He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1806 Suicide Mrs.

Shuimai City, just like Dead Leaf City in Xiaozhi Xiaogang's hometown, is also a famous port city in the Sinnoh area, with cruise ships coming and going every day.

However, unlike Dead Leaf City, the central location of the entire city is divided into two by a long and narrow canal, which can be said to be a city built around the two sides of the canal.

Since there are often foreign cruise ships, this also makes the city look exotic. The overall architectural style and atmosphere are somewhat different from other cities in the Sinnoh area.

"It's my first time here..."

As a local, Xiaoguang is the most excited among the three people after coming to the new place.

The canal in the middle is connected by a huge horizontal wooden suspension bridge.

When a cruise ship exceeding the specification passes by, both sides will raise the bridge and let the ship pass.


The red-haired maid in the form of Latias was also lying on the railing of the bridge with twinkling eyes, looking at the straight canal stretching all the way to the open sea.

The scenery here is somewhat similar to her hometown Water Capital.


However, when the three of them were casually visiting the Central Bridge, after all, Shuimai City is also a very famous tourist city, Xiaoguang suddenly noticed the position ahead, and it seemed that a person was planning to step over the railing.

Below is the canal of unknown depth, this posture...

"That person, is he going to commit suicide by jumping into the river?!"

Xiaoguang shuddered and blurted out in surprise.


Xiaozhi was also taken aback, couldn't help but immediately let go and rushed forward.

Almost within a breath, he ran behind the man who was trying to jump over the hurdle, and the man's entire body had already reached the outside of the bridge.

It was too late to persuade him, so Xiao Zhi immediately started to wrap his arms around the opponent's waist.

"Huh?! Who?!"

The suicidal man was taken aback. He was dressed in overalls and had a construction helmet on his head.

"Nothing is unsolvable! Don't kill yourself!


On the one hand, Xiaozhi discouraged him verbally, and on the other hand, he hugged the latter's arm and began to exert strength, tightening the opponent's waist.

Then Xiaozhi let out a low shout, turned his toes up, and then his body leaned back violently!


Like plucking an onion, he directly lifted the helmeted man from the outside of the railing into the air!

Even Xiaozhi accidentally exerted too much force, and his flexible waist directly tilted back and bent nearly 90 degrees.

This also caused the helmet man's feet to be completely volleyed in the air, and finally the head held by Xiao Zhi hit the ground directly!

Bang bang!

There was a burst of explosion, and the head hit the ground heavily, with such force that the opponent's helmet was instantly cracked.

And this vibration force also spread to the opponent's head.


After whining for a while, the helmet's eyes went black, and he immediately fainted in Xiaozhi's arms.

"Um, what kind of wrestling is this?"

"Good standard back throw action..."

A few steps behind, when Xiaogang and Xiaoguang approached, all he could see was Xiaozhi performing a finishing move of throwing his back and hitting the opponent's head hard on the ground.

If it weren't for the protection of the helmet...

Maybe this wasn't a suicide, but a homicide.

"Fortunately, I was saved..."

Putting down the comatose helmeted man, Xiao Zhi heaved a sigh of relief.

I haven't used this action for a long time, and I accidentally used too much force...the ground was smashed into a crack by the helmet.

"Hey, this person is not..."

However, looking at the front, they saw that the man in the helmet was actually acquainted with them.

The red hair is tied into a small braid, and the delicate face is wearing a pair of round eyes. The gentle appearance is somewhat inconsistent with this construction site attire.

"Isn't this Mr. Potato?!"

Xiaoguang also recognized the latter, who was the owner of the Black Gold Gym who had fought before.

But at this moment, Hyota's eyes were dizzy, and he was completely unable to fight.

"So Hyota-san, you want to commit suicide...?"

Xiaozhi is inexplicable.

But soon, Miss Caizhong's words came to mind.

"Laotai was also pushed by the guy who used the Nightmare God. He broke defenses more than me, and now he doesn't open gyms anymore, so he ran directly to Shuimai City..."

It happened to be this city!

"That is to say, because I lost my breath, I came to Shuimai City to jump into the river...?"

Xiaoguang blinked his big eyes, although he couldn't understand it, but it seemed to make sense...?

"Wait a minute, you see!"

However, Xiaogang poked his head out of the place where Piaotai wanted to "suicide". When he tried to look down, he could see a small and exquisite shield dragon lying on the beam under the bridge.


The short limbs hugged the weighing wood tightly, with a timid expression, as if a gust of wind would blow it down to the canal below.

"Mr. Piaotai, are you going to rescue this armored dragon?!"

It was only then that Xiaozhi suddenly realized that the action just now did not seem to be about to jump into a river, but more like trying to reach out...

"Anyway, let's save this armored dragon, Latias, use mental force... No, just use the least powerful force!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed, and then changed his command.


Latias nodded and walked to the edge of the bridge.

The amber eyes flashed with blue light, and the next second, the blue power fell on the armored dragon on the horizontal bar below at the same time.


Then with a slight force, Nianli easily lifted the armored dragon up through the air, and fell back onto the bridge steadily.

It can be said that it is very convenient to have a Pokémon with super power attributes next to it.

"Woo Hoo...!"

Finally, the limbs could touch the ground firmly, which made the small shield-armored dragon weep with joy, and hot eyes rolled down the face of the small shield.

But soon, the shield armored dragon noticed the fainted Piaotai, and immediately ran to Piaotai's side eagerly, and kept arching the latter's cheek with his head, trying to wake him up.

It seems that they still know each other.


Only then did Xiaozhi come back to his senses, he had made a big oolong just now.

He quickly raised his hand and pointed:

"Please Latias, use the healing wave!


Latias understood and nodded slightly. She did not remove the human disguise, but closed her eyes gently.


The next moment, a burst of pink-purple energy fluctuations spread out from her body, and finally fell completely on Piaotai's body.

The move of Healing Wave can restore Pokémon's physical strength...It also has a certain effect on humans.


Sure enough, after the move was completed, Piaotai's eyelids twitched and he gradually regained consciousness.


As soon as he got up, there was a sharp pain in his head, which made him neigh.

When I wanted to save the armored dragon before, I seemed to be forcibly grabbed by an irresistible force.

Then he only heard a "bang" like thunder, and he had no idea what happened next...


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