He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1884 Gigantic, Regichkas!

Sensing the aura of the Three Divine Pillars, these three stone pillars, which were not moving at first, also flickered with a strange light, as if they were responding.

Immediately after the big round orb on the central stone platform, light appeared on the surface.

It flickered like breathing, and finally the whole orb was slowly suspended, reaching a position of about 2 meters.


Everyone was still watching in a daze, but suddenly the surrounding rock walls and ground began to tremble, and the entire cave square was making noises.

"It's going to collapse?!"

Xiaozhi's face tightened. Now their position should be in the hinterland of the deep mountain. It would be terrible if all the rocks collapsed.

Xiaozhi still has lingering fears after experiencing the collapse and earthquake of Iron Island.

"It's okay, don't panic."

Jindai stood in front of everyone, staring closely at the pillar in front of him.

What kind of mechanism was triggered by the three divine pillars... but it was obviously not a mechanism that collapsed and self-destructed.

Moreover, this stone cave square is unusually open and spacious, if he guessed correctly...


The next moment, with the orb as the center, a pink-purple beam of light rose up, shooting directly at the ceiling of the rock wall more than 50 meters high.

Immediately afterwards, this purple energy beam continued to expand and expand, with a diameter ranging from one meter, ten meters, and finally even reaching a width of twenty meters.

"Stand back, everyone."

Sensing a majestic and dignified aura, Jindai has confirmed his conjecture, and hastily called everyone to back off.

And as this exaggerated purple energy beam dispersed, when everyone looked up again, they saw that there was already a huge monster in front of them!

His body is like a hill, more than twenty meters high.

Its appearance is somewhat similar to that of the Three Divine Pillars, only a giant divine pillar, with an exaggerated body shape, even when the Howling Whale King comes, it only reaches his knees.

He has a huge white body, his head and torso are integrated, and there are three golden protruding rings standing on the position of his face, in which strange dot marks are engraved.

On either side are thick, long rocky arms that end in the shape of three white fingers.

The lower limbs are also in the shape of white stone pillars, but below the knees, they are completely covered by green grass seedlings.

Just standing there without moving anything, the entire cave square trembled faintly, and everyone's hearts throbbed crazily.

"Mr. Kojiro, this is..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but said, Jindai also had his eyes focused, sweat dripping down his forehead.

"That's right, the legendary Pillar King, Regichkas!!"

Unexpectedly, this temple directly awakened and summoned Regichkas' body! !

"Is this the Divine Pillar King...But it's too exaggerated for more than twenty meters."

Xiaoguang's complexion darkened, and his heart felt a little cold.

It feels like just throwing a punch casually can completely smash everything around it!

"No...According to the records in ancient books, the height of Shenzhu King should be 5 to 7 meters...It is absolutely impossible to reach the level of more than 20 meters."

Mikoto Mikoto was shocked, and quickly denied it.

This seems to be a special state, not the original appearance of Shenzhu King...

"This is, extreme giantization."

At this time, Shendai suddenly opened his mouth and recognized the state of Shenzhu King in front of him.

"Extremely large?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, it sounded like something incredible.

"Well, extreme giantization, this is a special state mechanism in the Galar region. Pokémon can become giants for a period of time, and the moves they perform will become more powerful... This is probably somewhat similar to mega evolution. similar."

Kamdai stared at the extremely giant Pillar King in front of him, and quickly explained to several people.

He has traveled a lot and knows the special mechanism of Pokémon everywhere.

At this moment, the surface of the Shenzhu King's body is glowing with a faint purple light, especially the three reddish-purple clouds floating above its head, which is the best proof of its extremely giant state.

Looking at the stone cave square around it, the reason why it is so open and spacious is to allow the King of Pillars to still have enough room to move after being extremely giant.

"Similar to mega evolution?"

Hearing this, everyone immediately understood... This level of evolution is many times more exaggerated than mega evolution!

"Reggie...!" "Reggie...!"

Sensing the appearance of his boss, the Three Divine Pillars of the Age of Gods made an impatient sound, leaned over, and put on gestures of submission and respect.

This is already a reunion after an unknown number of years.


However, the gigantic Regichkas didn't respond, and stood there silently like a hill, not paying attention to his three little brothers.

There was no other move, which made several people look at the Age of God with doubts.

"Hmm...According to the ancient book, Regichkas seems to be a little slow...?"

Jindai frowned slightly, and said.

But at this moment, they have unexpectedly awakened the Divine Pillar King, so what's next?


In this way, everyone stalemate for about 5 minutes.

The extremely giant divine pillar king finally made a movement, its body moved slightly, and the dot matrix imprint on its face flickered for a while.


Accompanied by the electronic sound flickering in the dot matrix, the Shenzhu King uttered a low hum, and the majestic and heavy breath suddenly surprised several people.

At the same time, a deep voice appeared in the minds of everyone here.


Xiaozhi and Xiaogang looked at each other, and instantly understood this ability.

God's will!

This is the inherent power of many ancient gods, radiating their god will, forcibly converting thoughts into language, and floating in the brains of other creatures.

Of course, ancient gods like Gulardo and Pillar King rarely communicated with outsiders, so the will of the gods was also very unfamiliar.

The language of radiation transformation also seemed intermittent, not a fluent and clear sentence.

But in just four words, everyone understood.

"It seems that the Xuefeng Temple is a place to summon the Divine Pillar King, fight with him, and complete the test."

Xiao Wang summed it up in one sentence.

Hearing that there was going to be a fight, Miqin, who was incapable of fighting, hurriedly took a few steps back, took out her camera and took pictures in the back.

Although the existence that has been guarded by their Xuefeng Temple for generations looks really mighty and domineering, why does it always feel a little dull and weird...?

"If it is extremely giant, it will be a very giant group battle. Boys, let's go together!"

Shendai showed a fanatical expression, he didn't expect to be able to fight against the Shenzhu King today, which made his blood boil for a long time.

Hearing that everyone has a share, Xiaozhi and the others took out the elf balls one after another.

Although I don't know what extremely giant group battle is, it probably means more beatings...

It sounds like the Galar region doesn't seem to be a particularly civilized place.


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