He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1859 Wouldn't it be better for the snow girl~? !

After a simple meal, the time also came to night.

There was still a blizzard outside that showed no signs of stopping, and there was nothing to do in the narrow wooden house. Early on, several people were ready to rest and sleep.

Although this wooden house only has an outer hall and an inner door room, there is only one bed inside...

But it's not a big problem. The three of Xiaozhi often go camping in the wild, and they all carry sleeping bags in their backpacks, so they can fall asleep when they find a flat place.

Xue Ji, dressed in plain clothes and kimono, looked at the three of them, feeling a little depressed.

Naturally, she could easily take down this black-skinned guy with loving eyes, but there were two humans watching him, so she had no chance to do it.

No way, she could only open the mouth and say:

"Then let Xiaoguang and I sleep in the room tonight, the two of you will sleep outside..."

It's just that before the words were finished, Xiaoguang suddenly interrupted the other party's words.

"Well, let Teacher Gang sleep in tonight, I have some knowledge about Pokémon training, I need to ask Xiaozhi~!"

Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, and then realized Xiaoguang's purpose.

After all, she had never seen any Snow Maiden monsters before, and she seemed very much looking forward to seeing her true face.

But you can't just call your name...

Then just throw the bait out first.

"Yes, yes, it happens that we are going to discuss for a while, which may disturb your rest."

Xiaozhi was also quite looking forward to this, and quickly responded with a voice.

Although Mr. Gang is a bit perverted, he should still have a basic brain... When he will secretly send a private message to the illustrated book, the other party should be able to generate some vigilance.

In addition, I use the power of waveguide to scan and detect, even if I am separated from the room, I can always know what is going on inside, and I can go in to save people at any time.

"This, doesn't seem quite right..."

Xue Ji was overjoyed when she heard the words, but her expression was still pretending to be hesitant.

"It's okay, Miss Xueji, Teacher Gang also slept on the sleeping bag on the floor, there's nothing wrong~!"

Xiaoguang quickly opened his mouth and said.

These words also made Xiao Gang blushed immediately, and lowered his head falteringly, like a little lady who is about to get married.

But quietly gave the two little friends a thumbs up.


Good sister!

"In that case, that's the only way to go."

Xue Ji pretended to have a helpless expression, and walked into the inner room with gentle steps, but she was completely happy in her heart.

It's a sacrifice for nothing!

"Miss Xueji, Xiaosheng swears that he will be your most loyal guard tonight!!"

Xiao Gang swears loudly, and also walks into the room.


He even raised the soles of his feet backwards, opened the door, and directly closed the room completely, as if he planned to make a big deal tonight.

"The plan works!"

"Just wait."

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang also quickly packed up their sleeping bags, prepared for what would happen inside the door, and then rushed in to watch.

With a powerful Xiaozhi...and even Plantina in his mind, Xiaoguang is very bold now.

"Wait a minute please, Pikachu, your speed is the fastest, if there is any danger to Mr. Gang, you..."


Xiaozhi was sending out the task, but Pikachu's sound asleep interrupted his command.

I saw that Pikachu had already taken out his three-piece mattress, and slept peacefully next to him.

The weather is perfect for sleeping.

Do not disturb!

Xiaozhi: "..."


He had no choice, he could only release the Fierce Monkey who released himself first temporarily.

The speed of the fire monkey is also quite fast, and although the ghost should have no attributes...but the flame move should still be able to restrain the opponent?


Feeling the freezing cold of the surrounding environment, the tip of the Fierce Monkey's slender tail ignited flames, making the surroundings much warmer.

"Thank you, I will ask you to protect me tonight, Fire Monkey!"


The Fiery Monkey nodded, and sat upside down against the wall with Prince Bo, with his hands folded on his chest, and he fell asleep, but it could launch a violent attack at any time.

The cold environment outside can actually temper its will to fire!

It desperately hopes to become stronger now!

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang also got into their respective sleeping bags, their bodies wrapped in warmth.

However, his eyes were wide open, looking forward to what would happen next.

Buzz buzz...!

Xiaozhi was even using the power of waveguide to quietly detect the closed door.


in the room.

Separated by a wall, the atmosphere on this side is rather reserved.

"Hey...Miss Xueji, you can sleep on it tonight, Xiaosheng will protect you below~!"

Xiao Gang showed an idiotic smile, and said with a smile.


The communication device vibrated, took it out and opened it, it was a message from Xiaozhi outside.

"Be careful, Mr. Gang, this woman may be the legendary Snow Maiden monster."

Xiaogang frowned at this reminder, and soon sent a reply message.

After receiving the reply, Xiao Zhi and the two outside were stunned, and they didn't know how to reply for a while.

"Sister Snow Demon, isn't this better~!?"

Two people: "..."

Xiaogang, is this guy serious?

As for this dangerous Snow Maiden monster, she was lying on the bed at the moment, thinking about the next steps in her mind.


It's the young man below, can your breathing stop being so heavy?


It's outrageous. Generally, the men she seduces are grown men, and they are basically over 18 years old.

And someone like Xiaogang who is about 15 years old should not have so many desires, right?

"It's that feeling again."

Lying on the bed, Xue Ji felt a strange feeling again, as if she was being watched by some eyes.

When she opened the door to three people before, she also felt this weird feeling, as if she was being watched by something.

"Do the humans outside have superpowers?"

Xue Ji quickly understood.

Her combat power is average, although she is not a Pokémon, but the restraint of Pokémon's attributes will still affect her.

Moves with fire and evil attributes, or moves with the same ghost attribute, will deal a serious blow to Yuki.

If they were surrounded and attacked by these people at the same time, their lives might be in danger.

"But they're still kids...so naive."

Xue Ji guessed the purpose of Xiao Zhi and the two, it seems that Xiao Gang was deliberately thrown in alone for the purpose of bait.

That being the case, she will take this bait today!

But now... sleep first!

Xue Ji just lay on the bed leisurely, waiting for work.

In such a snowy day, not only electric mice are lethargic, but human beings are also like this... How long can the superpowers outside continue to detect? !


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