He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1833 Crescent Island, Nightmare God!

There didn't seem to be any signs of life around, and the silence was a little scary.

If there is anything strange, it can only be said that the lake in the center of the island.

The water level is very shallow, as if it is about to dry up, and the round bottom of the lake can be vaguely seen, just like the full moon in the sky.


While muttering, Xiaozhi walked to the shore of the shallow lake.

The water quality is quite clear, but at this depth, not even a king carp can hide.

Just as Xiao Zhi was about to bend down, he tried to stretch out a finger to touch the lake water, but he saw a black shadow suddenly appearing in the center of the lake.

The black shadow is constantly fluttering, and it is constantly enlarging and solidifying...

"Is it a reflection?!"

Xiaozhi reacted and raised his head suddenly, something fell from the sky!

Looking up, I saw a very strange-looking Pokémon slowly floating down.

Its body shape is similar to that of a human being, its whole body is covered by dark shadows, and its constantly floating body can vaguely see the claws' arms and torso.

On the head, most of it was covered by the part that looked like white hair that was constantly rolling, only revealing a pair of bright blue eyes.

As for the bottom...the legs are not visible, just floating in mid-air like a ghost.

"Is this Pokémon...?"

The opponent's appearance was so weird that Xiaozhi was taken aback, and subconsciously took out the illustration book to scan it.

I just touched my pocket, but it was empty.

"Damn it, isn't there even a picture book here...?!"

Xiaozhi cursed secretly, what situation is he in now?

But after thinking about it, he guessed the identity of the Pokémon in front of him.

It is probably the legendary Nightmare God with a name prefixed with Dark...


The next moment, a deep and hoarse voice appeared in Xiaozhi's mind, which made people feel a little creepy.

Xiaozhi suddenly looked at the Nightmare God in front of him, is it this guy's telepathy?

"Darkley, is that your name?"

Xiaozhi read it again. He heard Caizhong mention that Darkley is a fantasy Pokémon, and he knows how to use telepathy to communicate, so it's not a big problem.

But the question now is... why did I appear here?

"Did you bring me here?"

Darkley was suspended in mid-air, facing him in silence, there was a red jagged object around his collar, and his blue eyes looked down at him.

It doesn't look like a friendly look!

It seems that it was because my hands were itchy and touched that abandoned hotel, right?

Now the self in the outside world, would he be trembling like Hataro, lying on the bed with a terrified face and having nightmares?

And isn't that crescent moon feather pressed under the pillow, why is it useless at all?


Xiaozhi had many questions, but this Darkrai didn't intend to answer them.

He is the only resident of this Crescent Island, and no one will disturb them.

The Nightmare God, Darkrai, uses fear as a source of food...especially this Darkrai, who likes to eat the fearful nightmares of other creatures.

Using the abandoned hotel in Watermai City as a bridge, as long as the living body touches the building while chanting the word "Nightmare God" in its mind, the soul body will be forcibly dragged to the remote Crescent Island.

This is different from dreaming. On Crescent Island, hitting will produce synchronous pain.

But because it is only a special soul body, the damage will only be applied back to the body in the form of mental attack.

Even if someone is killed on New Moon Island at this moment...but there will be no problem with the main body, at most it will become a brainless dementia.


The next moment, Darkley showed a ferocious expression, and the shadow body rose and fluttered like a flame, like a nightmare from hell, constantly approaching and pressing on Xiaozhi.

He needs to magnify the fear in everyone who is dragged in!

"Um, are you going to fight...?"

Xiaozhi frowned, although he didn't know what happened, but if he wanted to fight, he didn't intend to retreat.

"Please, Lucario..."

As he said that, he was about to release Lucario, who had just completed his evolution, to deal with it.

Although I am not very familiar with the Nightmare God, but based on my intuition, the Pokémon in front of me is probably of the evil attribute... The fighting attribute just happens to be very effective!

It's just that when the palm touched the waist, it was empty again.

"Damn, don't you have a single Poké Ball?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but blurted out a curse, and looked at the Nightmare God who was gradually approaching in front of him, his face froze, and he couldn't help taking a few steps back.


This scene also made Darkley secretly sneer in his heart.

Trainers rely on Pokémon the most... But once those Pokémon are not around, the fear will be magnified countless times in an instant.

Thinking of this, the Nightmare God's black shadow fluttered, and a dangerous red light even flickered in his eyes, his appearance was extremely terrifying!

Be terrified, humans! !

"You wait a moment!"

However, at the next moment, Xiaozhi suddenly raised a palm on the spot, signaling the Nightmare God to stop first.


Darkley's movements froze subconsciously, and he froze in mid-air.

Wait a minute, why should I listen to this human being?

But then Xiaozhi lowered his head on his own, put one hand on his chest, rubbed his chin with the other, and fell into deep thought.

"In other words, I'm in a dreamlike place right now, where all attacks are effective, and there are probably only me and the Nightmare God around..."

"I don't have any Pokémon..."

Xiaozhi narrowed his eyes halfway. He always felt that he had experienced this scene before?

After a while, Xiaozhi raised his head and looked directly at Darkley.

This time, there was no fear in Darkley's eyes, and Xiao Zhi became extremely excited instead.

"That is to say, if I am here, I don't need to worry about the damage spreading to other people?!"


Hearing Xiaozhi's muttering, Darkley was subconsciously stunned.

Immediately, the shadow of his body rose up, his eyes straightened, and his heart was sullen.

Bold humans, it seems that pure fear is useless...then let's beat them up first! !


The next moment, Darkley gave a cold shout, and the shadow's claws closed in front of him, instantly condensing a black light ball composed of countless messy light clusters.

Boom! !

With a push of the palm, countless black light circles swarmed out in an instant.

Waves of Evil! !

"Well done!"

As you can see, Darkley made the first move!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi didn't dodge, but raised his arm on the spot, fully condensing the power of his waveguide in the palm of his hand!

On Iron Island or Orudoran, you need to take your surroundings into account when using the power of waveguide...

But here, there is no need to pull back!


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