
As Xue Ji expected, after spending three hours, the two humans outside who wanted to eat melons on the spot had completely fallen asleep.

This weather is perfect for sleeping!

Even the hyperactive Xiaozhi couldn't stand it any longer, and decided to go to sleep.

The whole cabin suddenly seemed very quiet.


But in the inner door, Xue Ji could hear the heavy breathing still coming from under the bed.

This hyperactive little brother seems to have not fallen asleep until now.


Xue Ji raised a sneer at the corner of her mouth, and finally started to act.


Under the bed, Xiao Gang was still struggling to keep himself from sleeping.

It was rare to sleep with a goddess, and even the icy air was sweet, which made him reluctant to just fall asleep.

Bang bang!

At this moment, something heavy suddenly fell from above and landed on Xiao Gang.

"what happened?!"

Xiao Gang was startled, and after realizing it, he found that there was an extra pale woman in kimono on his body.

And the whole body of the other party is completely attached to it, this posture is very ambiguous.

Of course, the opponent's body is still without any temperature, it's completely like hugging a human-shaped ice bump, which is somewhat strange.

"Sorry, Mr. Xiaogang, I'm a little cold... I don't know if it's okay tonight..."

Xue Ji leaned on Xiao Gang's body, raised her head pretending to be shy and asked.

"Ok, Ok!!"

Xiao Gang's eyes were bloodshot, and he nodded repeatedly.

After standing firm for more than three hours, is it finally rewarding now? !

Learn more about the blessings of the God of Snow Mountain!

Especially just in front of him, that breathtakingly beautiful face has all the characteristics of a traditional classical beauty, which makes Xiao Gang's heart seem to be frozen and stop beating.

Xue Ji stretched out her snow-white palm, and gently stroked Xiao Gang's face.

Then his fingers lightly tapped on Xiaogang's lips.

"Then, thank you, Mr. Xiaogang...!"

The next moment, Xue Ji's expression became solemn and fierce, and her beautiful facial features showed a frightening expression.


Even Xiao Gang's entire body was enveloped by a burst of red electric light, and he fell into a state of confinement.

This is a bit similar to the "parasitic seed" and "billion tons of absorption" moves, which can continuously absorb the essence and energy of the target.

Through the touch of fingertips and lips, Xue Ji can absorb the essence of human beings...

Not even for a while, Xue Ji felt the energy of the young man in front of her.

Regardless of his dark skin and his young age, he absorbed more than twice as much energy and soul as a normal adult male in just a short while, and he was extremely happy in his heart.

Unexpectedly, today, I even picked up a big and prosperous baby!

Is it about skin color? !

Xue Ji secretly recorded it in her heart, can she specifically target dark-skinned men in the future?


Even Xiao Gang's energy was too strong, Xue Ji didn't recover for a while, and subconsciously hiccupped.

The fingers accidentally missed Xiaogang's lips, and the suction process was temporarily interrupted.


This made Xiao Gang let out a low moan, temporarily out of control, his body softened, and his head fell down a little weakly.

After inhaling for less than five minutes, his face was already skinny and sunken visible to the naked eye, and there were bloated black marks under his eyes.

Just when Xue Ji was afraid that the prey she got would break free, she quickly stretched out her hand to continue squeezing, but Xiao Gang made a trembling sound.

"Miss Xueji... don't be afraid... Xiaosheng still has a lot of energy... If you need it... then I will give it to you..."

His voice was choppy and lifeless.

But this reaction made Xue Ji's face change.

"You already know my identity? Are you not afraid of me?"

The man in front of him seems to have expected it?

You must know that the men who have been squeezed and absorbed by her in the past will show extreme fear and twisted expressions during the process.

But the man in front of him at this moment is completely intoxicated, his expression is relaxed, without the slightest fear.

Obviously he is going to be squeezed dry, but he seems to be enjoying it?

Next, Xiao Gang tremblingly raised his palm, just when Xue Ji thought that Xiao Gang was about to do something, his eyes hardened, and the nails on his palm became sharp and slender.

However, Xiao Gang gently took Xue Ji's slender palm and placed it near his mouth.

"Miss Xueji... there must be some unavoidable difficulties... being able to help you... is Xiaosheng's lifetime... luck..."

"But the two people outside...please don't shoot them..."

Xiao Gang's words were intermittent and did not finish.

This is not the protection of Xiaozhi and the two, but the protection of Xuenv.

Well, if he attacked Xiaozhi, he felt that the snow girl in front of him would die suddenly and melt...

But this action made the snow girl monster's fingers that touched Xiao Gang's lips tremble, and there was no new squeezing action.

Even his face became red all of a sudden.

For a moment, she didn't look like a woman in her twenties, but more like a young girl, completely at a loss.

"Why you..."

Xue Nu was immediately stunned by Xiao Gang's operation.

In the past, after discovering his identity as a Snow Maiden, all the male travelers ran away screaming in fear, without exception.

But Xiao Gang in front of him completely intends to dedicate everything to himself?

This has nothing to do with lust or anything.

The huge pattern in Xiaogang's mind even directly frightened Xuenv.

Such a man, she was a little reluctant to do it...


Bang bang! !

During the stalemate, the wooden door was suddenly kicked open directly and violently.

Immediately afterwards, a flame monkey rushed in, with a fierce expression, and landed on the bed.

"Teacher Gang! Are you okay?!"

"Sorry, we slept so soundly!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang finally sensed something was wrong and rushed in.

Then he looked intently, this time, he should be able to directly arrest the Snow Maiden monster, right? !

It was just the scene in front of them that made the two of them froze in place.

But Xiao Gang was lying there with a weak face, while this Xue Ji was stroking his cheek gently, without any abnormality.


There was even a drop of tear falling from Xue Ji's eye socket.

"Uh, the direction of this script is a bit wrong."

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes and didn't react for a while.

"Don't worry Xiaozhi...Miss Xueji...is kind..."

Xiao Gang struggled to straighten his body, protecting Xue Ji behind him.

And Xue Nu, who was completely infected by Xiao Gang's gentleness, suddenly lowered her head to Xiao Zhi and the others, putting away all hostility.

"Everyone, I'm sorry...especially Mr. Xiaogang..."


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