He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1872 Pyramids and the Age of Gods

Usually the wood turtle has only emerald green body, but this one is dark green.

There are even spots on the surface, with a somewhat hazy feeling, as if covered with a layer of moss.

"Has there been any mutations in your wood turtle?"

Shinji couldn't help but speak.

He is not a newcomer to the arena, he knows a lot about the mutation phenomenon of Pokémon, whether it is good or bad.

But the forest turtle in front of him is filled with a strong breath of plant life... It is obviously a positive mutation.

Feeling it carefully, Shinji even felt that the other party's plant breath was about to catch up with his own earthen turtle.

You know, the other party can still evolve again... Wait a while and then evolve again, maybe the power will directly surpass your own Turtle.

Well, such a forest turtle can't practice grass-type moves well, what about the rock-climbing hammer? !

"Oh, I came into contact with a magical stone in EMI Forest before."

Xiaozhi didn't hide anything about this, and said it casually.

"Emi Forest..."

Shinji narrowed his eyes, and as a native of Sinnoh, he immediately thought of what he had heard before, that there is a magical moss rock in the EMI forest that can evolve Eevee.

It seems that this stone also has the effect of increasing the mutation of other grass-type Pokémon?

"How are your Pokémon getting ready..."

"Alliance Assembly..."

When Xiaogang was about to greet a few people to go back for dinner, as soon as he came to the backyard, he found Xiaozhi and Shinji chatting like friends, and Xiaogang froze in place.

I rubbed my eyes vigorously, only to be sure that I didn't time travel.

It's just that the scene is just too weird.


Noticing Xiaogang's arrival, Shinji did not continue to say anything, put his hands in his pockets, responded casually, and left quite chicly.

Xiaozhi's strength is very strong... Shinji is clear about this.

The world in Shinji's eyes is very simple and rough, and he will respect the strong.

But for people he doesn't like, he won't say a word.

"Um... what are you guys talking about?"

Until Shinji walked away, Xiao Gang asked suspiciously, with a strange expression.

"Oh, just chatted about the future alliance meeting... Shinji seems to be well prepared."

Xiaozhi opened his mouth and said, obviously he was completely used to the latter's indifferent tone.

This guy seems to be planning to use this league conference as a stepping stone to win the conference, and then go all out to attack the higher championship league.

"Speaking of which, I'll see Mr. Kojiro soon... I'm really looking forward to it."

When walking back to the elf center, Xiaozhi was still muttering casually.

This made Xiaogang's ears prick up, and he quickly grabbed Xiaozhi...Hey, this is the point!


At lunch, the three of Xiaozhi and Xiaowang got together.

"Xiao Wang, we may not be able to go to Wisdom Lake this afternoon, there is something more beautiful."

Hearing this, several people all set their eyes on Xiao Zhi, motioning the latter to speak in detail quickly.

"It's like this. It seems that Mr. Jindai has something to do. He should arrive near Xuefeng City in the afternoon... At that time, that guy Shinji plans to directly challenge Mr. Jindai. Let's join in the fun."

Hearing this, several people had different expressions.

Xiao Gang understands, but Xiao Guang and Xiao Wang are completely clueless about the Age of Gods.

Is it a powerful trainer from the field?

"It's a battle facility that I have challenged before. It is said that the leaders there have the strength not to lose to the alliance king."

Xiaozhi explained with a smile, recalling the time when he was playing against the frontier in his mind.

Of course, the outside world said that he was not inferior to the king of the alliance.

But after the complete fight, Xiaozhi can only say that the strength of these leaders is also uneven, not all of them have the strength of the alliance king.

But sitting on three legendary pillars, the strength of Mr. Jindai is by no means inferior to any alliance king.

Even if it is the league champion... if it is Mikri, it is indeed not inferior.

The words "Legendary Pokémon" and "League Champion" immediately attracted the attention of Xiao Guang and Xiao Wang.

What kind of Lake of Wisdom is this?

After a few people had lunch, they were waiting at the gate of the elf center early.


Seeing so many people coming at once, Shinji, who was also waiting at the door, frowned slightly.

He told Xiaozhi about this, and he also wanted the latter to see his current strength, but Shinji didn't like having so many people watching his battle.

"We're here to cheer you on~!"

However, Xiaoguang shouted happily, so that Shinji could only helplessly close his mouth that he wanted to drive away.

"Although you are not very likable...but if the opponent is an out-of-town trainer, I don't mind cheering you on."

Since Xiao Song doesn't have any dislike towards Shinji, Xiao Wang can only temporarily suppress his previous anger and prepare to be a melon-eating crowd.

"Hmph, boring guy."

Shinji snorted coldly, simply ignored the few people, and stood alone at the intersection of the street.


Soon, a van stopped in front of everyone, with the windows down, it was Shinji's elder brother Leisi.

The meeting with the Age of God this time was originally Lei Si's personal behavior.

Although he was once defeated by the Age of Gods, and was even beaten and retired... But Lei Si is still quite grateful to the Age of Gods, allowing him to find what he really wanted.

Taking advantage of Shendai's coming to the Shen'ao area this time, he came to Xuefeng City to express his gratitude.

After Shinji knew about it, he made a strong request to challenge the Age of God.

"Long time no see, everyone~! Oh, is there another young girl~!"

Lei Si noticed Xiaozhi and his party, as well as Xiaowang behind him, and greeted him with a friendly smile.

This made Xiaowang a little confused, and after hearing Xiaoguang's reminder of "Shinji's brother", his expression was even more unbelievable.

An indifferent and taciturn younger brother, but there is such a sunny and cheerful elder brother?

whoosh whoosh...!

Coincidentally, before the few people had time to say anything, there was a loud sound of propellers churning in the air.

He raised his head and saw that it was a huge pyramid flying over the heads of several people.

A huge black-gray pyramid, four "small golden tower" flying machines extending from the four corners, supporting the flight of the heavy central body.


In this scene, let alone Xiaowang, even Xiaozhi saw the pyramid fly for the first time.

The huge building that originally stood on the ground flew uprooted directly, and the black shadow fell down, accompanied by the huge propeller noise... This is extremely oppressive!

"The time is just right, everyone, get in the car~!"

Lei Si hooked his hand, indicating that he was going to drive.

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