He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1862 Sure enough, let's beat the fire monkey first, right?

He knows more about Pokémon than I do Chapter 1862 Sure enough, let's beat the fire monkey first, right?

"So I had to use my ability..."

When she said this, Xue Ji looked apologetically at Xiao Gang behind her.

She has the ability to absorb the energy and soul of human men, and then use this kind of vigorous energy to melt the frozen stone and ice, and rescue the two snow boys.

Regardless of the size of the current ice prism, it is only 1/2 of the size of the steatite next to it...but it was 2/3 of the size at the beginning, which is much larger.

It was because of her vigorous energy and soul that she scraped the patient's body for more than a year before she showed signs of gradually melting.

"So that's why you killed so many people..."

Xiaozhi nodded, suddenly realized.

"No... I didn't kill anyone."

But Xue Ji defended quickly and earnestly.

Every time, she just squeezed the passing tourists dry to the last breath, and then threw them on the street of Xuefeng City nearby.

So on Route 217, there is only the legend of the Snow Girl.

But there is no legend about the "Murderer Snow Maiden"... In that case, this area has long been a forbidden area blocked by Miss Junsha, and it is impossible for anyone to enter

"Miss Xue Ji...don't worry..."

Fully aware of the whole story, Xiao Gang came to Xue Ji's side with the support of Prince Bo, and patted the latter's shoulder lightly.

Then he straightened his face and assured her:

"Trust me...my best brother Xiaozhi...can help you melt the ice...rescue Snow Boy...!"

Xiaozhi: "..."

He thought the teacher just said that he wanted to melt the ice by himself...

It's not a big problem, when he encounters two trapped Pokémon, even if others don't tell him, he still wants to make a move.


Xiaozhi raised his hand and knocked on the surface of the ice prism, it looked really hard.

If they were frozen for a year... these two snow boys should still be alive, right?

Immediately, he motioned for everyone to retreat, and winked at the Fiery Monkey.



The Fiery Monkey let out a low growl, and opened its mouth wide.

Boom chi chi!

The next moment, fiery flames sprayed towards the icicle, continuously burning it.

The soaring temperature turned even the moisture in the air into water mist visible to the naked eye.

However, the flames falling on the icicles could not melt the latter at all, and were completely split by the solid ice.


Seeing that his own flame could not melt the ice, the fire monkey became even more angry, the power and temperature of the flame were constantly rising.

"It doesn't work..."

In winter, Xiaozhi's forehead was dripping with sweat, it was really a strange frozen stone.

"It doesn't matter, let's go together!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi directly released his own Lucario, and then raised his finger:

"Use the flame kick!


On the other side, Xiao Guang also threw his elf ball, and the vigorous jackrabbit jumped out.


It saw Pikachu next to it at first glance. After the violent event of mega evolution, now the two meet again, which is a little more embarrassing.

"Long-eared rabbit, use the flame fist!


And as the fire monkey paused to breathe fire and panted continuously with its tongue out, Lucario and Jack Rabbit rushed forward.

While condensing a flaming fist, he flicked it in the air and sent out a flaming kick.


Two fiery flame moves bombarded the ice prism at the same time, but it still didn't melt anything, and even the ice chips didn't crack much.

"It's difficult..."

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang looked at each other, feeling dizzy for a while.

When he turned his head, he saw Xiao Gang weakly leaning on Xue Ji's arms, stroking Xue Ji's waist while softly comforting the latter:

"Don't worry, my best friends, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Guang, they will definitely rescue Xue Tongzi~"

Two people: "..."

After sighing that Teacher Gang’s layout is really big enough,

Xiaozhi could only turn his head and start thinking.

Ordinary flames don't seem to work at all...Maybe we should start with attribute restraint?

"Lucario, use the wave missile!"

"Prince Bo, we use the iron head trick!


Next, Lucario fired a wave missile that restrained the ice attribute, causing a violent explosion on the ice prism.

And Prince Bo also directly bumped into the icicle, intending to restrain the latter with a harder steel attribute.

It's just that after a fancy move, there is still no sign of melting and breaking.

This made Xiaozhi fall into thinking on the spot again.

In Miss Xueji's way, it will melt bit by bit, and it will probably take two or three years...

Maybe one day, if you are unlucky, you will meet a monk who subdues demons and eliminate demons, and you will be arrested on the spot and overthrown.

"Let the fire monkey try to enter that state of violent fire?"

It's just that it needs to let the fire monkey reach the limit of physical strength first...

Why don't you let Lucario beat the Fire Monkey first?

"Or go to Xuefeng City first?"

There is no elf center here. If you go to Xuefeng City, you can ask Dr. Oki to temporarily replace Emperor Yan.

With Emperor Yan's "sacred flame" that can burn everything, it shouldn't be a big problem to melt the ice.

"No, I seem to remember that Dr. Oki said last time that Emperor Yan went home to visit relatives...?"

Xiao Zhi vaguely remembered something, his expression collapsed.

After all, his Emperor Yan has a family.

It’s okay to stay in the backyard. Recently, Emperor Yan seems to have taken a leave of absence with Dr. Oki, and went back to his hometown, Chengdu, to read uu

I went to visit my two relatives.

Sure enough, let's beat the Fire Monkey first, right?


"Why don't you let Mana Fei try?"

When Xiaozhi was struggling, Xiaoguang next to him suddenly said.

Seeing Xiaozhi's gaze, Xiaoguang quickly straightened up and covered his mouth.

"It's not what I said, it's Miss Tina's idea~!"

According to Plantina, Manafei is the prince of the sea, with the power to control the ocean...in other words, to control the current.

Ice is actually a form of water. Just like in this world, there are many Pokémon with a combination of ice and water attributes. These two attributes are inextricably linked.

Maybe Manafei has the ability to melt ice.

"As expected of the eldest lady, what a great idea!"

After listening to Xiaoguang's argument, Xiaozhi slapped his hands, which seemed to be a good way.

The fire monkey can beat it later.


Next to him, the Fiery Monkey, who was still working hard to breathe out fire, suddenly shuddered and subconsciously looked in Xiaozhi's direction.

Why do you think it's weird...


Whoa whoa whoa...!

The next scene was quite familiar to Xiaoguang, it was still Xiaozhi shaking the silver feather pendant, and along with the water jetting out from it, Mana Fei's figure also slid out of it.


Manafei was full of energy, and after flying around in the air flexibly, he landed on the top of Xiaozhi's hat.

The latter had just finished a short dormancy period, and was about to come out to play, and it just happened to bump into it!

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