"This, is Manafei..."

Xiaoguang's eyes widened in an instant, staring closely at the water elf.

The last time I was in Mutong Town, the whole town was watching Fiona... Now it's finally her turn to see, even the higher-level Manafei!


Noticing Xiaoguang's devout eyes, Manafei lightly jumped onto Xiaoguang's snow cap, and put her two little hands on it.

This immediately made Xiaoguang very happy, and her luck value should be full in the future!


Not only that, but an elf device on Xiaozhi's waist automatically opened, and it was the Snorkeling Itachi.

After enjoying the benefits, the snorkeling ferret recognized Manafei as the new king of the sea, so he naturally jumped out to meet him and salute piously.


Immediately, it solemnly knelt down on one knee, performing the guarding salute, and stunned the surrounding people.

Especially Prince Bo, with a surprised expression.

You must know that after the evolution of Snorkeling Itachi, he also has a proud personality, and he is the only one in the team who can catch up with Prince Bo a little bit...

Now he actually bowed his head to a little guy.


Prince Bo cursed in a low voice, a little annoyed, and expressed his disdain for the snorkeling Itachi's behavior.

"Stop playing with Manafei, see if you can melt this ice cube."

Xiaozhi quickly took Manafei down and moved to the front of the ice prism.

After hesitating for a while, Manafei's confident telepathy appeared in everyone's minds.

"No problem~!"

Next, I saw Mana Fei stretch out his palm and lightly touch the accompanying ice prism behind him.

The whole body was immediately surrounded by golden energy light, this scene was somewhat similar to the carnival in Mutong Town at that time.

In an instant, the power of the vast ocean currents also wandered around, making people feel that the figure of Mana Fei in the center was extremely majestic and boundless.


Prince Bo opened his beak wide, this little guy seemed to be really something extraordinary.


Snorkeling Itachi quickly turned his head to remind him that it was Manafei's Neptune power that made his water jet moves not only increase in power, but even directly turned into a luxurious golden color.

This made Prince Bo froze in place.

The power of the moves is not important, but the cool special effects of the moves of Tuhaojin is what it pursues!


This made Prince Bo tangled for a while, should he also kneel down together, and dye his own water jet...?


Gold seems to be the color that Manafei will naturally appear when it uses its unique ability, representing the nobility of the royal family.

And the icy prisms that were originally extremely hard and cold, and which were constantly being burned by the flames without any sign of melting, actually began to melt at a rate visible to the naked eye.

A minute later, the solid icicle, which was nearly one meter high, actually completely turned into a puddle of water flowing freely.

And the bodies of the two snow boys were completely exposed to the air and fell to the ground.

"Nice job, Manaphy!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but praise, it saved him the trouble of calling back Yandi who was going home to visit his relatives.

"Snow boy!"

Xue Ji, who had been watching nervously by the side, was naturally the first one to run over anxiously, and hugged the two Xue Boys tightly in her arms, with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes.

After more than a year, they are finally fully rescued!

"Do you want to continue~?"

The voice of Manafei appeared in Xiaozhi's mind again, and the man was pointing to the frozen stone two meters high next to him.

It is easy to melt the associated frozen stone, but Manafei just makes it return to the original form of water flow...

But the primitive frozen stone next to it contains a lot of energy, and it will take a lot of effort to melt it together.

"Wait a minute, this one is useless!"

Xiaozhi quickly picked up Mana Fei who was eager to try.

This primitive steatite should be some local cultural relic landmark, if it melted directly, they would become sinners.

"Is it... boring~!"

Manafei turned his head away, flew up again in a bored manner, and landed on top of Xiaoguang's head again.

The latter's fluffy snow cap makes it very comfortable to lie on.

This made Xiaoguang quite excited and flattered.


Prince Bo also crossed his wings, eager to get closer, ready to get close.

After the latter released its power a little bit, Prince Bo also came to his senses... This seems to be its immediate boss?

As for those two snow boys...

"White..." "White..."

After being rescued from the snow, the two snow boys were extremely weak, panting weakly, and it was difficult for them to move even basicly.

"I have been frozen for a year... my body needs... rest..."

In the back, Xiao Gang was talking tremblingly, looking as weak and powerless as these two snow boys.

This made Xue Ji look at everyone for help again, and was going to ask them to take the two snow boys to the elf center in Xuefeng City to receive professional treatment.

"Give it to me~!"

However, Manafei accepted it carelessly.

The small fantasy Pokémon not only have their own unique abilities...Nurse healing ability, but also basically their standard skills.

Follow Mana Fei lightly.

clatter! clatter!

Three drops of blue water flew out from the fingertips, and two of them landed on the two snow boys.


The third drop fell on Xiao Gang behind him.

Drops of life!

Water droplets full of life force splashed down, turning into a healing green light and falling on the three of them... This healing effect far exceeds the life water drop moves used by ordinary Pokémon.

"This is..."

Xiao Gang raised his palm tremblingly until he was able to flip it completely and smoothly. The cheek muscles that had been squeezed out and looked thin and sunken also began to fill and plump again.

The energy lost last night seemed to have returned all at once!

And those two little snow boys were sluggish from the very beginning until the two peas eyes were fully opened.

"Wu~!" "Wu~!"

In less than a while, they could even jump up and down and play around in place.

The two of them were still young, so they didn't even know what happened... It seemed like the night of the snowstorm more than a year ago was just last night.

"You two... are so naughty...!"

This scene also made Xue Ji break down in tears again, and her voice choked with the two snow boys in her arms.

"Miss Xue Ji, everything is over...!"

Seeing this, Xiao Gang, who had regained his energy, also came up and gently stroked Xue Ji's back from the back. This scene was like a family of four.

This made Xiao Zhi and Xiao Guang, who were watching blankly, look like outsiders.

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