He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1870 Torrent, slate, wave rush!

He understands Pokémon better than I do Chapter 1870 Torrents, slates, wave rush!

"What a strong force..."

Xiaoguang is a bit difficult to deal with. After all, the opponent's attributes also restrain his own Prince Bo, and there is also a great risk in getting close.

"Blizzard King, use the magic leaf!


Seeing that the opponent hesitated, Xiao Song launched a long-range attack.

As Blizzard raised his arms, countless green leaves flew out in unison, which looked very sharp.

"Prince Bo, hurry up and use the Tide Spin trick!"

Xiaoguang didn't hesitate anymore, and was going to use Chaoxuan's moves to restrict the opponent's movements.

I saw Prince Bo raised his wings, and a huge vortex formed above his head, and all the magic leaves that were shot were swept into it.

Hugh huh huh...!

With a flick of its wings, Nuoda's vortex rushed towards Blizzard King!

"This trick is useless to us, use Freezing Fist!


However, the Blizzard King just punched out with a fist. After the extremely cold fist touched the water flow, in just a few blinks, the tide spin in front of him was completely frozen into a big ice cube.

"Then throw it out!


The offensive wasn't over yet, and then King Blizzard threw the Frozen Tide Vortex fiercely, and his physical strength was also very terrifying.

Bang bang bang!

The big ice block fell on the ground and immediately burst into countless small ice blocks. The impenetrable trajectory directly covered Prince Bo completely.

"Prince Bo...!"

Xiaoguang called out anxiously, and Prince Bo quickly got up from the countless ice shards, shook his head, and shook off the excess ice shards on his body.

It's just a little painful, and it won't be directly divided into winners and losers.

Since strength cannot win, Xiaoguang simply set his goal on speed.

"Prince Bo, use the water jet!"

As soon as the words fell, Prince Bo's body turned into a sharp water arrow, which hit Blizzard King's chest at an extremely fast speed.

"Use the mallet!"

The effect was mediocre, Blizzard King immediately condensed a huge mallet, and was about to hit the penguin in front of him.


However, the water flow on Prince Bo's body did not end, he shot out obliquely, dodging the dangerous arm punching move.

Afterwards, he changed the angle and charged fiercely at Blizzard King's back again!

The clumsy Blizzard King seemed to be unable to withstand such an attack from Prince Bo, so Xiao Song hurriedly said:

"Use the magic leaf on the surrounding!"


The Blizzard King let out a long howl. This time, the green leaves of energy raised around his body did not attack at one place, but circled Blizzard King's body in a continuous spiral.

It actually played the effect of a flying leaf storm!



Prince Bo quickly condensed the steel wings and protected him in front of him. The magic leaf hit the steel wings, making clear and crisp sounds.

"Now, King Blizzard, use the gavel!


And the Blizzard King finally seized the opportunity. While scattering the magic leaf, one arm turned into a huge energy gavel again, and smashed heavily at Prince Bo behind him.

Bang bang!

There was another violent metallic bang, and the mallet hit the steel wing.

But this time he didn't hit Prince Bo, who raised the steel wings horizontally above his head, and the mallet fell from top to bottom.


Under the huge force, Prince Bo's body was directly thrown down, his lower limbs sank deep into the ice, and cracks and gaps spread around him.



Prince Bo didn't retreat but advanced, fighting the pain in his wings, he slashed the steel wings and chopped them off.

Bang bang!

The steel wings hit Blizzard King's thick belly, and the effect was outstanding!

The next moment, both of them flew upside down at the same time, and they didn't stop until the end of the arena.


Prince Bo was panting continuously, obviously he had reached the state of dying candles in the wind.

Coupled with the constant snowfall above his head, Prince Bo's stamina reached a limit.

Of course, similarly, the state of the opposite Blizzard King is not very optimistic.

You must know that although the mallet is powerful, it is a counter-injury move. With every violent attack, the Blizzard King himself will also suffer a certain risk of injury.


"The outcome will be revealed soon..."

The trainers present had good eyesight, and they all held their breath, staring closely at the field.


Suddenly, water vortices burst out from Prince Bo's whole body, dyeing his whole body dark blue, looking very imposing.

"A torrent feature...!?"

Xiaoguang recognized the state of Prince Bo at this moment, and when his heart was surging, his face was also extremely focused and solemn... This meant that Prince Bo's physical strength had also reached its final limit.



Hearing Prince Bo's excited and passionate cry, Xiao Guang finally chose to attack head-on after gritting his teeth.

"The last move, Prince Bo, use the strongest wave rush!




As soon as Prince Bo's figure was pressed, his body was instantly wrapped in a thick water flow, and the energy coat continued to spirally wind around his body, continuously amplifying and superimposing this momentum.

There are even torrent characteristics, and the double increase of the water flow slate!

Hugh boom boom!

This made the power of Prince Bo's fluctuating charge to an incomparably exaggerated level, and even the ice below along the way cracked a gap!

"What kind of move is this?!"

Xiao Song was taken aback, it was the first time she had seen such a terrifying move.

But since the opponent wants to fight head-on, she will not retreat.

"King Blizzard, use the gavel!




Blizzard King Kuangba let out a low growl, uu read a book

This time, both fists came out at the same time, turned into two huge energy gavels, and slammed hard at the target!

The next moment, Waves faced the gavel head-on!

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, countless streams of water burst forth, arousing an exaggerated energy explosion at the contact center.

You can also hear the crash of high-pressure water and the dull sound of a huge mallet falling.

In the end, it turned into a cloud of thick black smoke, covering up everything in the middle of the arena.

"Prince Bo...!"

"Blizzard King...!"

The two trainers at the end of the arena, muttering in their mouths, stared closely in front of them.


After half a minute, the smoke and dust fell.

However, in the center of the arena, a huge ice cave has formed, and there are countless branch cracks spreading outwards around it.

And in the center, both King Blizzard and Prince Bo fell completely on the ice at this moment, losing consciousness.

"King Blizzard and Prince Bo lost their ability to fight at the same time... So this match, Xiaoguang from Futaba Town won!


Xiao Wang breathed a sigh of relief, and pronounced the sentence loudly.

It's just such a fluctuating rush, how will her curly-tailed cat stop it...! ?

"Have you lost... Thank you for your hard work, King Blizzard."

Hearing this, Xiao Song's expression was a little downcast, but he quickly returned to normal, and took back the defeated Blizzard King.

Although the ending is to die together, but in the three-on-three battle, Xiaoguang still has a Pokémon that has not appeared.

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