He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1882 Xuefeng Temple

On the other side, the Dragon God Pillar, which has completely absorbed the wave energy of the dragon, slowly floated up as if enjoying a delicious meal.

Then the dragon head statue split from the middle, revealing the crimson round egg body with cracks inside.

The originally cracked dragon head statue has also turned into an existence that looks like an arm, suspended on both sides of the main body.


Xiaoguang and the two opened their mouths slightly, a little speechless.

Well, after the transformation, it looks even weirder!

Put together with Mr. Jindai's three pillar giants, absolutely no one will think it is a series.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, let's travel together for a while!"

Xiaozhi stretched out his hands, and Dian Shenzhu hopped over, moving like a little rabbit.

As for the Dragon God Pillar, it floated slowly, appearing to be much deeper and restrained.

Rubbing the bodies of the two with their palms, there was a strange tingling sensation...

After all, these two Pokémon do not represent physical objects such as ice, snow, rocks, and steel, but two pure medium energies.

But these two Pokémon are more salty than Emperor Yan.

The latter also need to go home to visit relatives occasionally.

But for the Electric God Pillar and the Dragon God Pillar, they spend most of their time sleeping, and Bikabimon can still sleep.

Perhaps it has been sealed for a long time, and it has become a muscle memory engraved in the bones.


In the early morning of the next day, everyone arrived outside the Battle Pyramid as scheduled.

"Everyone, come with me."

Jindai waved his hand, and led Xiaozhi and the others, plus one of his apprentices, towards a direction.

In Nuoda's pyramid, only the cheap nephew of the Age of God was left behind, passing through the transparent panel of the control room of the Battle Pyramid, looking eagerly at the people who were gradually going away, showing an envious expression.

Their pyramid lineage has a great connection with the three divine pillars and the divine pillar king.

As a direct clan member of the Age of Gods, he will also explore his own Three God Pillar in the future... Uncle's adventure has nothing to do with him.

Soon, Xiaozhi and his party came to a remote corner in the northwest of Xuefeng City.

Surrounded by sparse pine trees, the ground is covered with snow, which looks quite barren.

And at the end of this open space, leaning against a protruding mountain, there is a simple and simple temple.

It is made of ancient blue stones and stone pillars, like some kind of sacrificial place.

Above the steps, the stone gate at the main entrance is closed, and the inner area of ​​the temple is obviously built in the mountains behind.

"This is the Xuefeng Temple."

As a local, Xiao Wang has been here several times and introduced it to everyone.

However, the gate here is closed all year round, and the road is desolate, so few people come here to watch it.

Even the locals of Xuefeng City don't know what's inside the gate.

"Mr. Jindai, you are here."

At this time, a woman slowly walked out from the side door of the temple, bowed slightly and made a move to the god generation.

She has a handsome face and is a few years older than Xiaozhi and the others.

Wearing a white dress and a white shawl on the head, the clothes are decorated with various exotic patterns, which looks like special costumes for worshiping witches.

"Sister Meiqin, why are you here?!"

Xiao Wang couldn't help saying, this person is also her acquaintance in Xuefeng City.

"Hey, Nozomi, why are you with Mr. Jindai..."

The witch named Mikoto was a little surprised, but before she could finish her sentence, a figure rushed out of the crowd and came in front of her.

I saw that Xiaogang's face was already covered with a layer of Danmei's unique dream filter, and he knelt down on one knee, gently cupping Miqin's palm.

"I am here to see such a beautiful maiden, you must come to bring Xiaosheng to heaven... Ugh!!"

Before Xiao Gang finished speaking, another dark blue streak suddenly appeared behind him.

The raised palm turned into a sharp thrust, stabbing hard at Xiao Gang's backyard.

It even directly broke through Xiaogang's gluteal muscle defense, breaking through the defense directly to Huaxin!

Poison attack! !

In an instant, Xiao Gang's face turned purple, his whole body stiffened and trembled, and he fell on the spot.

"Wow, the power of the bad frog has become stronger."

Xiaozhi couldn't help being amazed by this.

Decisive, ruthless, and powerful!

I haven't seen this bad frog make a move in this period of time...

It seemed that he was accumulating strength, but he didn't expect that this poisonous blow would be extremely powerful when he appeared on the stage today.

Even Teacher Gang, who had developed a resistance, couldn't resist at all.


Bad Frog just frowned sullenly, picked up Xiao Gang's hind legs as if nobody was there, dragged him behind and fell silent.

In order to challenge the poisonous skeleton frog of the Galaxy team, the bad frogs are constantly training themselves, and have no time to talk to Xiaogang's chrysanthemum.

But now it's different, the bad frog feels that he has matured, so he officially came out of the mountain.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I came out, I saw my trainer committing a nympho, so I stabbed it with muscle memory...


"Hi everyone, I'm the Miko of Xuefeng Temple, and my name is Miqin."

Skipping the episode, Mikoto greeted several people.

She is now considered to be one of the few remaining official members of the Xuefeng Temple.

Jindai had already contacted Mikoto in advance and wanted to meet today.

"So Miss Meiqin still has this job..."

Xiao Wang asked in a daze, isn't he an ordinary white-collar worker in Xuefeng City, why does he also work part-time as a witch here?

"Then according to the agreement, I will open the gate of Xuefeng Temple, and then the information obtained by Mr. Jindai must also be backed up for our Xuefeng Temple."

Mikoto looked at Jindai and said seriously.

"It's natural."

Shendai solemnly nodded and said, although the lineage of guardians of Xuefeng Temple is now scarce, it is already in a state of existence in name only...

But the respect that should be given still has to be given.

"In that case, everyone, come with me."

Meiqin nodded, and led the crowd towards the main entrance of Xuefeng Temple.

As the guardian of the last generation, in fact, she also really wants to know what secrets are hidden inside the Xuefeng Temple.

She came to the tightly closed stone gate, and after a closer look, she could see a strange circular groove on the stone gate.

Then Mikoto took out a ball pendant from the neckline, with a ball in the shape of a pearl at the end.


As the stone ball was stuffed into the groove, the originally closed stone door also began to vibrate, and then even turned towards the inside and slowly opened.

However, it was obvious that it had not been opened for many years. The bottom of the stone door was rubbing against the ground, and it opened very slowly with a bit of rigidity.

From it, there was a desolate and ancient smell, and smoke and dust visible to the naked eye floated out.


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