He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1816 Training on Iron Island

Walking a distance from the pier, you will soon see a building that looks like a hotel.

However, the appearance looks a bit dilapidated, and there are some weeds and weeds around.

When the door was opened, the lobby was also empty, obviously not a normal operating hotel.

However, there are a few rooms next to it where you can rest temporarily, and water and electricity are also free to use.

"Is this the room of Mr. Yaxuan...?"

After putting down the luggage, Xiaozhi noticed that the largest room contained some daily necessities, which seemed to be inhabited by people.

But looking at the appearance of this hotel, Mr. Yaxuan probably doesn't take care of it very much, and probably lives directly inside the island most of the time.

"Let's go, Riolu, our special training begins!"

After confirming the accommodation, Xiaozhi walked out of the hotel with Riolu without delay, and walked towards the interior of Steel Island.


Pikachu stepped on the ground several times in a row with his short legs, and after confirming that his own current would only be slightly disturbed, and his own strength was not weakened, he walked on the ground with confidence.

During the three consecutive days of practice, Xiaozhi hadn't stopped for a few days of practice for a long time, and for a while he looked at the forked mountain roads in front of him in a daze.


But Riolu didn't care about this, he rushed out after confirming a direction.

Soon, Leolu found a gray-black iron beast at a narrow rocky intersection. Its back was covered with hard silver metal armor in the shape of spikes.

This is a wild Cordora!



Combat is the best special training. Without any explanation, Riolu immediately jumped high, raised his hand and condensed a blue energy bomb.


The wave missile was thrown out and hit Kedora straight.



Seeing that a little one dared to attack him first, the wild Kodora opened its mouth and shot a beam of metal.

Cannon Cannon!

Boom boom boom!

The two moves collided in the air, stalemate with each other.


But Riolu's waveguide power is not a vegetarian, and with a low shout, this wave missile containing powerful energy immediately shattered the cannon light cannon.

Then it bombarded Kedora's body endlessly, sending out a violent explosion!

The effect is outstanding!

"Dora Roar!


The next moment, Kedora's fury came from the smoke, and he even took heavy steps and rushed straight in the direction of Leolu.

The silver streamer covered the surface of the body, dragging the ground to reveal a path of collapse!

Xiaozhi also saw this move yesterday, and it was the ultimate move of the steel attribute-heavy collision!

This move is related to the weight difference between the enemy and the enemy, for example, the weight difference between Kodora and Riolu... the power of this move is extremely amazing.

But half a second behind, Xiaozhi also completely found the state, and immediately commanded:

"Riolu, jump up!"

Looking at the potholes around, there are traces of claw marks and cracks everywhere, it is obvious that the wild Pokémon on Iron Island are very aggressive...

Then hit it and you're done!


Leolu leaped forward, nimbly jumping onto the rock wall of this narrow passage, and hovered over it.

Boom boom boom...!

And Ke Dora can't fly, so he can only rush straight forward cumbersomely, and his moves are completely in vain.

"It's now, use Fa Jin!"

Riolu took advantage of the situation and fell from the rock wall, his upside-down body, and his raised palm just stuck to Kedora's steel back.


The next moment, golden lightning burst out from Riolu's palm, and the instant energy impact directly blasted the heavy Kedora away.

When the smoke and dust fell, the wild Kedora had spread its limbs and passed out on the spot, unable to fight.

Two four times restrained fighting moves hit up,

The steel body is as brittle as a piece of paper.

"Good form, Riolu!"

Xiaozhi praised him, Leolu's state is at its peak now.

But then he turned his head to look at Ladias next to him, and said:

"Please Ladias, use the healing wave on that Kedora!"


Latias nodded with a chuckle, and did not undo the human disguise, but slowly closed his eyes.

A burst of pink-purple healing waves spread out in an instant, and then turned into a green light of life, falling on the body of this Kedora.

After a while, this Kodora woke up leisurely.

"If I do this, it's considered obeying the rules...?"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi muttered secretly.

This is the sign he saw at the entrance when he entered Iron Island.

"Trainers who enter the Iron Island to practice can only tame one wild Pokémon locally."

"When fighting, please prepare your own wound medicine... After attacking a wild Pokémon to the point where it cannot fight, please heal its physical strength to a state where it can recover its mobility."

This should be the rule made by Mr. Yaxuan.

Although it is allowed to open to the outside world, uuReading Book www.uukanshu.com No matter how cruel the battle is, it is necessary to restore the wild Pokémon's HP to a drop of blood afterwards.

The vitality of steel-type Pokémon is stronger than that of ordinary Pokémon. With a drop of blood, a steel-type Pokémon can quickly recover its physical strength by gnawing on the metal ores that can be seen everywhere around it.

"It seems that Mr. Yaxuan doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes..."

Combined with Mr. Bomu's introduction of the former Iron Island, Xiaozhi quickly understood why Yaxuan specially made this rule.

After all, although the mine is now abandoned, the large number of steel-type Pokémon here have become a new "resource" for Iron Island.

With the lessons learned from the past, this time Yaxuan probably doesn't want to disrupt the ecology of steel-type Pokémon here because of the trainers' massive training and fighting, or a large number of subduing behaviors.

Seeing that the wild Kodora could move freely, Xiaozhi nodded and let Leolu lead the way, looking for new training objects.


"Riolu, use Bullet Fist to interrupt its moves!"

Soon, Xiaozhi met a new opponent.

This time it was a very odd-looking opponent, a large ant made entirely of steel, with red eyes and powerful jaws.

This is a Pokémon named Iron Ant, from the Hezhong area... I didn't expect to meet Pokémon from other places here?

Seeing that the wild iron ant waved its jaws, it was about to make a cross-cut movement.

Hugh bang!

Leolu turned into a silver streamer, and punched Iron Ant's jaw hard, directly interrupting the opponent's cross-scissor move.


The iron ant ate the pain, let out a hissing sound, immediately poked its head down, and used the digging move to sneak into the ground, waiting for an opportunity to attack.

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