He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1815 Heading to Iron Island

"Haha Iron Island is a good place. Every year, many trainers from our city of Shuimai go there for special training~!"

On the not-so-large speedboat, Bomu said loudly while standing in the high driving position and controlling the steering wheel.

And Xiaozhi lay on the railing of the deck in front of him, looking at the endless sea.

Pikachu sat on the railing and dozed off.

This is already the marginal sea area of ​​the Sinnoh region, and if we sail forward for a while, we will really enter the open sea between regions.

This area is not something that the Pokémon Alliance can interfere with.

All pirates, big and small, divide the territory and occupy each other...but this is not the point.

"Mr. Bomu, by the way, are there any rare Pokémon on that steel island?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

The middle-aged man named Bomu, a sailor and captain, was chubby and dressed in white clothes common to sailors.

As for why he suddenly went to Iron Island alone...

Xiaozhi went to the Water Vein Gym again before.

However, Donggua is still discussing the matter of hatching eggs with Xiaoguang enthusiastically. For the first time in his life, Xiaoguang is also an eye-opener and has been watching from the sidelines.

Xiaogang is still chatting with Piaotai Bingzhu at night, chatting about everything about rock Pokémon.

They had no time to talk to Xiaozhi.

"Young man, if you want to challenge the Waterline Gym...I really don't have the heart to fight now. I just have a boat ticket here. Go to the Iron Island next door. There is a powerful trainer there~!"

After Donggua threw a boat ticket to Xiaozhi, he closed the door and went to practice.

"Steel Island...?"

This place reminded Xiaozhi of something.

At the beginning, Mr. Wusong, the king of the four heavens, seemed to have said that there is a waveguide envoy who really holds the power of waveguide living in Iron Island? !

"Steel Island is a good place. It used to be the richest mine in our Shen'ao area, and it can produce a lot of ore every year~!"

While holding the steering wheel, Bomu showed a reminiscing look.

With its rich mineral resources, the nearest unknown town has also become the largest port city in the Sinnoh region.

That is, the current Shuimai City.

"It's a pity... People at that time were too pursuing profit. Unrestricted mining quickly depleted the ore reserves of Iron Island, and finally the huge mine was completely closed."

Saying that, Bomu sighed, these things happened decades ago.

And when I was a child, I lived on Iron Island for a while, so now I am very concerned about the operation of the black gold mine, and I don't want to repeat the same mistakes.

However, Shuimai City has not disappeared because of this, and there is still an endless stream of cruise ships, and there is no need for Steel Island to support trade exports.

Although the island is no longer suitable for mining, there are still all kinds of messy ore resources, and the metal content in the soil and mountains is far higher than normal places.

"That's right. There are no vegetation and grass on the Iron Island. They are all bare mountains and mines... This environment has attracted countless wild steel-type Pokémon to inhabit there."

Similarly, it also attracted many trainers to go to the island to practice the will of steel.

After listening to Bomu's introduction, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up.

Is it a paradise for wild steel-type Pokémon? This is rare.

"That's right, it's up to you!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi threw out a poke ball with a palm of his hand.


The red light fell, and Riolu appeared on the deck.

As soon as its eyes were fixed, its sight soon fell on an island that was gradually approaching in the distance.

There, it feels a familiar force.

"Leolu, you are about to evolve, right? When you get the steel attribute, the Iron Island should be very suitable for cultivation!"

Xiaozhi said with a smile.


Riolu didn't nod or shake his head,

Because in its perception, the direction of Iron Island not only has a strong smell of steel, but also a familiar waveguide...

"Riolu? This kind of Pokémon is rare."

Bomu also noticed this Riolu and was a little surprised.

But what made him even more strange was that at some point, there was a red-haired maid next to Xiaozhi.

You were alone when you boarded the boat...why did you suddenly become alive?

It's not a big problem, anyway, Xiaozhi is the only passenger on this trip, so it doesn't matter.

"By the way, Mr. Yaxuan also has a Lucario, he should be very interested in your Leolu~!"

At this moment, Bomu suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Yaxuan?"

"Well, Mr. Yaxuan is the owner of the abandoned mine, and he can be regarded as the owner of the Iron Island... He is a powerful trainer who is good at fighting with steel attributes~!"

Bomu said cheerfully.

He often delivers courier and living supplies to Yaxuan, and he is quite familiar with the latter.

"A powerful trainer...!"

Xiaozhi's gaze suddenly became hot. It seems that this Mr. Yaxuan should be the trainer Donggua asked him to challenge!

"The opponent's Lucario... Let's not lose, uuread www.uukanshu.com Riolu!"


Riolu clenched his fists tightly, and his face was also full of energy.



Twenty minutes later, at the entrance deck of Iron Island.

"The food and water sources are here, and I will pick you up here in three days~!"

Bomu cheerfully handed Xiaozhi a big backpack, then restarted the engine, ready to leave.

This is what Donggua told him before. It will take about three days for him to hatch eggs...

During this period of time, Xiao Zhi must be allowed to stay in one place stably without disturbing him.

"Well, in this season, there should be no other trainers here on Iron Island... only you and Mr. Yaxuan."

"Then say hello to him for me~!"

After finishing speaking, Bomu turned around and set sail in the direction of Shuimai City.

It's the low season for tourism on Steel Island, and there is no business... Next, he will go home to rest for three days and take care of his children.

Xiaozhi was alone, carrying a large travel bag, looking at everything on Iron Island.

What you see is a rocky island with ups and downs. Sure enough, you can't see any vegetation and greening, all of which are reddish-brown bare rock clothing.

Just when Pikachu jumped from the pier boards onto the red soil ground, a burst of "Zi Zi" electric sparks suddenly burst out from his cheeks inexplicably.


It was so frightened that it jumped back onto Xiaozhi's shoulder quickly, panting heavily, with a frightened face.

"Don't worry about Pikachu, it's estimated that the metal here exceeds the standard, and some special magnetic force is produced."

After Xiaozhi stepped on the ground, he just smiled and comforted him.

Looking at Pikachu's terrified appearance, it is probably because he is afraid that he will be slashed again inexplicably when he goes to the Iron Island?

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