He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1851 Enter the finals!

high altitude.


The competition height of the ring competition is not low, so there is naturally a strong wind blowing here, and the flames wrapped in the hot air balloon are also flickering.

"A wind stalker, and a Mook bird and a toucan..."

Kojiro, who pretended to be a "Kotaro" contestant, just touched his chin, his eyes under the sunglasses were wise, and he had already grasped the entire competition in his hands.

As the game started, the fastest person in the field was the passer-by trainer's Muke bird, which rushed to the rising hot air balloon first.

It seems that he intends to repeat the old tricks and imitate Xiaozhi's strategy to win the championship.

"It's useless, follow the wind ball, use the freezing wind!"

Ah Xun confidently launched an attack.


With the body of the wind ball swelled, a burst of icy air was blown outward, spreading to the audience.

The sky was full of ice fog, which caused all three Pokémon present to be hit, and a layer of ice debris was frozen on the surface of the body, and the speed was reduced.

"Hmph~ See how powerful my wind ball is~!"

Ah Xun proudly folded his chest, slowed down the speed of the audience first, and then looked in Kojiro's direction provocatively.


However, this ancient giant fly did not move at all, and a sharp red light flickered all over its body, melting the speed-limited ice chips directly like a flame halo.


Ah Xun's complexion changed.

"Hey~ This is the acceleration characteristic of the ancient giant fly... Your freezing wind is useless~!"

Kojiro smiled smugly, and then also joined the team competing for the ring.

Because other people's speed is limited, the wind balloon is a bulky hot air balloon.


The ancient giant fly grabbed the ring very easily and with excellent speed, biting it near its mouth.

He even made a gesture to fly to the finish line in one go.

"It's not that simple, follow the wind ball, use the ghost fire!"

"Big-billed Gull, use the wave of water!"

"Mook bird, flap your wings!"

The action of the ancient giant flying also made Ah Xun and the three of them have a consistent attack target, and they aimed at the former one after another.

However, in the face of the ghost fire and water polo bombs attacking at the same time, this ancient giant fly adjusted its body position in coordination with the sensitive red boy with compound eyes.


In the end, the will-o'-the-wisp and the wave of water contacted one step earlier, detonating behind the ancient giant flying.

The collision of the water flow and the flame immediately caused a burst of smoke to explode in the air.


And the Muke bird waving its white wings was also forced into the smoke and dust, and the ancient giant fly that had been aimed at lost its figure in an instant.

When the smoke dissipated a little, a huge dragonfly from ancient times with a scary face suddenly appeared in front of it.

"The timing is just right, Ancient Giant Fly, use the original power!"

Seeing this, Kojiro snapped his fingers and commanded leisurely.

The ancient giant fly held a ring in its mouth, and its body was slightly arched, and several rocks formed in an instant condensed and smashed out in unison.

Boom boom boom!

Caught off guard, the Muke was directly hit by these dense rocky lake faces, causing a violent explosion.


After being hit with an outstanding effect, the Muke bird also let out a weak cry, and fell vertically from the sky with a group of gravel... It seemed that it had lost its fighting ability all at once.

"Jee hiss~!"

This made the ancient giant fly make a mocking cry.

In their ancient times, it wasn't birds that ate insects...

In that era of giant insects, the ancient giant flies were the rulers of the world!


Successfully dealt with one, the ancient giant fly flapped its wings, and continued to fly to the key point.

"Don't let it get away, follow the wind ball, use the shadow ball!


Ah Xun quickly launched a fierce attack, and the chubby purple balloon also began to condense an energy bomb in front of him...

Boom bang!

However, the next moment,

In the distance, a burst of dense air slashing strikes suddenly hit the air, and just hit the back of the wind-riding ball, so that the wind-riding ball shook violently in the air and almost fell.

Of course, the Shadow Ball's offensive was also interrupted.

This made Ah Xun couldn't help sticking his head out of the hot air balloon, almost falling out of the whole body, and cursed loudly towards the hot air balloon behind:

"Hey, hey! Where are you aiming at!


The sudden hit on the friendly army made the passer-by trainer and the big-billed gull look embarrassed.

"Sorry, I don't know why you suddenly ran to the front..."

He was originally aiming at the wind-follower, but for some reason, a wind-follower suddenly appeared on the halfway track.

"Aren't you an idiot!


Ah Xun's violent temper became very angry in an instant, and he even ordered the wind ball to aim at the big-billed gull behind him on the spot.

"Hehe, it really is a dog biting a dog..."

But the real instigator, Kojiro, just pushed his sunglasses, as if he had nothing to do with him.

"Gene Age"

Relying on superb flying skills, while dodging the attack, the ancient giant fly also flew to the very insidious "three points and one line" position. uu Reading www.uukanshu.com

If the big-billed gull at the back wants to attack itself, it will mistakenly hit the wind ball first.

This is an advanced technique under the mechanism of the Ring Conference, a four-player brawl.


And taking advantage of the infighting between the two people behind, the ancient giant fly, which was once again blessed with acceleration characteristics, turned into a dark green afterimage, and easily threw the ring to the finish hook, successfully advancing.

"Hey, it's all your fault, pig teammate!


Even until the end of the game, Ah Xun, who came down from the hot air balloon, was still chattering and lecturing the passer-by trainer, completely unaware that the culprit was actually Kojiro.

"This guy is quite powerful..."

After watching the whole process, Xiaozhi also nodded straightly. This little blue-haired brother has quite a lot of tricks.

I just don't know why, I always feel as if I have seen this person somewhere?


The ring competition is still going on, with a four-in-one competition system, a large number of players are constantly brushed out.

After a few rounds, it has reached the final stage.

At this moment high in the sky, Xiao Zhi has already taken the hot air balloon to ride the wind and reached the designated height of the competition.


The Mook bird flew beside the hot air balloon, with sharp eyes, ready for battle.

As for the other three opponents in the final, one is naturally Kojiro disguised as "Kotaro", with a calm expression, and beside him is his partner, the ancient giant dragonfly.

The other two, one is a local trainer in the Sinnoh area, he can't see the facial features clearly, and his partner is a big-mouthed bat.

The last one surprised Xiaozhi a little. This is an elite trainer from his hometown in the Kanto region, named Sora.

The partner is the fire-breathing dragon I saw on the training ground yesterday, and it looks very strong!

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