He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1820 Locked, female iron ants!

As the power of the waveguide continues to spread, the range is also gradually expanding, penetrating in all directions of the island.

Wild cocoa doras are gnawing on the rocks on the ground.

The bronze mirror monsters suspended in the air danced unknown dances up and down.

A huge steel snake, nestled in a pile of rubble, is taking a nap...

Boom! Boom!

Xiaozhi also saw a wild giant pincer mantis, condensed its steel double pincers, and kept hitting the iron wall head of a moat dragon, making bursts of explosive noises.

It can be said that the Iron Island inhabits a large number and variety of steel-type Pokémon, and it has become an ecology.

Xiaozhi even saw a few extremely rare iron dumbbells and metal monsters.

Of course, the iron ants were the ones who sensed the largest number.



The iron ant with a silver-black body, the insect's limbs moving quickly on the rock made a haunting sound, and looked around with red eyes.

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Using a waveguide to perceive it from a distance can't help but make people feel a little creepy.


Yaxuan tensed his face, and continued to stabilize his waveguide detection.

80% of the iron ant colonies on the entire island are concentrated in an abandoned mine on the northeast side...there is almost the most border area of ​​Iron Island.

The original deep mine should be inhabited by various Pokémon.

However, in this mine now, there are only densely packed iron ants.

On the not-so-spacious abandoned mine driveway, one team went out to work, while the other team of iron ants carried high-quality iron ore and walked deep.

"It should be here."

Yaxuan immediately concentrated his energy and completely spread his waveguide in this direction.

Go through the deep mine, jump over countless iron ant colonies... Finally, Bird's detection came to a pit room in the deepest part.

The space is quite spacious, but half of it is filled with high-quality iron ore.

Groups of iron ants delivered new food, and a few strong iron ants stood guard at the entrance.

At the center of everything is an iron ant that looks a little different.

Its body size is 1/2 larger than that of ordinary iron ants, and its body color is more silvery, and the body on the abdomen is thicker.

At the moment, he was lying there as a matter of course, enjoying the food delivered by his subordinates.

"Is this the female iron ant!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he finally found the target.

However, this mine room is about 30 meters underground.

The only entrance to the mine driveway cave is also densely packed with iron ants, making it difficult to reach the target.

"It's not too late, let's go!"

Yaxuan stood up quickly and took the initiative to unlock the waveguide link of several people.

But when he got up, Yaxuan staggered subconsciously, a little unsteady.

Xiaozhi's waveguide power is really majestic, and now he still has some stamina...

After the iron ant incident is resolved, it can help Xiaozhi practice and control this powerful waveguide power.

"Stop paddling, Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi also hooked his hands, but Pikachu still jumped onto Xiaozhi's shoulder lazily, unable to get motivated.

It's a lazy magnetic environment... perfect for hibernation.


After a while, the two came to a bare mountain slope.

The number of iron ants has gradually increased in the surrounding area, and they are all showing red insects, looking at the approaching creatures.


Yaxuan's melting ant beast was walking behind them, with a hunched body, and the flames spewed out from its slender mouth, making the surrounding iron ants afraid to approach it.

But what makes Xiaozhi curious is that this move of the melting ant beast is very strange.


The flame continued to spit out, but it was not completely cut off from the mouth, forming a whip-like flame,

Let the melting ant flutter and dance, it looks very flexible.

"This trick is..."

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, like a rattan whip with fire attribute.

"This move is called the Flame Whip, and it is a common move in the Hezhong area. When the fiery flame whip hits the target, it can sometimes weaken the opponent's defense."

While Yaxuan answered, he looked around warily.

"Flame Whip... can my Fire Monkey also master it?"

Xiaozhi suddenly had a mentality of copying, and released his fiery monkey to steal from him.

It wasn't until Yaxuan came to a certain location that Yaxuan used the power of waveguide to detect again, that he stopped completely.

At this moment, 30 meters directly below here is the old nest of the female iron ant.

Although this is not in the dark mine, there are still a large number of iron ants on the surface of the mountain, surrounded by vigilance.

And there are more and more of them, and after a while, they have turned into a black mass, covering this mountain.

"Molten Ant Beast (Fire Monkey), use the flame vortex!


Yaxuan and Xiaozhi repeated their old tricks.

Hugh huh...!

The sprayed flames turned into a huge flame halo again, enveloping and protecting them.

The soaring hot temperature made the iron ant colony froze in the periphery again.

But this time they were obviously much bolder than last time, gradually approaching and testing the border of the flame.

"Don't stop, uu reading www.uukanshu.com Molten Ant Beast!"

"You too, keep using the flame vortex!"

The melting ant beast and the fierce fire monkey did not dare to be careless, they kept breathing flames from their mouths, maintaining a high flame halo.

Xiaozhi and Yaxuan looked at each other, and took out an elf ball.

"It's up to you, Fangtooth Shark!


The next moment, Fangtooth Shark appeared in front of everyone, and when he appeared on the stage, he let out a strong dragon roar, which was quite powerful.

It's just that compared with the neighing sound of iron ants densely packed around, it's still a bit worse.

"The sharp-toothed land shark, straight down from this position, use the trick of digging holes! Try to dig as big as possible."

Xiaozhi quickly commanded.

It is impossible to go through the normal mine tunnel, there are too many iron ants along the way.

That being the case, then make a hole directly from the top and strike with precision!


The sharp-toothed land shark let out a low growl, and immediately poked its head toward the ground. The spikes on its arms that had grown allowed it to dig holes more powerfully.

Whoa whoa whoa...!

In less than a while, the sharp-tooth land shark dug out a large pit more than ten meters deep, and it was still digging down.

"Come out, Magneton!


Yaxuan also released his Pokémon with a backhand, and jumped directly onto the body of the magneto-explosive monster, using the yellow wire above it as a handle.


Lucario beside him naturally did the same thing, jumping onto the Magneto-Explosive.

"I'll leave this to you for the time being, Molten Ant Beast!"

After Yaxuan let out a low cry, the frisbee-shaped body of the self-destructing Magneto began to slowly sink down the cave.

"Flame Monkey, I leave this place to you... let's go too!"

Naturally, Xiaozhi didn't let go of this journey, and he also jumped onto the body of the self-explosive Magneto with Leolu, and slowly sank as if riding an elevator.

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