He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1853 Evolved, but not fully evolved

"Fire-breathing dragon, use the dragon claws to destroy them all!!"

Kong Nan responded quickly, and the fire-breathing dragon in front of him also once again condensed its huge phantom dragon claws, rushing towards the attacking primitive power.

Bang bang! !

The dragon claws swung vigorously, tearing countless rocks into debris and falling down.

"And then jet flames!!"

Even after getting a gasp, the fire-breathing dragon immediately opened its mouth, and the fiery flames it spit out went straight to the ancient giant flying.

The temporary joint relationship between the two collapsed in an instant, and since the vortex of flames trapping the Muckbird could last for several rounds, both Kojiro and Sora planned to kill each other first.

"Get out of the way, use the ultrasound!"

Although the attributes are very inferior, Kojiro is not at all timid, and he also faces the challenge.

Now he does not represent the Rockets, but the fanatic who pursues the path of the master of the sky, fearless!

Buzz buzz! !

The ancient giant fly opened its mouth, and dense and chaotic ultrasonic waves spread out.

Facing the incoming transparent sound waves, Kong Nan didn't dare to be careless.

"Charizard, use hot air!"

The fire-breathing dragon flapped its wings, and the scorching hot wind blew out again, burning the air, and even completely baking the ultrasonic wave away.


The hot wind covered the face, making the ancient giant fly a little bit unable to open its eyes, and its movements froze.

The effect is outstanding!

"It's now, use big characters to explode!!"

Kong Nan shouted loudly, the opponent's movements were restrained at this moment, he was going to kill the target at once.

Nuoda's raging flames began to form a big flame character near the mouth of the fire-breathing dragon. With the head of the fire-breathing dragon raised, the big characters burst into flames!

Faced with such a dangerous big move, Kojiro suddenly pointed his finger high into the sky.

"It's now, come the wind!"

This is not directing the ancient giant flies, but seems to be directing nature.

In the next moment, as if the words were true, a powerful updraft really rose up in the space around the ancient giant flying.

Hurrah! !

Even if the ancient giant fly didn't move at all, its body was blown up by the air current.

This also made the menacing big-character explosive flames completely fall through, and drifted towards the distance.

"What?! How is it possible?!"

Kong Nan's expression was shocked, this almost magician's method was outrageous.

"Hmph~! This is the charm of the sky~!"

Kojiro pushed his sunglasses quite proudly, everything was in his hands.

Of course, it's not some metaphysical magic...it's science.

This is the result of his observation and recording around him a day in advance.

Even though it seems that the airflow in Qiangfeng Town is irregular, but after staring for a long time, Kojiro still found the law and was able to apply it.

"It's now, the ancient giant fly, use the blood-sucking trick!"

Even at the next moment, the ancient giant fly came to the fire-breathing dragon with a "swish" on a beam of horizontal natural airflow, and its movements were extremely sharp and rapid.

Kaga! !

Then he opened the insect's mouthparts and bit hard on the neck of the fire-breathing dragon.

Before he could react for a while, the fire-breathing dragon gritted his teeth in pain, and the ancient giant fly in front of him also began to continuously suck the energy of the fire-breathing dragon to replenish his physical strength.

This exquisite technique of controlling the airflow caused a burst of cheers and applause from the spectators below.

"This guy... joining the Rockets is a bit of a talent..."

"Well, I really have a hand..."

In the auditorium, Miaomiao and Musashi were also a little surprised by Kojiro's move.

Yesterday they thought Kojiro was sitting here in a daze.

Musashi even inexplicably had the urge to quickly adopt the ancient giant dragonfly to Kojiro. He always felt that if he used it himself, he would feel sorry for the ancient giant dragonfly? !


the other end.

Chi chi ho...!

Surrounded by the sky full of flames, the Muke Bird looked very aggrieved.

Obviously it was my own show, but at this moment, a bug and a flying dragon were showing off outside, and I could only be trapped in the flame tornado, unable to advance or retreat...

The kind that doesn't even show your face!

Damn it, this is obviously a game of birds, bugs and flying dragons, can you be sensible and get away!


The Muke bird, who has always been honest and kept his duty, was too shy and angry for a while, and let out a high-pitched cry.

It always feels that along the way, someone is deliberately targeting itself!


The next moment, the overly angry Mukebird's body was suddenly filled with white light, and his figure continued to swell and grow in the white light.

boom! !

After the energy has been accumulated, as the Muke bird re-extends its wings, its strength has been improved, and it is very powerful to scatter all the surrounding flame tornadoes, revealing a brand new appearance!

After the evolution, the size of the Mukhawk has been further improved, and it has reached the level of a giant bird.

The eyes have also become sharper, especially on the top of the head, which has a crown-like barbed feather, and the front end is even dyed a bright red, which is very cool!

Final stage, Mickhawk! !


The fully evolved Mukhawk spread out its powerful wings and let out a high-pitched cry, ready to show its strength and handsomeness in front of everyone.

It's just that this big roc spread its wings for a long time, and no one seemed to pay attention to him.

At this moment, everyone's eyes are focused on the high-intensity battle between the fire-breathing dragon and the ancient giant fly.

And the battlefield between the two was also about tens of meters away from the Muke Eagle during the fight.

Even its trainer, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, is flying over in a hot air balloon at this moment, admiring the air battle not far away with relish.

Kojiro's tactics of using air currents gave him some inspiration.

And the position of Mukehawk is in the visual blind spot behind Xiaozhi.

Mukehawk: "..."

This made the gaudy feathers on the head of the Muke Eagle shriveled up.

The goal ring is still in its mouth, it even feels that it is flying directly to the finish line at this moment, and no one will pay attention to it in the lore game...

"Hey, the flame vortex is untied?! The ancient giant fly, use the original power!"

"Damn it, is this bird trying to sneak away? Charizard, another flame vortex!"

Finally, Kojiro took the lead in initiating that the Mukhawk in the distance was out of trouble, and Sora also fixed his eyes, and instantly aimed at the Mukhawk.

With the opponent's ring in hand, he and Kojiro will temporarily unite again to focus on the Mickhawk.

Xiaozhi finally noticed it, and quickly turned his head and directed:

"Muk Bird, you're still here... Quickly use the shadow clone to avoid these moves!"

Seeing that all the eyes of the audience were focused on him again, Mu Keying regained his fighting spirit.

At least the script seems to be getting better again...

Wait a moment!

What did my trainer just call me?

This guy, isn't he not aware that I have evolved? !

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