He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1817 Iron Ant Colony and Molten Ant Beast!

Seeing his opponent sneaking into the ground, Xiaozhi was overjoyed.

"The hole-digging move...It's just right, use the waveguide to sense its position!"

For Riolu, who has waveguide perception, the digging move is meaningless.

I saw Riolu closed his eyes, stood quietly on the spot, and raised his palms in a posture of about to launch an attack.


As the ground moved under his feet, the iron ant leaped out of the ground, and the steel jaws were about to pinch Leolu's neck and head off.


However, Riolu was already prepared, and he leaned back slightly, avoiding the dangerous jaws to snap him off.

He even sticks out his palm with his backhand and fits it on the iron ant's abdomen... This is the softest part of the iron ant.

"It's now, use Fa Jin!!"

Boom! !

With the explosion of electric light in the palm, the strong energy impact blasted the iron ant into the air, and fell to the ground quite messily.

However, this move did not completely determine the winner, Iron Ant shook his head, and stood up again.

The fighting attribute does not have a very good effect on the iron ant's insect + steel attribute combination... Among the 18 attributes, the iron ant is the only one that is four times restrained by the fire attribute.


But this time, the iron ant didn't take the initiative to attack, but raised its head and let out a sharp hissing sound.

Before Xiaozhi could do anything, there were bursts of familiar hissing sounds from around the hill.

"Rush!!" "Rush!!" "Rush!!"

It's like an echo in the valley...but this is obviously not the terrain of the echo valley.

The next moment, when Xiaozhi reacted, he saw that this small hill was already surrounded by a large group of iron ants.

The black army of iron ants gradually surrounded it from all directions, and there were roughly forty of them.

They all have gray-black steel bodies, their eyes are red, and the jaws around their mouths are constantly opening and closing, making creepy noises.

"Are there so many iron ants?!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback and kept looking around.

At this moment, not only the front, but even the back, there are many iron ants crawling.


There were even quite a few iron ants that came out directly from the reddish-brown rocky ground under their feet, obviously they were all good at digging holes.

Many insect Pokémon are social creatures. When wild individuals are attacked, they often instinctively call their companions to fight collectively.

But you must know that iron ants are not green caterpillars, weak insects like unicorns...

According to the description in the illustrated book, each individual iron ant already possesses impressive combat effectiveness!

And at this moment surrounded by such a group of iron ants, and seeing that the number is still increasing, Xiao Zhi also has a feeling of scalp numbness.

The iron ants on this island are overrun, right? !



Pikachu and Riolu retreated to Xiaozhi's side, watching the iron ant colony approaching warily.

Did they hit the iron plate?

The wild iron ant before was not the one that went up to touch the porcelain first... But when Xiaozhi approached, the latter rushed up and took the initiative to attack Riolu, very belligerent.


Ladias was like a frightened little girl, desperately squeezing into Xiaozhi's arms.

Well, although the swarms of ants on the ground do not pose any threat to her who can fly...


At the time of the crisis, a loud shout suddenly came from a high hill in the distance.

"Molten Ant Beast, use the flame vortex!!"

The next moment, a fiery red animal-shaped Pokémon jumped into the air.

The mouth, which gradually became slender and pointed, suddenly spewed out a beam of flame light.

Whoa whoa whoa...!

The raging flames landed on the ground and began to rotate continuously, forming a spreading fire circle in an instant, enclosing Xiaozhi and several Pokémon in it.

And the fiery red Pokémon just landed, its body covered with yellow flow patterns.

The slender and gradually pointed head is very strange, and the erect body is about the height of a person, with sharp claws.

"Hush..." "Hush..." "Hush..."

The sudden appearance of the melting ant also temporarily stopped the army of iron ants from encircling them.

But comparatively speaking, they were more afraid of the blazing flames released by the melting ant beast, and they were in a stalemate for a while.

"Isn't the firepower enough...it's up to you, Fire Monkey!!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was no longer a passerby, and released his fierce fire monkey with his backhand.

Only flames have an effect on this group of iron ants.

"We also use the flame vortex!!"

The fiery monkey nodded, and faced the somewhat scary army of iron ants without the slightest sign of fear. The flames at its tail surged, and strong flames also spewed out from its wide open mouth.

Puff Chi Chi...!

Cooperating with the flame of the ant-melting beast, the scale of this flame vortex fire circle skyrocketed again, forming a heat wave circle with a height of three to four meters.

"Hush..." "Hush..." "Hush..."

This kind of flame finally made the group of iron ants feel afraid, and they fled in all directions. After a while, the small hill finally became much cleaner.


Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and his eyes fell on the melting ant beast in front of him.

The gloomy and oppressive eyes of the Ant Beast reminded him of Xiao Gang's bad frog.

It was the first time Xiaozhi saw this Pokémon, so he quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Molten Ant, with fire attributes, is a Pokémon in the Hezhong area. It inhales air from the cavity in its tail and burns it inside its body. Molten Ant is also the natural enemy of iron ants. It will melt iron ants with its high-temperature burning flame tongue. hard exoskeleton, and eats its inner flesh."

Putting away the illustration book, Xiaozhi was amazed.

It is still rare to directly describe the food chain between Pokémon.

"Wait, I remember that Iron Ant is also a Pokémon in the Hezhong area...it seems to be the natural enemy there."

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Xiaozhi also looked at the gradually approaching figure, and immediately said gratefully:

"This Molten Ant Beast is yours, thank you for your help!!"

I saw this figure slowly walking to the side of the melting ant beast. He was tall and slender, wearing a dark blue formal suit and brown trousers.

He has a handsome face, about twenty or thirty years old, short black and blue hair, and a dark blue swallowtail hat on his head.

But when this person saw Xiaozhi, he smiled and said:

"Are you Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town? I've always wanted to meet you."

Xiaozhi blinked, another person who knew him?

There are no outsiders on the island now, so the man in front of him should be the Mr. Yaxuan that Bo Mu talked about, right?

And Yaxuan took off his top hat, and introduced himself gracefully:

"Then let me introduce myself, my name is Yaxuan, I am from Orudolan, and now I am the owner of this steel island."

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