He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1832 Dreams and Nightmare

It is said that he has a super special crystal rock snake, which cannot use the normal metal film to complete the evolution.

According to what he knows, he must go to the Carlos area to find special diamonds in order to evolve into a big steel snake.

It is estimated that in that area, there are special metal film props similar to "diamond film", right?

By analogy, if you carry a "mysterious water droplet" with the fire monkey, will it be able to spray cool blue flames after evolution?

For a while, Xiaozhi wanted to call Xiaoxia in his hometown, asking for some mysterious water droplets to help.

"But it shouldn't be that simple..."

After thinking for a while, Xiaozhi still shook his head.

It is estimated that only steel-type Pokémon can withstand such a build.

Moreover, the gold film is originally adapted to the steel attribute of Prince Bo in the future...but the mysterious water drop has nothing to do with the fire monkey.

Xiaozhi hopes to see this Prince Bo complete his evolution sooner, and then perform cool moves such as golden steel wings and golden iron head...

Next, Xiaozhi released the evolved Lucario, and also shared his trip to Iron Island.

Another dangerous iron ant colony, and the second waveguide messenger... This made Xiaoguang's eyes light up, and he was amazed again and again.

Sure enough, as expected of Xiaozhi, the journey will always surprise you!

In comparison, she just watched the battle for three days, although she watched some exciting things...

But it still seems too early for her?

Thinking about it, Xiaoguang couldn't help but blushed again, not daring to look directly at the boy in front of him.


Xiaozhi touched the back of his head, not knowing what Xiaoguang was thinking, but Ladias beside him was already alert.

I didn't expect that the little ant who had just sent away had to worry about its companions again.

"Oh Xiaozhi, I finally saw you!"

At this time, a familiar hearty laughter came from the direction of the gate of the elf center.

I saw Xiao Gang walking in with a red face at the moment, and when he saw the two of them, he cheerfully planned to give Xiao Zhi a hug gift.


Latias hastily stood in front of Xiao Zhi, preventing Xiao Gang from getting close.

Sure enough, this human being is more dangerous!

But what makes Xiaozhi curious is that there is a small armored dragon beside Xiaogang at the moment.

A little shyly followed, and after noticing Xiaozhi's gaze, the shield-ankylosaurus was a little shy, and quickly hid behind Xiaogang's trouser leg.

"Xiao Gang, this is..."

"Oh, this is the Pokémon entrusted to me by Mr. Hyota~!"

Xiao Gang replied with a smile.

In the past three days, he and Mrs. Piao have talked at night by candlelight, from the properties of rocks to the mysteries of women, they are completely confidants who have met each other.

And Piao Tai also entrusted Xiao Gang with the armored dragon that almost fell off the bridge before.

After all, he is better at extreme offensive Pokémon like Warhammer Dragon... and the extreme defense of Shield Dragon, Hyata is not good at it.

In comparison, Xiaogang is better at it.

"From now on, they will be companions, armored dragon~!"

Xiao Gang picked up the small armored dragon and pointed to the people in front of him.


This shield-armored dragon looked at the people in front of it, and let out a milky cry, very cute.

Sinnoh's three-person team was assembled again.

Soon the three of them sat down at the square table next to them, exchanging what they had learned in the past three days, while discussing the new city they were going to go to next.

"Let's go to Mutong Town next, the gorgeous contest will be held there the day after tomorrow!"

Xiaoguang was the first to speak.

Xiaogang looked at the map. Mutong Town is a small coastal town, which happens to be the town that Shuimai City can reach by walking north along the coastline.

"Mutong Town is a good direction. It's a town between Shuimai City and Xuefeng City... After participating in the gorgeous competition, we can go directly to Xuefeng City."

Xiao Gang opened his mouth and nodded in satisfaction.

Xuefeng City is the northernmost city in the Sinnoh region. It is covered with heavy snow all year round and is a very distinctive town in the Sinnoh region.

There is also the Xuefeng gymnasium that can be challenged... If you are in Mutong Town, just drop by.

"Okay, it's decided, let's go to Mutong Town!"

Xiao Zhi slapped his hands and immediately agreed, which was considered to be the end of the first team meeting after this regrouping.



Late at night, in a hotel bed at the Elf Center.

"Finally a big soft bed again..."

Xiaozhi was lying on it comfortably, with a comfortable expression. You must know that for the past three days, he had slept on the crude steel plate bed on the Iron Island.

And this time, he was still under the pillow, pressing the crescent feather to see if he could have a sweet dream tonight.

For example, the feat of wearing brother Chi into six!


In less than three minutes, Xiao Zhi had completely fallen into a deep sleep, snoring softly.


But Pikachu next to him also curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

In his sleep, the corners of Pikachu's mouth raised an arc, obviously he was making a very sweet Pokémon.

Under the body, the Crescent Feather is being pressed by Pikachu at the moment, releasing the ability to drive creatures to realize their dreams...

Well, Pikachu used the trick of a thief and successfully stole the Crescent Feather under Ash's pillow.

It was also tortured by the Iron Island for three days, let Shushu sleep well first!

Compared with the dream where Pikachu is surrounded by countless female Pikachus with heart-shaped tails, Xiaozhi's expression is a bit weird.

"Uh uh..."

In his sleep, Xiaozhi's expression gradually became gloomy, and he also murmured in his sleep, as if he had a nightmare.


"Hey, where am I...?"

After a while, Xiaozhi suddenly opened his eyes, but found that he was not on the big bed in the Elf Center.

Looking around, he actually came to a wild desert island?

"Aren't I sleeping...?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his eyes vigorously, looking at the scene of the deserted island in disbelief.

Wait a minute, am I dreaming? !

Xiaozhi reacted, but this dream is too real, right?

Even I can clearly realize that I am dreaming...


Xiaozhi slapped his arm suddenly, but accompanied by a clear sound, there was also a clear tactile slap.

"What the hell, why does it still hurt?!"

This time Xiaozhi was completely confused. Didn't it mean that hitting someone in a dream doesn't hurt?

Not knowing how to wake up from this weird dream, Xiao Zhi could only bite the bullet and walk into this deserted island.

Didn't it mean that the feather of the new moon can have sweet dreams... Could it be a fake feather?

Pikachu also didn't stay on his shoulders, leaving Xiaozhi feeling a little empty and uncertain.

And the deserted island in front of him didn't see any wild Pokémon.

Overgrown with weeds and covered with rocks... In the center of the island, there is a pond and lake that is about to dry up.


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