He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1807 Winter Melon: I blocked six tricks!

"It's you..."

After being lost in the lake for a long time, Mrs. Piao finally recognized the group of people in front of her.

Xiaozhi quickly bowed his head and apologized. He almost smashed the opponent's head through the helmet earlier.

Knowing the whole story, after being supported by several people, Piaotai raised his hand and rubbed the head of the armored dragon on his shoulder, and said with a helpless smile:

"Anyway, you've saved my armored shield dragon, so let's offset it..."

Then he pinched the armored dragon's not-so-hard shield head, and scolded:

"Look at you being so naughty, you'll just fall down next time!"

There is a bottomless river below, and if the armored dragon, which is not good at water attributes, falls into it, it will really be life-threatening.

"Speaking of Mr. Piaotai, why are you in Shuimai City?"

"We heard from Miss Caizhong before that the trainer who used the Nightmare God..."

The three of Xiaozhi said something to each other, which made Piaota's face immediately shrugged again.

Obviously, he was also broken by that nightmare god, and he hasn't completely come out of the psychological shadow yet.

"The trainer's name is Dakdo... I don't know where he came from."

Piao Tai slowly said that he knew a little more information than Cai Zhong.


Xiaozhi secretly wrote down the name, it didn't sound like the name of a local in Sinnoh.

"After I was defeated, I wanted to re-improve myself, so I came to the Waterline Gym in Shuimai City, intending to practice again...By the way, you are also going to the Shuimai Gym?"

As Piaotai said, she immediately walked in front and began to lead the way.

"Let's go, everyone, no one is more familiar with the Waterline Gym than I am."

The three of them followed behind in a daze, and after Piaotai explained, they knew that the owner of the Shuimai Gym, Donggua, was Piaotai's father.

The former Piaotai was supposed to succeed Donggua and the owner of the Waterline Gym.

"You are not qualified to be the owner of the gymnasium..."

However, at that time Donggua just regarded Piaotai as a child who had not grown up, and did not agree with Piaotai to take over.

In anger, Piaotai went to Heijin City instead and became the owner of Heijin Gym.

After being strongly defeated by Dakdo this time, he wanted to challenge his father again to see if he was really qualified to be the gym master.

"I see..."

Xiaozhi and the others nodded repeatedly.

In this way, among the four of them, three of them were about to fight Mr. Winter Melon.

"Uh, how about I challenge Mr. Winter Melon too?"

Xiao Gang, who was a little out of place, asked tentatively.

If he is good at gyms with steel attributes, he is actually a little interested.

It happens to be able to call the Big Steel Snake, Boss Kedora, etc., and practice it...

"I don't know about that Dakdo,

Have you ever been to the Waterline Gym? "

Xiaozhi was thinking about this problem.

But Mrs. Piao shuddered, he didn't want to see this man again...


Not long after, several people came to the Waterline Gym.

Regardless of the name, it sounds like water flows naturally...

But the entire gymnasium building is like a mine, with black and hideous stones on the outside, and some red iron frames hanging on both sides, like a railway cable car.

Piaotai seemed to be coming home... just going home, he pushed open the door of the gymnasium with ease, and walked in with a few people.

Until I saw a middle-aged man with gray-red short hair in the gymnasium, also wearing mining work clothes, holding an iron pick in his hand, but wearing a worn-out black cloak behind him.

The resolute and capable face and temperament are completely different from Piao Taisi's gentle appearance.

"Father, long time no see."

Hyata took off the rotten helmet and said hello.

"Oh, isn't this Piaotai, long time no see!"

After seeing his son, Donggua was beaming, ran over, and patted Piaota on the shoulder carelessly.

He was thrown on the back just now, and now he was slapped on the shoulder again, causing Piao Tai to shake, and he couldn't help coughing a few times.

"Piaotai, your body is too weak! You can't work in a mine with such a physique!"

The muscular winter melon couldn't help frowning.

These words made Piao look too serious and looked directly at the former.

"Father...I'm here to challenge you this time, so that you can truly recognize my strength!


However, during this serious conversation, Winter Melon laughed out loud.

"Hyota, you're not enough hahaha...!"

In front of Xiaozhi and other outsiders, he did not shy away from belittling himself, which made Piaotai blush, and filed another application for fighting.

"Then let's fight now, I want my father to know who I am now!


"But didn't you just get killed in three seconds by someone wearing it? And you were killed in seconds with three skills? Haha, your experience is not enough at all~!"

But Donggua laughed directly, exposing his son's background.

He already knew this information from their gym masters' communication group.

Mrs. Piao immediately retorted angrily:

"Damn it, father, if it were you, father would definitely be flattened by that monster!"

"Hey, don't compare me with you, I've already fought that Dakdo station once!"

However, Donggua immediately looked serious, spread his palms flat, and made an expression of keeping a distance, to show that he and Piaotai are different.

Hearing the news of this mysterious trainer again, the three of Xiaozhi also became emotional, and couldn't help asking:

"Hey, Mr. Winter Melon, you also fought him? How is the situation?"

Judging from Donggua's tone, it seems that he has gained a certain advantage?

"Well, that's right, I had a big fight with that guy, although the result...Although I was also penetrated by his nightmare god."

Seeing that Piao Tai was about to speak, uuReading Book www.uukanshu.com Dong Gua put on a gesture of keeping distance again:

"But the Nightmare God defeated my three Pokémon with a total of 6 moves, not 3 moves~! Hey, how about my son, your father and I are still much stronger than you!"

Potato: "?"

The three of Xiaozhi: "..."

Um, they were all pushed flat by a strong one through three, what's the difference?

Why does Mr. Winter Melon look like he has won a battle?

Piaotai reacted instantly, and pointed out mercilessly:

"Because your steel-attribute Pokémon has the characteristic of "sturdy", so you can block other people's tricks!"

The characteristic of strength is equivalent to having a waist of strength. Even in the face of a move that is instantly killed, you can still hold your breath forcibly, and you will only fall in the second round.

However, Donggua just patted Piaotai on the shoulder, completely ignored the other's words, and said earnestly:

"Piaotai, no matter what, I did six tricks anyway... Your cultivation is still far from enough~!"

The three of Xiaozhi: "..."

How do you feel, this Mr. Winter Melon is more like a naughty son?

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