He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1871 Unlucky moves

"Xiaoguang, you did well... This is the proof of defeating Xuefeng Gym."

After the game, Xiao Song handed the latter a badge made of stacked ice picks - the Glacier Badge.

In the bag, Xiaoguang's expression was quite excited.


However, Xiao Wang next to him coughed a little and walked up, reminding him with a serious face:

"Don't just focus on collecting badges, you should also pay close attention to the ribbons of the gorgeous contest!"

Now Xiaoguang's badges have come to 6, only the last 2... Instead, the progress of the ribbon has fallen.

Although Xiaoguang's current strength is good, Xiaowang is still very much looking forward to fighting against him on the stage of the Super Gorgeous Contest.

"I see!"

Xiaoguang could only stick out his tongue and agreed.

Xiaowang's tone and expression at the moment is just like that of a long-winded old woman, making it hard to resist.

After completing Xiao Guang's battle, Xiao Song bypassed the two, came to Xiao Zhi, and nodded slightly.

"Mr. Inspector, do you think tomorrow is the right place for the Gym's inspection battle...?"

Xiao Siong's tone is decent and polite, which is her quality as a teacher.

Even though he was very young, Xiao Song respected the Alliance Inspector sent down from above... To become an Inspector, the young man in front of him must have something special.

"The Ombudsman...?"

Xiao Wang at the back blinked his eyes, not knowing what was going on.

Amidst Xiao Guang's whispering, Xiao Wang's eyes on Xiao Zhi gradually became astonished.


Xiaozhi twisted the two snow boys, stood up slowly, with a hesitant expression.

Then he fixed his eyes and made a decision.

"Well, Miss Xiao Song, I saw a lot of things in the gym battle between you and Xiao Guang, and there is no need for any monitoring and testing."

Xiaozhi opened his mouth and directly rejected the battle that he had to do during the gymnasium supervision.

This Blizzard King seems to be Xiao Siong's trump card, unlike Mr. Winter Melon, there are three grades of Moat Dragon...

Looking at it in its entirety, this made Xiaozhi less inclined to repeat the challenge again.

Of course, he still wanted to be lazy.

He used the vocabulary he had learned all his life to comment on the comments of the previous gymnasium owners, and each gymnasium gave a text description of more than 400 words.

But this time in Xuefeng gymnasium, Xiaozhi only planned to write two words.


Since the owner of the gymnasium can do it, why can't he, the inspector, do it?

Say it and put it!

"I see..."

Hearing this, Xiao Song was a little surprised, but quickly nodded with a smile, and took a snow boy to tease.

This is a good thing, she doesn't have to be nervous about preparing for the battle.

In the previous battle between her and Xiaoguang, it can be said that both sides played perfectly, and the supervision of Xuefeng Gymnasium should be able to pass smoothly.



the next day.

Xuefeng City, the backyard of the Elf Center.

I saw that in the training ground, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang were engaged in daily sparring and fighting.

"Forest turtle, use rock climbing!!"

Xiao Zhi commanded loudly, the lower limbs of the forest turtle in front of him stretched out its claws, trampled on the ground repeatedly and rushed out.

In the end, he suddenly stretched out his powerful forelimbs and slammed into the target in front of him.

"Prince Bo, block it with your steel wings!"

Following Xiaoguang's command, Prince Bo's wings turned into steel and stood in front of him.

Bang bang! !

The wood turtle's sharp claws sprinted, and there was a burst of explosions on the steel wings, bursting out with sparks.

Even so, the powerful momentum of the forest turtle climbing rocks still knocked Prince Bo back again and again, and the last one couldn't stand still and sat down on the ground.

"Successful! Rock climbing is quite powerful...!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was pleasantly surprised, and stepped forward to pat the wood turtle on the head.

Xiao Zhi simply let the forest turtle learn the skill machine CD that he picked up on Route 217 a few days ago, and his strength is quite strong.

"Bogu Bogoo!!"

Prince Bo yelled again and again.

It seemed a little dissatisfied, and clamored for the forest turtle to come again, and this time it would be able to block it perfectly.

"Prince Bo has been a little irritable recently..."

On this point, Xiaoguang also expressed helplessness. Recently, Prince Bo's character has become a lot more irritable.

"Maybe it's about to evolve?"

Xiaozhi casually reminded.

He is also an old man, and has witnessed many evolutionary phenomena.

Many Pokémon tend to be more restless than usual when they are approaching evolution.

"Really, it's going to evolve!?"

Hearing this, Xiao Guang showed joy, it seemed that she was going to temporarily exchange the golden membrane with the water flow slab on Prince Bo's body.

"Yo, everyone, early~!"

And in the distance, Xiao Wang also walked over slowly, shaking his spirits.

When she returned to Xuefeng City, she naturally stayed home for one night on a rare occasion.

Now that the mission of the Gym Challenge is over, she plans to take a few people around Xuefeng City in the afternoon, such as the nearby Wisdom Lake, which is a good scenic spot.

After seeing his friend, Xiaoguang temporarily left Xiaozhi aside, and chatted with Xiaowang.

Now her focus should really be on the beauty contest first.

Xiaozhi can only continue to direct the forest turtle, improving his proficiency in rock climbing moves.


It's a cold environment in the morning, and it's a place suitable for sleeping in.

However, this training ground soon walked in another person.

Standing on the entrance steps with his pockets in his pockets, Shinji noticed the wood turtle performing a rock-climbing trick.

rumble! !

As the forelegs of the forest turtle stomped on the ground, a towering and protruding rock platform even rose out of nowhere on the ground in front of him, and then the forest turtle rushed out, inserting its forelimbs fiercely into it.

In an instant, the tall rocks were all broken into rubble and fell from the sky.

If there is another target, the enemy has already fallen from the sky like these gravels.


Seeing this scene, Shinji remained silent, but frowned slightly.

"Hey Shinji, you haven't left yet...?"

It was only then that Xiaozhi noticed the people behind him, his gym battle was over yesterday, and he still stayed in this city.

Then he thought of something, Xiaozhi asked excitedly.

"How about it, my forest turtle's rock-climbing trick. You also have a platform turtle, please evaluate it!"

Seeing Xiaozhi's look of anticipation, this time Shinji did not turn his head and leave as usual, but gave an unexpected evaluation:

"The strength is good, it's a good move...but it's not an auspicious move."

Xiaozhi: "?"

What an adjective is auspicious.

With Shinji's character, is there any superstition about fighting?

But after the evaluation, Shinji did not continue to pay attention to this rock climbing move, but his eyes fell on Xiaozhi's forest turtle.

I didn't take a closer look last time.

Looking at it again this time, you can clearly see that the green body of this wood turtle is very special under the brown-yellow hard shell.

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