He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1814 I want to dye this thing into gold!


The extreme collision of the two moves caused the entire Water Veins Gymnasium to shake violently in an instant.

On one side is the gray-white rock light, and on the other side is the silver streamer, the external energy is crazily eroding and engulfing each other.

Inside, the hard-shelled head of the Hammer Dragon hit the shield face of the Moat Dragon without hindrance.

The two fossil Pokémon gritted their teeth, showing a proud and determined look.

While constantly sprinting with all his strength, he was as steady as Mount Tai, desperately blocking the blow.

Boom boom boom!

After a stalemate, the energy of the two moves finally couldn't be maintained, and there was a violent explosion!

The two figures were also violently blown away by the energy impact of the explosion and retreated, standing at both ends of the arena.

"Who's winning?!"

"Attack or defense?!"

Under the stage, the three of Xiaozhi stared with piercing eyes, trying to know the end as soon as possible.

Hyota and Winter Melon are also Pokémon who are staring at each other closely, and their breathing can't help but stagnate.

On the field, the two fossil Pokémon are still standing on the collapsed ground.


However, at the next moment, a figure was the first to be unable to hold on, and fell down.

It's Hyata's Hammer Dragon!

"Have you lost again... Warhammer Dragon, you have performed very well."

This also made Hyota take off his eyes, walked forward with a wry smile, and rubbed Zhanmailong's head helplessly.

If he hadn't been flustered at the end, maybe he still had a chance.


But Donggua coughed and walked forward slowly.

In normal times, he has ridiculed it now.

But at the moment, Donggua had a serious face, touched the fallen Zhanmailong, and said:

"Piaotai, it seems that you have now become a qualified gymnasium owner..."

Well, it seems that it is not good to mock and suppress all the time.

Hearing such words from Donggua's mouth for the first time, Piaotai was slightly taken aback, looking at his father's face, he was immediately touched.

However, the next moment, Donggua patted the latter's shoulder vigorously, and laughed loudly:

"But don't think about defeating me, your practice is far from enough haha~!


As soon as Piaotai retracted his expression, the previous emotion disappeared immediately, and he withdrew his hammer. Long hurriedly went to treat him.

The three of Xiaozhi: "..."

The way this father and son love each other is quite strange.


Afterwards, the gym battle between Xiaozhi and Xiaogang did not go smoothly.

Winter Melon's moat dragon is not seriously injured, and he can fight again after a simple treatment.

After seeing this strongest moat dragon, Xiaozhi naturally lost any interest in other moat dragons.

"Mr. Piaotai's War Hammer Dragon is just a picture, and I also have a War Hammer Dragon!"

Xiaozhi desperately wanted to have a touch with Winter Melon, but the latter waved his hand and declined directly.

Right now, Donggua is fully focused on Xiaoguang's Prince Bo, fighting and so on... put it aside for now.

"I don't have any interest in fighting until I get high-quality genes...!"

The grandiose refusal to fight made Xiao Zhi frown.

Another person who doesn't care about the position of the gym leader at all... Worrying about being held accountable by the official alliance, that's something young gym owners need to worry about.

It doesn't matter if Winter Melon is a veteran gymnasium owner.

If you want to fry, you can fry, anyway, he is about to retire!

"Let's go, little girl, my Emperor Nabo can't wait~!"

I saw Donggua, a middle-aged uncle in his fifties, turning his head to Xiaoguang with a hippie smile and an ambiguous look. The scene was somewhat curious.

"King Napoleon, Gene...?"

Xiaoguang didn't know what the other party meant by "communication" until now.

Her first reaction was to shirk, Prince Bo hasn't fully grown up yet, can such a thing really be done?

This made Xiaoguang blush involuntarily.

"Uh, by the way, my prince Bo is male, is your emperor Nabo suitable..."

"It's not a big problem, I have both male and female Emperor Napoleon~!"

Winter Melon said carelessly, as a veteran gymnasium owner, he even has a few cars of steel-type Pokémon in the Sinnoh area!

Unable to evade, Xiaoguang can only release Prince Bo, hoping that Prince Bo can evade it himself.

The proud prince Bo, shouldn't be doing this kind of emotionless hatching, right?

"Bogoo, Bogoo!"

However, Prince Bo did not immediately refuse, but pointed to his head.


A burst of metal streamer flashed, his head was hardened, and Prince Bo used the iron head move.

The meaning of Prince Bo is very simple...

I want to dye this thing gold!

It wouldn't mind selling a little sperm if it could turn its skull into gold.

I don't know how Donggua understood the meaning of the latter, but he really thought about it seriously.

"The golden iron head trick, isn't it? It might be a bit difficult... but it's not impossible."

As an expert in steel attributes, he actually doesn't know how to operate it, but let's talk about drawing the pie first!

Hearing these words, Prince Bo's eyes lit up immediately.

If you can make it use the golden iron head move, then it is acceptable to hatch the egg once, just treat it as a reward for yourself!

"Then let's go~! Emperor Nabo is already waiting for us!"

After getting an affirmative reply, Donggua naturally dragged Xiaoguang and Prince Bo to the inner gate of the gymnasium.

Looking at this posture, I may not see anyone in the past few days, so I can concentrate on the great business of hatching eggs.

Seeing that Prince Bo is willing to sell his virginity, Xiaoguang naturally no longer shirks...even, he became interested!

Xiaozhi: "..."

Xiao Zhi, who was frowning tightly, was about to turn his head to look at Xiao Gang, but saw that the latter was having a good conversation with Mrs. Piao.

"Xiao Gang, long time no see... The last time we discussed the will of the rock, uu read the book

It's not over yet. "

"Well, Mrs. Piao, it just so happens that I have some new inspirations recently, let's talk by candlelight tonight!"

The two smiled and hugged each other's shoulders.

They are all gymnasiums with rock attributes, and they already have similar topics of interest, and they can't stop the car when they talk.

After talking, they walked into the other direction of the Shuimai Gymnasium. It is estimated that they will chat for several nights.

Xiaozhi: "..."

After a while, only Xiaozhi was left on the spot, and a crumbling and broken rocky ground...



The next day, Xiaozhi came to the dock port of Shuimai City alone.

After looking at the ticket in his hand, and comparing it with the cruise ships going in and out, he finally determined that the target was a small speedboat.

"Little brother, you are going to the trainer of Iron Island, right? You are the only one on this trip, get on the boat, we are leaving soon~!"

A chubby sailor had already pulled down the canvas, and after checking Xiaozhi's boat ticket, he said with a smile.

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