He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1812 Battle Hammer Dragon vs Moat Dragon!


The waves of the water erupted, and the rising surf brought an upward force, directly flying the shield head of the moat dragon, hitting the softest belly of the moat dragon's chassis.

The effect is outstanding!

Even the center of gravity of the moat dragon's body was completely disrupted, and the whole body retreated along the messy water flow.

As the water flow completely dissipated, embarrassing drops of water continued to flow from the Moat Dragon after landing again.

"Woo uh..."

After supporting for a while, the moat dragon finally completely lost its combat power, its limbs went limp, and its huge body collapsed, unable to fight.

"Great, we have won Prince Bo!


This also made Xiaoguang clenched his fists and shouted excitedly.


On the other hand, Prince Bo had his hips akimbo and his chest straightened out, with a look of natural pride.

"Thank you, Moat Dragon..."

Donggua who took back the moat dragon could only give a wry smile.

It seems that he underestimated this penguin, and should have sent his second strongest moat dragon... This one is more or less for nothing.

At this time, Piaotai also came over, patted his old father's shoulder comfortingly, and said slowly:

"Father, your gym master level seems to be not enough."

Now he can finally understand Donggua's feelings when he said these words to himself...

Just play!

Winter melon: "..."

Ignoring his son's illness, Donggua flipped his palm and handed Xiaoguang a silver-blue badge.

There are also three square brown icons standing on it, like ore.

"This is the proof of defeating our water vein gymnasium, the mine badge."

Xiaoguang received the badge, naturally it was like a treasure.

"By the way, are there any mines near here?"

But she still asked with some doubts.

Generally speaking, the emblems of the Sinnoh region are named after well-known nearby terrains, right?

For example, the EMI forest corresponding to the forest badge of EMI Gymnasium, and the large wetland corresponding to the wetland badge of Nohara Gymnasium...

But she walked around Shuimai City before, and didn't see any mountain mines around her?

The badge of the water vein gymnasium should be called the canal badge, and the dock badge seems to be more reasonable.

"Hehe, little girl, there are still mines nearby...but they all need to cross the sea, on the next island~!"

Donggua smiled and explained, while still winking at Xiaoguang.

It hints that don't forget next, we will have to communicate and hatch eggs after the end!


Although Xiao Guang didn't know what was going on, he still nodded obediently.


Prince Bo next to him shivered for no reason.

It was an eerie feeling, as if being targeted by a meteor swarm from a round land shark.

Even this feeling is more intense, as if someone is going to do something vicious to himself... But it may be a reward?


After Xiaoguang's gym battle ended, Xiao Zhi just rolled up his sleeves and launched a second challenge.

"Father, it's our turn to fight... Let's have a 1v1 battle, I want you to see my current strength!"

However, Piaotai pushed his glasses and sent out the challenge invitation first.

This time when he returned to Shuimai City, he planned to challenge his father... Now his fighting spirit was completely ignited by Xiaoguang!

"Oh~ It's rare that you have such fighting spirit~!"

Donggua nodded in satisfaction. Boys, they still need to be more aggressive.

"In this case, I will accept the challenge, but now, I have to go to the Elf Center..."

"There is a treatment room in the gym. The injuries of the three Pokémon just now are not serious, so there is no need to go to the elf center."

Piaotai interrupted again.

Generally, gymnasium facilities have their own medical room, which can be used for some treatments that cannot be performed due to combat.

Of course, those who are extremely seriously injured, unable to fight in a life-threatening manner, or sick, need professional assistance from the Spirit Center.

"Father, let's play 1v1, I want to challenge your strongest moat dragon!"

Piaotai even put down the cruel words directly and locked on the target.

"The strongest moat dragon...?"

Xiaoguang not far away raised his ears and blinked his eyes.

Wasn't the one I fought just now the strongest... No wonder, I always felt that she won very easily.

"Oh... Hyota, since you said so, I accept your challenge!"

It was rare to see his son's serious expression, and Dong Gua's expression gradually became serious.

Coincidentally, he really hasn't fought with Piao Tai for a long time, and he doesn't know what level his son is now!

The ridicule is ridicule, Donggua still wants to be a good father.

After sending the three Pokémon to the next room for treatment, Donggua stood on the stage again.

"Damn it, my hands are itchy too!"

This made Xiaozhi can only suppress the flames of war, and sat in the spectator seats with his friends.

However, if it is Mr. Wintermelon's trump card match... when facing that Dakdo, is he also using the trump card?

"Come out, moat dragon!"

With a flick of the palm, Winter Melon sent out another city moat dragon, which landed on the ground with a "Dong" sound, looking very heavy.

Not only that, the shield on this moat dragon's face is obviously thicker, and the black-gray steel shield is darker in color, it must have far more defensive power than the previous moat dragon!

Piao Tai's complexion tightened, this one is the ace moat dragon he has been seeing since he was a child...

He never beat it once!

"So father, did you also use this one when you fought Dakoto?"

Piaotai couldn't help asking a question similar to Xiaozhi's.

But Winter Melon waved his hand, showing a bit more complacency in his expression.

"At that time, I used the second moat dragon. uureading


His attitude towards challengers is that they are good enough, and badges will be issued if they reach that level, and there is no absolute strict standard.

Facing the overwhelming nightmare god, Donggua didn't play a trump card in the end, and staged some bloody battle...

Well, as long as you don't have the trump card, then you are letting the water go.

If you get killed in seconds while releasing water...then you don't count yourself as a loser!

The logic of winter melon is very simple and crude.

And Piaotai also pushed his glasses, looked straight, and threw his elf ball violently.


The red light flashed, but a huge dinosaur appeared on the stage, with a thick gray-black body, sharp and strong claws, and a hard swollen head.

It's the trump card of Hyota, the Warhammer Dragon!


This scene also brightened the eyes of Xiaozhi and the three who were watching the battle, and they were completely attracted in an instant.

On the field are the two most representative fossil Pokémon in the Sinnoh region!

Extreme offense on one side, extreme defense on the other...

The battle begins!

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