He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1883 Summoning the Pillar King


This is dust that has been stagnant for many years. Xiaozhi and the others are covering their mouths and noses and coughing, but Jindai is not hiding.

wash...! !

He even opened his arms and took a big breath of the old air full of smoke, as if he was enjoying something delicious.

Looking at this appearance, Xiaozhi and the others burst into sweat.

This uncle is not only a strong fighter, but also an archaeological madman.

Are you really not afraid of some ancient poisonous gas, just lay the coffin on the board...

Looking inside, the temple was pitch-black and there were no lights.

After all, this is a temple dug inward from the mountain, and it should be regarded as half a cave.

"Pikachu, use the flash."

So Xiaozhi shook his shoulders, signaling the guy above to move.


After Pikachu lazily responded, he jumped out, a faint electric arc flickering on his cheek.

The low temperature environment in Xuefeng City makes it completely unmotivated.


However, Pikachu was still reliable, and the electric current turned into a dim yellow light and spread outwards. In an instant, the dark interior of the temple was covered with a layer of yellow light.

Jindai nodded, but he didn't use his Pokémon as a tool man.

As an archaeologist, he needs to deal with various harsh environments, so he has specially prepared a lot of vehicles.

As the lights came on, several people formally entered the Xuefeng Temple.

In the middle is a straight avenue leading to the depths.

On the rock walls on both sides, there are all kinds of strange murals and various incomprehensible dot marks.

Just like some kind of ancient text, it is arranged and composed according to certain rules to form sentences.

"It's very similar to the words in the stone room where the Three Gods Pillar is sealed."

Komyo stroked his chin and spoke.

It seems that the Three Divine Pillars are indeed closely related to the Divine Pillar King.

Just these dot matrix imprints on the surrounding walls already have considerable research value. It is estimated that these are some related records of ancient humans on the Three God Pillars and the God Pillar King.

"Well, envoys who enter the Xuefeng Temple must carry the Three Divine Pillars to enter."

Mikoto also spoke slowly.

But their trainers from the lineage of guardians of the Xuefeng Temple are too mediocre.

Not to mention the three divine pillar giants, it is difficult to subdue one, or even see one...

No way, Mikoto can only choose to cooperate with outsiders. After all, Mr. Jindai is alone and has three pillars at the same time!

"Miss Meiqin, the version has changed, and now it's the Five Gods Pillar."

Jindai didn't turn his head, but said in a deep voice.

"Five pillars?"

Meiqin was stunned. Is this the literal meaning, or some cold joke?

"Oh, I also have two pillar giants here, maybe they can help."

Xiaozhi took out two weird-looking elf balls and said with a smile.

"The other two?"

Meiqin froze in place. As a maiden of Xuefeng Temple, she had never heard of the Five God Pillars!

In the end, she could only drift with the crowd, and continued to move forward with the crowd in a somewhat bewildered manner.


Walking all the way for nearly 100 meters, I saw a cave exit suddenly appeared in front of me.

It's just that the exit does not lead to the outside world, but leads to a spacious stone cave square.

The extremely empty flat ground is about the size of two or three stadiums.

The height above his head was only six or seven meters when he first came in, and he suddenly reached a terrifying height of more than fifty meters.

"It's unbelievable. I didn't expect the ancient people to be able to open up such a spacious area in a mountainous area."

Miqin was shocked.

It was also the first time for her to enter Xuefeng Temple, and no one was allowed to open the gate of Xuefeng Temple until she got the Three Divine Pillars.

"It's completely free to fight here..."

Xiao Zhi looked around and couldn't help muttering.

Even ordinary battles don't need such a spacious space, as if to deal with some special large-scale battles.

Although the rock wall of the ceiling is completely closed, there are some luminous special plants growing around the cave square, and the light is quite bright.


This made Pikachu shake his head, and he didn't need to continue to discharge and flash.

In the center of this spacious square, there are three towering stone pillars, extending all the way to the high rock wall ceiling.

The color is also very special, which happens to be ice blue, taupe, and black silver corresponding to the three divine pillars.

More like an icicle, a stone pillar, and a steel pillar.

There must be the destination, and several people hurriedly leaned on it.

But in the middle surrounded by three strange divine pillars, there is a rock platform, and there is a blue bead placed on it.

It looks somewhat similar to the Awakening Stone that Xiaoguang's snow boy had, but it is much larger, about the size of a football.

"This stone..."

Miqin opened her eyes wide, and she felt a grand and deep breath from it.

This feeling was also felt by other people, as if a huge mountain was overwhelming and extremely heavy, making it difficult to breathe.

"That's right, this orb is probably related to the Divine Pillar King, Regichkas."

Shendai's expression also became fanatical, staring closely at the treasure in front of him, and even flashed a bit of greed for no reason.

It would be great if I could bring this orb back to the Battle Pyramid!

But soon, the age of God pressed this weird greedy idea.

This is the psychology that every archaeologist will have. When encountering ancient treasures, for knowledgeable archaeologists, the desire to possess far exceeds that of others.

But this is something that belongs to the Xuefeng Temple, not a wild treasure, and the Age of God will not have the idea of ​​snatching it.

At most, communicate with the local temple to see if you can take it back and study it for a few days...


"So what's the use of this thing?"

"Could it be an evolution tool?"

Experts watch the doorway, laymen watch the excitement, Xiaozhi and the others gather around the orb, chatting in one go.

In the end, it was Mikoto who spoke, interrupting the discussion of several people.

"According to the legend handed down from our Xuefeng Temple, the envoys who have gained the trust of the Three Divine Pillars will bring the Three Divine Pillars into the Xuefeng Temple, and they will be able to see the Divine Pillar King... This orb may be the key to summoning the Divine Pillar King. A token, or an intermediary?"

Meiqin guessed.

Jindai took out a magnifying glass, looked around the orb for a while and didn't see anything unusual, but agreed with Mikoto's statement.

It seems that this is just an intermediary, not the real ontology.

"How about it, Miss Mikoto, do you want to try it?"

So Jindai looked at Mikoto and asked.

The latter understood the meaning of God Generation, and after thinking for a while, nodded in agreement.

Seeing this, Jindai no longer hesitated, and after calling the few people back for a distance, he took out three poke balls with his backhand.

boom! boom! boom!

The red light flashed, and three stone pillar giants with different shapes appeared in front of the Age of Gods at the same time.

As soon as they appeared on the stage, the three god pillars seemed to sense something, and they all faced the three stone pillars corresponding to themselves.


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