He Knows Pokémon Better Than I Do Chapter 1861 Snow Boy

The next day, early morning.

The blizzard that raged all night finally subsided completely.


When Xiaozhi and his party pushed open the gate, they could almost see the No. 217 road at a glance.

After the snowstorm, the entire sky looked very clear and open, but a thick layer of snow had piled up on the ground, the height of which had even covered half the height of the door of the wooden house.

"Flame Monkey, use flame jets!


Xiaozhi's operation is simple and violent.

The fire monkey in front of him jumped out excitedly, clenched his fists with both hands, his chest puffed up, and then opened his mouth to the maximum.

Boom chi chi!

Fierce flames gushed out, completely melting the ice and snow on the road, white mist rose, and soon opened up a concave snowy road in front of everyone.

"Everyone, please follow me..."

At this time, a soft sound came from inside the wooden house.

Xue Ji looked at Menghuo Monkey with some apprehension, but she still walked in the front to guide the way despite the discomfort.

"Flame Monkey, listen to her and open the way!"

Xiaozhi also quickly commanded.



The Fiery Monkey didn't know what was going on, and didn't know why the two sides who were enemies last night seemed to have turned enemies into friends, but at this moment, it was a kind of training for it to be able to release the flames to its fullest.

Boom boom!

Boom boom!

Following Xue Ji's guidance, the Fire Monkey spewed out flames continuously, leading a few people towards a remote corner of Route 217.

"Xiao Gang, be careful..."

Xiao Guang and Prince Bo walked at the back, supporting Xiao Gang from left to right to follow.

The latter is still in an extremely weak state at this moment, as if he has been playing and singing for several nights in a row, his face is thin and weak.

Last night, after being overwhelmed by Xiao Gang's huge situation, Xue Ji gave up the idea of ​​continuing to drain her energy and soul, and apologized to Xiao Gang.

"It's okay...it's Xiaosheng's honor..."

Even the direct victim said it was okay, so Xiaozhi could only tell the Fire Monkey to stop, and did not continue to attack.

And Xue Ji also confessed everything about her to the three.



On Route 217, the fire monkey continuously released flames to melt the ice and snow. This process lasted for about 20 minutes.

Xiaozhi and his party also came to a very remote corner of this area. There are even some hardy coniferous pine trees growing around here, which seems to be a place that no one cares about.


And when the last flame of the fire monkey hit the rock wall at the end, a strange scene appeared in front of everyone.

I saw that at a remote location close to the rock wall, as the surrounding ice and snow melted, a huge ice rock was exposed alone here.

This ice stone is made up of sharp ice prisms stacked one after another, about two meters high, like the spikes on the back of a mountain king.

"this is...?"

The three of Xiaozhi were a little dazed, the rock in front of them was obviously very strange.

Even the flames of the Fierce Monkey didn't melt at all.

"This thing is called frozen stone, and it contains unique ice energy. If Yin Bu touches it, it can even evolve into ice Yin Bu."

Xue Ji stared at Dong Shi in front of her, and explained slowly.

The three suddenly realized that they seemed to have heard this statement before.

"So this thing is the same as the Moss Rock in EMI Forest..."

Xiaozhi remembered that the mossy rock he had encountered before also contained special energy, which could allow Yin Bu to evolve into Ye Yinbo.

But Miss Xueji, what did you bring them here for?

According to what Xue Ji said last night, she lived on this road 217 and kept absorbing the energy and soul of the passing passengers, but it was not for herself.

It's about saving a certain Pokémon.

"Mr. Monkey, please keep breathing fire."

Xue Ji bowed slightly,

He signaled the fire monkey to continue breathing fire, and completely burned out the area around the frozen stone.

Boom chi chi...!

With a burst of water vapor, after a while, the fire monkey directly swept out of an open area.

Xue Ji also led a few people around to the back of the Dongshi.

However, under the cover of the huge icy prism in front, there is also an icy prism standing behind, but it is only half the size.

The two icy prisms are connected together, as if accompanying.

But the most shocking thing is that the inside of the smaller ice prism behind is still frozen with Pokémon? !

Xiaozhi looked intently, but saw two small Pokémon inside the ice-blue thick ice layer.

They all have a triangular pyramid-shaped yellow hard-shell body, with a pitch-black body inside.

Through the cone-shaped hard shell, you can also see a pair of blue bean eyes and a row of cracked teeth, just like children playing.

"Is this Snow Boy? And there are two more?!"

Xiaozhi recognized the Pokémon in the ice layer, and it was the Pokémon in the Yoshien area.

"Snow boy?"

It was the first time for Xiaoguang to see it, so he quickly took out the illustrated book.

"Drip. Snow Boy, an ice-type Pokémon. This Pokémon lives in places where it often snows. It only feeds on ice and snow. When it is not snowing, it will live quietly in the depths of the cave. Anyone who visits will become rich."

According to the illustrated book, it sounds like a rather auspicious Pokémon. uureading

"So, what's going on here...?"

Seeing the curious eyes of several people, Xue Ji could only smile helplessly, and slowly told the whole story.

She is a ghost of a snow girl, who originally lived unrestrained in the depths of the snow-capped mountains, and had no habit of seducing and absorbing the essence of human beings.

"Sword Comes"

Later, I accidentally came to Route 217, and met two cute snow boys there, and temporarily settled down and lived together.

"But these two little guys are playful, and one day they directly touched and slept next to this frozen stone, and that night was just like last night. There was a blizzard."

Xue Nu continued to say with a sad face:

"When I went out to search the next day, I found that they were completely glued and frozen on top."

Frozen stones contain majestic ice-attributed energy. If the level is not high, direct physical contact may even be dangerous.

But these two snow boys slept beside the frozen stone, plus the natural wind and snow... completely turned into ice!

Seeing this scene, Xue Ji was naturally eager to break the ice and save people.

She is a snow female monster, but she has a little ability to control ice and snow...

But the accompanying ice prisms formed by the steatite in front of her eyes are not ordinary ice, the texture is even harder than steel, and it cannot be melted by her ability at all.

She even confused a few passing tourists, using their fire-attribute Pokémon to release powerful "jet flames" in an attempt to forcibly melt the ice.

It's just that the ice frozen on Xuetongzi's body still hasn't melted at all.

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