He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1819 Four Waveguide Envoys

"A terrible alien species invasion..."

After explaining everything, Yaxuan sat down on the chair feeling a little lost.

With abundant food and no natural enemies, the iron ant colony that reproduces at a high speed will even devour steel and consume the mineral rocks on the iron island.

The irascible iron ants will also disperse and attack other wild Pokémon, including humans who have landed on the island...

You must know that a single iron ant has a good battle, and this kind of Pokémon is especially good at fighting together.

More than a dozen iron ants besieged together, even the most powerful wild Pokémon in the area, and they had to drink their hatred on the spot!

"Lu Su~"

Yaxuan turned his head to the side, looking at the Molten Ant, which used its slender mouth to inhale the air.

He specially entrusted someone to bring this melting ant beast from the Hezhong area, and it is known as the natural enemy of the iron ant.

It's just that it is also based on a certain number of natural enemies.

Now there are dozens of iron ants, maybe even more than a hundred... One melting ant is not enough for an army of iron ants to stuff their teeth.

But if too many Antbeasts are introduced, the Antbeasts may overrun...

"So let this group of iron ants grow stronger?"

Xiaozhi slapped the table and stood up.


Leolu, who was still punching next to him, also jumped over and threw a fist at Yaxuan, indicating that it would also intervene to help.

He didn't completely kill the iron ant before, and now Riolu is still very upset.

But Yaxuan also stood up quickly, his brows slightly relaxed.

As an experienced trainer who has traveled to many regions, he has naturally figured out a way.

"The key is the queen ant!"

Seeing Xiaozhi's confused expression, Yaxuan continued to explain:

"Since the reproduction of the entire group depends on the iron ant queen...then naturally the actions of the entire group are also under her control."

"As long as I subdue the only ant queen, I will naturally be able to command the actions of the other iron ants."

Hearing the word subdue, Xiaozhi instantly understood.

It is not very scientific to subdue a hundred iron ants...

But it's a good idea to tame a single one!

"Then the only problem... is how to find this special iron ant queen."

That group of iron ants can dig holes, and there are various abandoned mine shafts scattered around them.

The queen must be hidden in the deepest part of the underground cave, and it is difficult to find.

Xiaozhi was muttering, and couldn't help but look at Yaxuan. The next moment, the two of them smiled at the same time, and said in unison:

"The power of waveguide!"

They are all extremely rare waveguide messengers. Using the perception and detection of the power of waveguide, they can accurately capture the specific position of the iron ant queen.

"Come out, Lucario!"

Yaxuan flipped his palm and threw a poke ball.


When the red light fell, a muscular Lucario appeared in the small room.

It has firm and sharp eyes, a straight body, and a well-trained look.

This appearance reminded Xiaozhi of the ancient Lucario in Orudoran, like a capable soldier.


Seeing his predecessors of the same kind, Leolu jumped in front of Lucario, with a look of fighting spirit, as if he was about to invite a fight when he came up.

"Now is not the time to fight..."

Xiaozhi quickly pulled his Riolu back.

If there is no iron ant incident this time, Mr. Donggua should let himself challenge, is this Lucario in front of him?

"So Mr. Yaxuan, does this Lucario also know how to use the power of waveguide...?"

Yaxuan nodded heavily and said:

"Well, this is my initial Pokémon. I have practiced waveguide power with me since I was a child, and its use of this power is not inferior to mine."

Although Iron Island is not considered a giant island, if the waveguide detection of the two of them is used alone,

It is still very difficult to find the special iron ant in the deep underground nest.

"But we in Orodoran have a special way of practice. Multiple waveguide messengers gather the power of waveguide on the same person, which can greatly improve the perception range and accuracy of this force."

Yaxuan's eyes fell on Xiaozhi, looking forward to it.

Counting Xiaozhi's Riolu, there are now four waveguide envoys here.

The combination of the four forces should barely be able to scan the entire island!

"Got it, let's do it!"

Xiaozhi is naturally eager to participate. His control level is not as good as Yaxuan, so he just needs to be a power bank honestly.


After preparing everything, Yaxuan and the two came to a hilltop in the center of the steel island.

Here, the power of the waveguide can be better radiated to the entire island.


Latias turned back into the form of a flying dragon, hovering in the air on guard.

If an iron ant comes out somewhere, just hit it with a dragon wave.


After Yaxuan blinked, he lowered his head. It seemed that the young Bird Envoy in front of him was even more unbelievable than he had imagined.

"Come on guys, put your palms on my back, uureading www.uukanshu.com I'm going to find that female iron ant."

Lucario of Yaxuan was the first to respond, he jumped onto Yaxuan's back meticulously, and gently pressed his palm against it.

"Let's come too, Riolu!"

It was the first time to do this kind of thing, and Xiaozhi put his palm on it in anticipation.

At the same time, he did not forget to remind:

"Leolu, just input your waveguide power, don't use the Fa Jin trick."


Riolu yelled in dissatisfaction, did he take it as an idiot?


However, when he put his palm on Yaxuan's back, there was a flash of lightning in his palm...but it was interrupted by Riolu soon.

Well, for the first time, it almost turned into a vigorous fight.

No wonder these two actions are so similar!


Seeing that he was excluded by the four waveguide messengers, Pikachu was lying on his side on a stone next to him.

The weird magnetic field of Iron Island is completely different from the outside world.

Staying here gives Pikachu a stuffy, hot, greasy feeling like being in a swamp... It makes him just want to lie lazily and watch the show.

Feeling the influx of three waves of pure waveguide power, Yaxuan, who had his eyes closed tightly, also began to spread his own waveguide power.



Four in one, the power of the waveguide spread out, and even turned into circles of dark blue ripples visible to the naked eye, with very powerful precision.

Soil and rocks on the ground, sand and dust in the air, light wind in the air...

All of a sudden, these small and hard-to-grasp things appeared very clearly in Yaxuan's brain.

The waveguides are completely connected together, which allows Xiaozhi in the rear to read these detection images simultaneously.

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