing Hansen's expectant look, Xiaozhi took out the illustration book and pushed Miss Zhulan's business card backhand to him.

"This is the contact information of the champions of the Sinnoh regional alliance... They should be very interested in your information now."

From what Ms. Zhulan said a few days ago, it seems that they don't know much about Team Galaxy.

After all, it is the Pokémon Alliance that acts completely decently. Collecting evidence, intelligence, etc. must be upright.

But the international police are completely different, they don't shy away from undercover disguises.

In a certain period of time, you can even take some gray actions to ensure the completion of the task.

Naturally, the information obtained is much more than that of Pokémon League.

"Miss Zhulan... This is a great help!"

Hansen's eyes were happy, and he could directly contact the local high-level officials, and his actions would be much more convenient in the future.

Unexpectedly, this young man in front of him, at a young age, seems to be very familiar with the strongest champions in various regions... What kind of background does he have?

Subconsciously, Hansen didn't associate Xiaozhi in the direction of a powerful trainer, thinking that he was the second generation of the crown.

It seems that after this time is over, we will also investigate this young man by the way.


"In that case, I will take my leave first...!"

After obtaining the required information, Hansen hurriedly prepared to leave.

But before he left, he suddenly remembered something, put his palm into his robe pocket, and took out something.

"This thing is something I took away when I was undercover in the Galaxy team... It should be useful to you trainers, so I will give it to you."

After speaking, he lightly threw it to Xiaozhi, and then sneaked into the depths of the dark alley alone, without a trace.

Xiaozhi quickly took the thrown object and took a closer look, but saw it was the size of a brick.

There are fiery red lines on it, like burning flames.

When you start it, you can still feel the burning sensation that beats like breathing.

"Is this... Fireball Slate?"

Xiaozhi blinked, and said in disbelief.

This appearance is exactly the same as the lightning slate and the dragon slate in his bag. I didn't expect to get the third one here today!

"By the way, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten about this prop..."

Xiaoguang also patted herself on the head. She also got a water flow slab in the random ruins, but she kept it in her backpack and almost never took it out.

"Bring it to you!"

Thinking about it, Xiaoguang handed over the water flow slab to Prince Bo who was beside him.


After receiving the stone slab, Prince Bo waved his wings a little, and could feel that his water flow ability seemed to be strengthened accordingly.

But now it pays more attention to its "golden iron head skill", and is thinking about how to dye its iron head door into gold...

"In that case...it's up to you!"

Xiao Zhi threw two poke balls backhand.

boom! boom!

The red light flashed one after another, and the next moment, the fire monkey and the sharp tooth land shark appeared in front of him at the same time.

Both belong to the second stage. In terms of height, Fangtooth Shark is slightly taller.

"Take these two things with you! Remember not to lose them!"

Xiaozhi gave the fireball slate to the fire monkey, and the dragon slate to the sharp-tooth land shark, which happened to be the right attributes.


The Fiery Monkey took the slate in a daze, and with a "bang", the flame at the end of its tail burst into flames.

This means it can unleash a more powerful and fiery flame!

Don't look at the fire monkey that hasn't appeared much recently, but it has been silently tempering its flame temperature.

Since it can burst out a jet of flame as powerful as a destructive death light when it enters the fierce fire state...then the usual flame will never be worse.

Now with the assistance of the fireball slate, it can control its flame temperature more smoothly!


After Fangtooth Land Shark took the Dragon Stone Tablet, it was like getting a new toy, playing and shaking it from side to side.

There was a breath of dragon in his body, and Fang Lusha raised his head in a gesture, and was about to open his mouth wide, launching a menacing meteor swarm into the sky!

"Stop the meteor swarm!"

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xiaozhi quickly suppressed Fang Lu Shark's big mouth and interrupted the move.

This is a big city, shooting a meteor swarm into the sky of this place... They will be caught by Miss Junsha every minute!

Although there is a Latias who is also a dragon attribute beside Xiao Zhi, he can also use this Dragon Slate.

However, the latter still wore a mega stone pendant on his smooth neck, so he was not interested in this fireball slab.

It is also possible that the same legendary Pokémon are proud of each other, and naturally disdain to use the props of other legendary Pokémon.

As for the remaining lightning slate... Xiao Zhi stuffed it back into his backpack.

The fire monkey, the sharp tooth land shark, and Prince Bo's body all have organs that can hide props, which will not affect the battle.

But for Pikachu, if he wants to carry the lightning slate, he must hold it with his claws in real time, which has a great impact on the movement.


Pikachu is also not interested in this, this stone slab is so hard, even using it as a bed for himself is too painful...

"Does that mean that these guys from the Galaxy team are also secretly collecting these slates at the same time?"

The only Xiao Gang without a slate is responsible for thinking.

He prefers to obtain a rock slab or a poisonous slab, and he doesn't know if he will have a chance to get it in the future.

These stone tablets with different attributes are closely related to the creation god Arceus according to legend.

However, the Galaxy team's plan seems to be only related to Dialga and Palkia, and does not mention the higher-level creator god.

"Let's go, everyone, to Shuimai City!"

After tidying up everything, Xiao Zhi waved his hand and walked in the front.

Team Galaxy or something... Now with the help of the international police, their burden is much easier.

Next, let's look at Mr. Hansen, Miss Zhulan and the others, they will be fine, but they don't need to worry about anything.


Xiao Gang and Xiao Guang nodded, putting away their worries for the time being.

Leaving this dark alley, the few people walked all the way to the west of Zhuqing City...

From a distance, the outer sea and a beautiful port city can already be seen.


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