
Hearing this, Xiaozhi was startled, isn't this the ancient and isolated city he had been to before? !

It was there that he practiced the waveguide power for a period of time.

"You are from Orudoran... Wait a minute, you still know how to use the power of waveguide?!"

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something and blurted out.

"Well, I also heard it from my sister, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and now Orudoran's waveguide hero."

"Sister, the sister you are talking about is not..."

Xiaozhi seemed to have guessed something, with a surprised expression.

Yaxuan smiled kindly and replied:

"Well, my sister is now the queen of Orudoran, Irene."


After listening to these words, Queen Irene's beautiful face and many pictures flashed in Xiaozhi's mind.

Back then when he was still in Orudolan, he heard Queen Irene mention that she had an older brother who knew how to use the power of waveguide... Unexpectedly, it was the handsome man in front of him.

"Let's go, it's not safe here, let's go back to the hotel first."

Yaxuan glanced around apprehensively, and led Xiaozhi to the original path.

"Not very safe...?"

Xiaozhi followed in a daze, not very safe, did you mean the army of iron ants before?


After a while, the two returned to the dilapidated hotel at the entrance of the island again.

While drinking tea and talking, Xiaozhi also got a general understanding of Yaxuan's situation.

Although being an extremely rare waveguide messenger, Yaxuan yearned for the outside world more, and left Orudolan when he was an adult.

Orudoran has been indifferent to the world for many years, and there have been no wars or disasters. It doesn't make much sense for him to stay there as a waveguide envoy.

However, he often communicates with his sister on the phone.

Therefore, I also know that in recent years, Orudoran’s new waveguide braves-in previous years, they were useless, they were just braves for advertising...

But this year, it turned out to be a Bird Envoy who has mastered the power of Bird!

Yaxuan also secretly wrote down Xiaozhi's name, waiting for a chance to meet in the future.

"Yaxuan, I have a boy who is going to practice on your island tomorrow~!"

And the day before, he suddenly received a call from Donggua.

The relationship between the two is quite close, Dong Gua even once wanted Yaxuan to take over his Waterline Gym.

"Mr. Winter Melon, there is something wrong with our island recently, we cannot accept other trainers to enter the island..."

Yaxuan just wanted to refuse, but after hearing the title of "Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town", he suddenly felt that it was a coincidence of fate, so he agreed.

The next thing was that the two passed by each other. When Yaxuan found out that there was an outsider's package in the hotel, he knew that Xiaozhi had already entered the island, so he chased after him.


"I see..."

After listening to the explanation, Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly.

What a coincidence.

"By the way, how did Mr. Yaxuan become the master of Iron Island again?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but asked again.

"Well, when I became an adult, I left Orudoran and traveled around the world, trying to spread the will of Bird...and finally came to this island."

"Although this island has been completely abandoned, there are still a large number of steel-type Pokémon living on the island."

Ya Xuanben was quite fond of the steel attribute, so he easily bought the right to use the island at a very low price and became the new owner of the island.

Since then, I have been living here, while protecting the local wild Pokémon, and tempering myself at the same time.

As for Orudolan...

My younger sister has fully grown into a queen in her own right, and she doesn't need to protect her by herself.

"This is the Riolu Irene was talking about...?"

Yaxuan's eyes fell on Leo Lu next to him.

The latter was still practicing boxing on the spot, and his practice was interrupted after less than an hour, which made Riolu feel like he had nowhere to vent.

And Yaxuan raised his palm, and he could see circles of light blue halos spreading out from his palm.

"The power of waveguide...?"

Xiaozhi blinked, seeing other human beings using this ability in front of his eyes for the first time, it was quite strange.

After feeling it for a while, Yaxuan opened his eyes again and gave the two of them a thumbs up.

"Both you and Riolu have powerful waveguide power... It seems that you can't use it perfectly now, but the future can be expected~!"

Obviously being able to say these words, Yaxuan's waveguide power level is higher than his own, which made Xiaozhi immediately have the idea of ​​learning from each other and stealing from his teacher.

But after thinking about it, what Mr. Yaxuan said before was "unsafe", and Mr. Donggua also said "there is a problem with the island"...

"Mr. Yaxuan, are those iron ants in trouble now?"

Xiaozhi finally asked.

The dense iron ant colony that popped out suddenly just now was obviously unscientific.

Xiaozhi took a rough look at the back, probably there are fifty or sixty of them, right?

The ghost knows how many iron ants there are in this island...


Speaking of this, Yaxuan's expression changed slightly, and he sighed helplessly.

"Actually, the island is now overrun with wild iron ants..."

Xiaozhi listened with his arms crossed, and suddenly became interested.

And why did the Pokémon in the Hezhong area suddenly flood an island in the Sinnoh area?

"The cause of the incident was a trainer from the Hezhong area..."

So Yaxuan started talking.

Iron Island is inhabited by many steel-attribute Pokémon, and it is a very good place to practice... This also attracted an outsider trainer from the Hezhong area.

There was nothing wrong with practicing normally...

The problem was the trainer and the two iron ants that had just been taken in from their hometown.

An iron ant who is arrogant and disobedient, and does not obey orders.

After they sensed that the rocks all over the Iron Island contained rich metal elements, the two iron ants immediately escaped from the trainer's control.

Diving into the depths of the steel island, he completely disappeared.

And this trainer just thought it was his bad luck, didn't think there was any problem, and didn't even say anything to Yaxuan, just patted his ass and left.

"If it's two male iron ants, it's okay. It's also a good thing for Iron Island to add two steel-type Pokémon from other places...but the key is that there is a female iron ant!"

Yaxuan's expression began to change.

The Pokémon Iron Ant is different from ordinary Pokémon. Males are responsible for working to find food, while females are responsible for laying eggs to expand the group.

Like queen bees, females are rare.

And only one female iron ant in the group is enough to breed an entire army of iron ants!

Abundant food resources, plus no natural enemies like the melting ant...

By the time Yaxuan reacted, the number of iron ants in the Iron Island had exceeded 50, and this number was still growing!

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