He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1813 The Weak Hammer Dragon Ten Waves Are Urgent

"Warhammer Dragon, use Sword Dance!


Fighting Yin Shi, Hyota chose a strengthening move.

He has challenged the moat dragon in front of him many times before, knowing the opponent's strength...

With unparalleled defensive power, he had to raise the power of the Hammer Dragon before he could break through the defense.

Seeing that the Warhammer Dragon was about to spin in place, the red light of Sword Dance had just flashed.

"Moat Dragon, use provocation!"

Donggua commanded suddenly.

However, the moat dragon raised its head and let out a low growl, with a provocative and angry voice, which actually made the war hammer dragon give up spinning in place, and instead charged in its direction.

A provocative move, forcing the opponent to use only offensive moves.

"Haha Piaotai, I am very familiar with your routine~!"

The sword dance was interrupted, and Donggua said triumphantly.

"In this case, use the flame tooth directly!


Compared with the laughing winter melon, Gyota's expression was extremely serious, and he directly attacked.

The war hammer dragon's eyes showed a red fierce light, and it charged forward, and the flames were swallowed and swallowed between the open bloody mouth.

"Use the iron head to block it!"

Facing the fiery flaming teeth, the moat dragon straightened its shield head and responded calmly.

Knock card!

The next moment, the teeth bit the shield without hindrance, during which flames surged and exploded violently on the face of the moat dragon.

However, the moat dragon's body was swaying, holding the shield and head up suddenly.

Bang bang!

It actually directly flew out the whole body of the Hammer Dragon. This scene was like hitting with a racket, but with extremely heavy force.

"What a tough shield..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help exclaiming, it's tougher than the moat dragon before.

Even the shield made of steel completely ignored the flames with unfavorable attributes, and easily knocked the Hammer Dragon away.

"Then try this trick, use Piwa!


After the Warhammer Dragon hit the ground, its lower limbs stomped on the ground, causing the earth and stone to split apart with its sharp claws.

Then he rushed to the target again with his strength, and raised his short arm in the shape of a hand knife, covered with dazzling white light, and slashed straight at the moat dragon's head!

"Use Iron Wall!"

The moat dragon's speed was extremely cumbersome, and it simply didn't dodge, propping up the shield that had completely transformed into a silver-white iron wall.

Bang bang!

The next moment, the Piwa hand knife hit the shield again, making a powerful metallic bang.

The terrifying force made the Moat Dragon's limbs go limp and his body sank.


Even the spikes on the chin of the shield's head were firmly embedded in the ground.

The effect is remarkable!

For the moat dragon,

The fire attribute move only doubles the damage, but the fighting attribute has an astonishing quadruple effect!

It's just that this time the confrontation is not over yet, Donggua suddenly shouted:

"Now, use Metal Blast!


The moat dragon stared, and raised the head of the shield again. The surface of the shield has been covered with bright silver light, faintly revealing a heart-stopping power.

Boom boom boom!

The next moment, the surface of the shield suddenly exploded!

The shock wave of the metal explosion rushed out, and the Hammer Dragon, which was almost zero distance away, couldn't dodge at all. It was hit by the frontal hit, and it was blasted out!

The effect is outstanding!

Amidst the dense explosion smoke, the Warhammer Dragon's figure was also constantly retreating, and the sharp claws of its lower limbs left several long claw marks on the ground.


After retreating a few meters and barely stopping the trend, one leg half-kneeled on the ground with some difficulty.

The surface of the blue-gray body is also covered with explosion marks, obviously the damage is not light.


"Metal explosion? What kind of move is this?"

Xiaoguang blinked and asked curiously.

Not to mention Xiaoguang, Xiaozhi also saw this move for the first time, and quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Metal Explosion: A steel attribute move that returns the last damage received from the move to the opponent vigorously."

It sounds like a counterattack move similar to tit for tat?

"Hey~ Your father, I haven't made no progress in these years~!"

After succeeding, Donggua laughed proudly.

Obviously this is a move that Mocheng Longxin learned, and Piaotai didn't know about it, so it was easy to succeed.


Piao Tai frowned, the power of this cannon is not light.

Realizing that her father's strength is still difficult to contend with, this makes Piaotai even more flustered, and can only attack again:

"Try this trick, Warmaul Dragon, use Surf!


The Warhammer Dragon understood and let out a low growl on the spot.

Whoa whoa whoa...!

The next moment, water flowed continuously from the ground under his feet, and a two-meter-high wave had formed in the blink of an eye.

The Warhammer Dragon stepped on the highest point of the wave, carrying the vast water rushing away!

"Will the Hammer Dragon still know how to surf...?"

Such a big commotion was suddenly made, but Xiaozhi and the three watched it as wonderful.

However, facing the attack of the rolling surf, Donggua shook his head and sighed:

"The strong moat dragon focuses on defense, while the weak moat dragon is in a hurry... This is also true for the warhammer dragon."

No, Zhanmailong should be called Shilang's urgency.

An extreme defense and an extreme offense are both the same... Once you deviate from these two paths, it will only become nondescript.

Don't look at the aggressive surfing in front of you, but it is strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

"Moat Dragon, use Earthquake!


The sound of the winter melon fell, and the moat dragon raised its forelegs, and then trampled heavily on the ground.


The mountain shook in an instant, and the entire ground continued to crack due to the violent vibrations. The cracks in the formed earth pits spread away at an extremely fast speed, and they came to the bottom of the surf in a short while.

It was surfing passionately above, but the ground under its feet was completely cracked and collapsed.


This made Nuo Da's water suddenly find the pouring outlet, rushing towards the cracks in the ground.

In less than a while, when surfing aggressively at first, when he arrived in front of the moat dragon, uu read a book

Only a few centimeters of water are left...

"Piaotai, your cultivation is not enough."

Donggua said, this time the tone was a lot heavier.

If it is a powerful surf, it is impossible to be destroyed so easily.

Without waiting for Piaotai to say anything, Donggua attacked again.

"For the final blow, use a heavy impact!


The moat dragon understood, and rushed out with heavy steps, with the huge shield at the front, and the silver-white energy streamer covering the body surface, turning into an unstoppable metal shock wave!

"Damn... Warhammer Dragon, use the double-bladed headbutt!


It was too late to dodge, and Hyata could only bite the bullet and attack with all his strength.


! "

The Warhammer Dragon let out a high-pitched roar, and also stomped on the ground and rushed out.

The whole body is covered with gray-white rock streamer, and the top of the hard-shelled head that is held horizontally even extends two sharp rock horns...

Rock attribute big move, double-edged head hammer!

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