He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1858 Snow Maiden

I saw a woman living in the wooden house.

About twenty years old, she has a delicate and beautiful appearance, and her white hair hangs down, giving people a classical and mysterious beauty.

She was wearing a white traditional kimono, her face, neck and exposed arms were smooth and white, even whiter than the wind and snow outside.

"Human... a few passengers, it's very rare, such a big snowstorm, hurry up and drive out the cold~!"

The voice of this classical beauty also seemed very gentle and gentle, and she invited several people into the room with a smile.

This made Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang look at each other, a little hesitant.

This woman is too weird, especially her whole body is so pale... This is no longer the sickly whiteness, and the intensity is even higher.

Xiaozhi was the most surprised. You must know that he scanned this wooden house just now, and there is no life at all.

"Ahh!! Sure enough!! Xiaosheng finally understands why there is a sudden snowstorm today!! It must be because the heavens want Xiaosheng to meet you, the beautiful lady!!"

However, the next moment, Xiao Gang's whole body was ignited with raging flames, and he shouted loudly, his voice even covered the wind and snow.

Xiao Gang had never seen such a beauty before, and he was deeply fascinated at first sight.

Still hesitating, Xiao Gang directly pushed the two little friends in, and then closed the wooden door, as if he was afraid that he would never see this woman in kimono again.


With the closing of the door, the sound of the whirring blizzard became much quieter, and it was finally a place where people could live.

And in this log cabin, the furnishings are quite crude, but at least it's much better than living in a hole in the ground.

"Three guests who came from afar, let's stay here tonight...Although this place is small, this living room still has enough space."

The white-haired woman said softly, and introduced herself:

"You can call me Xue Ji. I used to be a resident of Xuefeng City, but now I live here alone temporarily."

Before Xiaozhi and the two could answer the conversation, Xiaogang rushed forward in a rage.

"Next is Xiaogang! Miss Xueji, please allow Xiaosheng to show you the highest respect!"

Then there was a standard kneeling on one knee, Xiaogang grabbed the opponent's small hand with one hand, and prepared to give a polite hand kiss (ka oil).

"Hiss, it's so hot...!"

"Hiss, it's so cold...!"

However, at the moment when the two of them were skin to skin, there were actually two diametrically opposed sounds at the same time.

Xiao Gang only felt that Shengxue's pale hands were extremely cold, without the slightest warm blood, as if he had touched a piece of piercing ice.

But the other party seemed to have reached into the furnace, and the back of his hand only felt a burst of burning.

Xue Ji's expression tightened, and she quickly withdrew her palm.

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Guang stood behind and watched the show, and this woman felt that something was wrong no matter how they looked at it.

It's not normal at all...

"Is it a ghost?"

Xiaozhi realized in an instant, not only ghost-type Pokémon, there are ghosts in this world.

For example, Brother Chi, who is currently fighting in the Hezhong area.

If the woman in front of him was a ghost, it would make sense... It's just that what Xiaozhi couldn't understand was that this woman didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, and she didn't know what to do?

But Xiao Gang, who has been completely conquered by Xue Ji's beauty, obviously completely lost his sanity.

He asked eagerly, his tone full of worry:

"Miss Xueji, your body temperature is a bit strange, is there something wrong?!"

Xue Ji's beautiful eyebrows raised, she couldn't just say that she was a snow girl monster, how could the snow girl's body temperature be so high?

"Hehe, Mr. Xiaogang...Maybe I have lived alone in this blizzard place for a long time, and my body temperature has also dropped?"

Xue Ji could only reply euphemistically.

"Oh, so that's the case, there is indeed a possibility!"

Seeing Xiao Gang's completely illogical expression, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Guang felt helpless.

Does it mean that if human beings live by the volcano for a long time, they can directly become Pyroman? !

As long as there is no obsessive person who has noticed this Xue Ji, it is likely to be the legendary Snow Maiden monster.

Even in the world of Pokémon, the legend of the snow girl is also circulating.

Legend has it that the appearance of the snow girl is almost the same as that of a human being, but she has an amazing and beautiful face.

They are often in the snow-capped mountains, attracting lost and trapped men to inaccessible places, freezing them up, and then taking away human souls as food.

"Does she want to eat our souls?! (Scared expression!)"

Xiaozhi's illustrated book suddenly vibrated, and when he took it out to look, he found that Xiaoguang next to him had sent him a message.

Well, this is called the technological version of telepathy!

If it is a snow girl, it should only be regarded as a brick in the illustrated book, right?

"Um, I don't know... (Show hands expression)"

Xiaozhi also went back to the message... although he really knows telepathy.

"Then shall we make the first move? Prince Bo, get ready! (Prepare for skydiving emoji)"

"Let's watch the show first... If she wants to eat the soul, she should be the first to eat the soul of Teacher Dagang, and then we will strike hard."

"Okay! I haven't seen Xuenv eat other people's souls yet."

"Looking forward~"


The two were plotting with the illustrated book behind them, and their expressions gradually became high.

Looking at Xue Nu's expression next, she was also full of anticipation, as if she wished that she would grab Xiao Gang's chin immediately and shake her soul out.


This made Xue Ji, who was also observing the two people behind her, her eyebrows twitch again.

As the legend says, she is a snow female monster who can suck human souls.

Build a wooden house in such a barren place, and then seduce lost male tourists... Nine times out of ten, they will be like Xiao Gang in front of them, completely dazzled by lust.

Next, he was naturally completely drained by himself, taking away his energy and soul...

Only now, there are two more people.

"And... these two humans, do you think I don't know that thing like a mobile phone can chat?!"

Xue Ji couldn't help clenching her fists.

The behavior of Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang is completely plotting loudly in front of him!

"No, I have to separate them..."

Xue Ji began to think in her heart, after all, in the past, she only served single adult male passengers.

And every time she took the initiative to attack, the choice was hers.

As a snow female monster, she can even move and build this wooden house in every position of this road 217 at will, making it hard to find.

But today, it was the first time for her to be found by a human being.


The three of Xiaozhi took the initiative to touch porcelain, so she could only bite the bullet and open the door.

At first, I thought that there were only three teenagers, so I shouldn't have any desires... But Xiao Gang in front of me, the flame of lust has almost melted her!


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