He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1869 Xuefeng Gymnasium vs Xiao Siong! (Down)

"Prince Bo, we use water cannons!!"

Prince Bo understood, stood firmly on the lower body, opened the bird's beak to the maximum, and concentrated the turbulent water energy in the body at the exit.

Boom! !

In the next moment, a huge water column shell spewed out from Prince Bo's mouth, heading straight for the long-haired pig!

Even with the majestic 100,000-horsepower move, when it encounters a strong and strong current, its own momentum is intercepted on the spot, and it is constantly pressed by the water cannon, making it difficult to move forward.


Following another high-pitched blast from Prince Bo, the water cannon attack surged again, completely covering the long-haired pig.

This terrifying impact force completely defeated the 100,000 horsepower of the long-haired pig!

The latter's lower limbs have always been as stable as Mount Tai, and he didn't grasp the ice for a while.

Boom boom boom! !

The water cannon trick completely exploded on its body, directly sending the long-haired pig's thick and huge body flying, and fell heavily on the ice in the distance.

The effect is outstanding! !

But in a burst of ice and mist, the long-haired pig was seen lying on the ice in a similar motion as usual, motionless.

Xiao Wang quickly walked over, gently lifted the mane on the long-haired pig's eyes, and after confirming that there were a pair of circles inside, he raised his arms suddenly and said loudly:

"The long-haired pig lost the ability to fight, so Prince Bo won!"

When he said this, Xiaowang looked very surprised.

The strength of this Prince Bo seems to be much stronger than what he saw last time?

"Did you lose...?"

Xiao Song was also taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect his long-haired pig to lose after only a few rounds.

The strength of the Prince Bo in front of her is somewhat beyond her expectation.

"Well done, Prince Bo~!"

Xiao Guang gave a loud praise from behind, with the support of the water flow slab, the water cannon moves of Prince Bo were extraordinarily powerful.

Coupled with his trump card, it can be said that Prince Bo has absorbed the most experience points, and his strength is naturally the leader in the team.

"I have to be careful..."

As the referee, Xiao Wang thought to himself.

She is also preparing for the super gorgeous competition in the future.

The current power of this Prince Bo is no less than that of his capuchin cat.

But you must know that Prince Bo can still evolve!

Yusanjia has evolved to its final form, and its strength is bound to rise to another level.

And my capuchin, because of the appearance, completely abandoned evolution... now it is completely at a disadvantage.

After all, not every Pokémon can gain extraordinary power even without evolution, like Xiaozhi's Pikachu.

Even Xiaozhi's Pikachu had to rely on one or two slashes to increase his upper limit of strength.

"Wu~!" "Wu~!"

In the spectator seats, the two snow boys on Xiaozhi's lap were also jumping up and down, as if they were completely attracted by the wonderful battle in front of them.

Even when the two snow boys were extremely excited, they suddenly leaned back tactically and opened their mouths.

Sizzling! !

Sizzling! !

The next moment, two beams of ice-blue current pulses suddenly shot out from the mouths of the two snow boys.

Winding all the way, shooting into the air, two thick icicles formed on the ceiling of Xuefeng Gymnasium, the power is very powerful.

The sudden change made both Xiao Song and Xiao Guang look in this direction.

"Is it the frozen light...?"

As an expert in ice attributes, Xiao Song's eyes lit up when he looked at the two snow boys.

"Xuetong was able to use such a powerful freezing light when he was a child, and his aptitude is very good."

After getting the expert's evaluation, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Guang looked at each other from a distance, feeling overjoyed.

It seems that although the two snow boys slept with that strange frozen stone for more than a year, they almost lost their lives...

But after being reborn, his own strength has also been subtly changed by that frozen stone, right?

Good thing!

"Don't get excited, watch the game carefully."

But now the gymnasium battle is still going on, Xiao Zhi quickly covered the mouths of the two snow boys, and motioned to watch the game carefully first.


After a small episode, everyone's attention returned to the central arena.

"Then my last partner...come out!!"

Xiao Song threw the third poke ball, and as the red light fell, a huge figure appeared in front of everyone.

It was even bigger than a long-haired pig, and it landed on the ice with a "boom".

But it was a snowman Pokémon more than two meters long, with a thick and fat white body, and its head and body were covered with white ice fur.

The ends of the limbs and the tail look like green spiked plants.

Blizzard King!

"Is it finally a Pokémon from the Sinnoh region?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Blizzard King, the grass and ice attributes, the evolution of the Snow Hat Monster, lives on the snow-covered mountains for thousands of years, and will cause blizzards to hide itself. It used to be called a snow monster when it was witnessed by humans."

The picture book suggested.

The attribute combination of ice and grass is very rare.

"Blizzard King..."

Xiaoguang is still calculating the opponent's attribute combination. Now when she faces a new opponent, she will immediately think about the restraint relationship in attributes.

Although the Blizzard King looks very mighty, but the two weak attributes of Grass + Ice are combined together, and the weaknesses suddenly increase.

If the long-eared rabbit is still there, the flame fist can easily hit four times the critical strike effect...

Da da da!

At this time, hail particles fell over the gymnasium.

This is the characteristic of the Blizzard King - snowfall, continuous hailstones, lightly hitting Prince Bo, will take away part of the physical strength every round.

"It looks like a quick battle is necessary...Prince Bo, use the steel wings!!"

This time, Xiaoguang took the initiative to attack.

Prince Bo's steel attribute and flying attribute moves can achieve good results, but the premise is that they must be close to the target.


Prince Bo let out a low cry, his wings were stained with a metallic luster, and then, as if holding two knives, he trampled on the ice and rushed towards the opponent!

However, when approaching the target, Xiao Song suddenly said:

"Use a mallet!!"


The Blizzard King made a deep sound, clenched his fist with one arm, and the surface was instantly covered with a layer of emerald green energy coat, forming a thick and huge energy hammer.

Taking advantage of her size, she condescended and smashed the gavel down hard!

Bang bang! !

Prince Bo quickly shielded his body with steel wings, and the mallet hit it, making a violent explosion!

Immediately afterwards, there was a majestic force, and Prince Bo's entire body was thrown back by Blizzard King's gavel, his movements messy.


Prince Bo was panting with lingering fear. Fortunately, he was protected by the steel wings, so he was not directly attacked.

It was just that terrifying force that made its wings tremble.

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