He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1852 The Civil War of the Kanto People!

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, I've heard of your name...!"

Before the competition started, each of them took their own hot air balloon, and the elite trainer Kongnan greeted Xiaozhi from a distance.

"I didn't expect to meet you here... Maybe I'm not your opponent in a head-on battle, but if it's a ring contest, I won't lose!"

Kong Nan's eyes turned hot, and he declared war on Xiaozhi.

As the most famous super rookie in the Kanto region, Xiaozhi is very famous among the trainers in the Kanto region.

He even defeated the powerful Alliance Heavenly King in the Silver Conference, and defeated Master Mikri in the Caiyou Conference... After these remarkable achievements were reported back to the Kanto region, Xiaozhi's reputation flourished.

Sora, who has short dark green hair and looks like Shinji's serious face, also feels that he will not be Xiaozhi's opponent.

But if this special competition system is used, it will be different.

Xiaozhi was pleasantly surprised, he didn't expect to meet people from his hometown who knew him in a foreign land.

"Hmph... the Kanto region? Speaking of which, I'm also from the Kanto region~!"

Kojiro didn't know when he had an extra rose in his hand, sniffing it angrily on the tip of his nose, and joined the conversation of the Kanto camp.


On the contrary, it made the only local player look a little embarrassed.

Damn it, this is the Sinnoh region!

"Final finals, start!


As the ring hot air balloon rose to the designated height, the referee also made a high-pitched start sound.

However, after the voice fell, the three Kanto people were all watching each other closely, and none of them chose to take the lead and snatch the ring.

To deal with rookies, you can also operate...

But if the opponents are all masters, taking the lead in fighting for the ring will only put you in a situation of being besieged.

"Tsk, three outsiders...big-mouthed bats, go grab them!


The only Sinnoh native frowned, and was the first to bear the weird atmosphere, and launched a scramble attack.

The speed of the big-mouthed bat is not low. After flapping its wings a few times, it has already arrived at the ring hot air balloon, and it is about to bite directly.

"Mook Bird, use Air Slash!"

"Ancient Giant Fly, use the original power!"

"Charizard, fire!


The next moment, three violent attacks from three directions were launched at the same time, as if they had made an appointment.

The big-mouthed bat had never seen such a posture before, and it froze in place, opening its big mouth to the maximum.

Boom boom boom!

Following the air slash, the flame beam, and the rock flow stone burst, causing a violent explosion.


And the big-mouthed bat also fell from the air very miserably, its eyes were dizzy, and it died suddenly on the spot.

Who can stand this!

"Damn it...is it specially united to bully our locals?!"

This made the Sinnoh trainer lower the hot air balloon and run towards his big-mouthed bat with some curses.

Kanto region, really bad luck!

...soon, there are only three hot air balloons still floating in the sky.

Muke Bird, Charizard, and Ancient Giant Fly faced each other in a triangle.

But it's just that if everyone doesn't make a move, one person will benefit.


The body of the ancient giant fly shone with red light, making its movements more fierce and swift...

This is its acceleration characteristic, the ability to increase speed each turn.

This also made Kongnan and Xiaozhi look at each other, and now they acted.

"Mook bird, use the flash of lightning, grab it!


The strategy Xiaozhi chooses is to take the initiative to grab the ring, which can give him more initiative.


Muke turned into a white light arrow and rushed towards the target.

"Charizard, use hot air!


On the other side, Kong Nan chose an AOE move.


I saw this fire-breathing dragon flapping its wings, and the fiery whirlwind spread wildly from the inside of the wings.

The heat wave was raging, covering the other two Pokémon in an instant.


On the face of the heat wave lake, the ancient giant fly wailed.

The effect is outstanding!

"Then let's fight, ancient giant flies, let's use primitive power!


Kojiro simply joined the battlefield, directing the attack.

The ancient giant fly bent its body, rocks gathered beside it, and then smashed into two targets at the same time.

However, there was no red light flashing on the body of the ancient giant fly, which made Kojiro frown a little... He was looking forward to the additional effect of the original power on improving the quality of the whole body.

"Charizard, use the dragon claws!


Facing the thrown rock, Kong Nan didn't dare to be careless, and quickly launched an attack.

You must know that the rock attribute is four times restrained against the fire-breathing dragon's crit damage!


The two claws of the fire-breathing dragon turned into a huge phantom, and it split the rock very forcefully. Then, with a shake of its wings, it rushed to the center of the arena again.

"Muk Bird, dodge all!"

Xiaozhi did not choose to take over the original power.

The Muke bird was highly concentrated, and its body dodged back and forth in the rock gaps of the original force, while maintaining a high-speed flight, while approaching the target ring.

"I Have a Book of Ghosts and Gods"


In the end, it was only slightly brushed by the original force, uureading www.uukanshu.com raised its beak, and the Mookbird successfully held the ring in its mouth!

Clap clap!

This move also caused thunderous applause from the spectators below.

There is a Pokémon who won the ring, which also means that the next game has officially entered a fierce stage!

Because as long as the other Pokémon stop attacking for a while, the opponent will find an opportunity to decide the winner at once.

In the air, the expressions of Kojiro and Sora also changed instantly, and at the same time they aimed their finger at Xiaozhi.

"Charizard, use the flame vortex!


The fire-breathing dragon stretched its wings and opened its mouth, and hot flames spewed out immediately.


It even turned into a vortex of flames and circled away, about to envelop the Muke Bird.

However, just when Muke Bird was about to dodge with his own speed, Kojiro also launched a joint attack:

"Ancient giant flies, use ultrasonic waves!


The ancient giant fly opened its mouth, and a wave of transparent sound came out of the shout, covering the Muke bird at an extremely fast speed.


This made Muke Bird feel dizzy for a while, and it was difficult to control his body.


And the blazing flame vortex also successfully surrounded the Muke bird completely, trapping it in place.

The impenetrable flame tornado is hard to escape.

"It's now, the ancient giant fly, use the original power!


However, at the next moment, Kojiro changed his face instantly, and aimed at the fire-breathing dragon.

Whoosh whoosh!

The impenetrable rocks were thrown, and any rock would deal an extremely serious blow to the fire-breathing dragon, and Kong Nan's expression became dignified.

Damn, this blue-haired boy changed his face too quickly!

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