He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1857 The Wooden House in the Snowstorm

"The road ahead is No. 217, and it will soon reach Xuefeng City..."

Xiaozhi and his party are still heading towards the extreme northern city - Xuefeng City.

Due to the sudden drop in temperature, the three of them even changed their clothes again when they passed by a small village.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang put on thick down jackets and cotton trousers, their bodies looked quite bloated, and they walked unsteadily.

Xiaoguang put on the winter clothes her mother specially prepared for her.

Although it was a winter dress, it was still a light red one-piece skirt made of suede. Although the fabric seemed thin, it was quite warm.

Xiao Guang's black stockings were replaced with white stockings, and two small cotton balls fell on both sides of the snow cap on his head, which looked very playful and cute.

"Is this the latest platinum suit..."

It was also the first time for Xiaoguang to wear it. Xiaogang also saw a trademark in the corner of her clothes package, which was called "Platinum Suit", which was a new style that was released this year.

"You look very energetic, Xiaoguang!"

Xiaozhi, who was wearing a thick overcoat, felt his chest was on fire again.


Pikachu completely hid inside Xiaozhi's coat, but poked his head out from the neckline, with a lazy and sleepy expression.

While walking, the little head would occasionally touch Xiaozhi's chin.

At the moment, the location of the three of them is a field road in the south of Xuefeng City, Route 217.

Hoo hoo hoo...!

Above, goose feather snow mixed with strong winds continued to rage and blow, reducing the surrounding visibility to less than three meters, and it was completely white for the eyes.

This place seems to be an extremely spacious and open space, without any obstacles, except for the snow.

It snows all the year round, so thick snow has accumulated here, the depth is even higher than everyone's ankles, almost reaching the knees.

This made the three of them feel chilly even though they were all wearing winter clothes, especially when they walked very clumsily.

The ears could only hear the strong wind, and the eyes could see snow spots, and the sky was gradually getting dark... This inexplicably gave the three of them a strange chilly feeling.

Of course, if three people walk together, there is still no problem.


While walking slowly against the blizzard, Xiaozhi suddenly seemed to have stepped on something, which was not the normal soft snow touch.

"Wait a minute, is this...?"

Xiaozhi hurriedly signaled the two little friends to wait a moment, then bent over rather cumbersomely, and touched his feet blindly with his eyes open.

After wiping off the snowflakes, what came into view was a silver-white disc.

"Is it a skill machine? Are there such props in the wild?"

"Uh, isn't this a Pokémon that has the ability to pick up, so you can touch it on the road?"

Xiaoguang and the two couldn't help complaining, while Xiaozhi curiously took out the illustrated book.

Although the new type of illustrated book does not have optical drive hardware, it does not support reading optical discs...

But it's not a big problem, there is a QR code printed on one side of this disc!


Wiping the snowflakes on the lens vigorously, and scanning the illustration book, the full name of this move and skill machine also appeared.

"Movement skill machine-rock climbing: a general attribute move, use all your strength to pounce on the opponent and attack, sometimes confusing the opponent."

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect to see a tool move here.

If there is a chance, let the forest turtle learn it, it should be a good move.


The climbing skill machine is just a blip.

(Cold knowledge, you can indeed pick it up here in the game.)

It was almost dusk, and they had only traveled half the distance on Route 217...

The thick snow greatly reduced the movement speed of the three of them.

"Hmm, so you're going to camp here...?"

Xiao Guang's face darkened, wouldn't he just turn into three popsicles when he woke up the next day?

Xiaogang also secretly had a headache. The heavy snow will not stop for a while. This kind of place is extremely bad whether it is living, cooking or camping.

There is no shelter from the cave...

Unless a hole is made directly downward, it can barely deal with it for one night.

It is said that the heavy snow does not stop all year round...in fact, it will stop.

But the three of them were unlucky. As soon as they stepped on Route 217, the blizzard began to rage and intensified.

"Ah! A burrow...?!"

Hearing this, Xiaoguang's expression changed again, she just changed into new clothes, she doesn't want to sleep in a hole in the ground!


However, Prince Bo next to him was an old god, and his wide toes allowed him to walk on the snow in a smooth manner without affecting his movements in the slightest.

Even the sudden drop in temperature and heavy snow made it even more joyful, as if returning to its hometown.

The icy and snowy environment is naturally the most beautiful environment for a penguin.

This made Prince Bo walk directly in front of the three of them and lead the way, his momentum high.

"There is no way to go on like this..."

Xiaozhi temporarily stopped his pace, closed his eyes, and scattered his waveguide power perception outwards.

If there is no suitable place to live for hundreds of meters around, then it is time to release the sharp-toothed land sharks and dig a temporary hole down.

Buzz buzz...!

Against the wind and snow, the light blue ripples turned into a large detection net and spread around.

After practicing on Iron Island, Xiaozhi now has a little more proficiency in controlling the power of his waveguide... The distance of outward detection has also reached 800 meters.

Gritting your teeth, you can barely do one kilometer!

"found it!"

As Bird's power enveloped the audience, Xiaozhi's expression also brightened.

He found a wooden house about 500 meters away in the northeast direction...

Of course, if there is no Blizzard, the naked eye can barely see it.

"Is there an Uzi?! Awesome!!"

Xiaoguang said pleasantly, tonight is finally settled, as long as he doesn't sleep in the hole, he happily pushed Prince Bo towards the northeast.

"Um, it's kind of weird..."

Withdrawing the power of waveguide, Xiaozhi always felt something strange.

Surrounding it is an open space with nothing, except for that small wooden house built there...

And the feeling of that wooden house gave a sense of familiarity with the abandoned hotel in Shuimai City?

But right now there is no other good place to go, so Xiaozhi can only keep up with Prince Bo.


In a short distance of 500 meters, the few people still walked for more than ten minutes, which made Xiaozhi suspect that his waveguide power had failed.

It was not until they came to this small wooden house in the snowstorm that several people were in a state of trembling.

Looking at the rather dilapidated appearance, it doesn't seem like anyone lives there.


But when Xiaozhi and the others were about to push the door, the wooden door opened from the inside.

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