He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1885 Extremely Giant Group Battle!


However, before everyone could throw the elf ball, the extremely giant Pillar King uttered a low shout again.

The sound even blew a violent gust of wind out of thin air, directly blowing away the elf balls in everyone's hands.

After sleeping for many years, after being dull for about 10 minutes, the Divine Pillar King finally regained most of his consciousness, and the will of God once again appeared in everyone's minds.

"Only...Sacred Pillar...fight!"

Everyone immediately understood that it meant that only the Three Divine Pillars could participate in this extremely giant group battle.

This made Xiaoguang and the others a little regretful, and retreated to the same rear as Mikoto.

It seems that this Divine Pillar King is not a violent existence. If he can fight, no matter if he loses the battle, he can still boast for a while.

Although it can also help Mr. Jindai to share and command a three-spirited pillar...

However, they are not familiar with the fighting methods and skills of the three god pillars. In actual fighting, it is probably not as good as Mr. Jindai commanding the three god pillar giants alone.


Only then did the Shenzhu King look at the three Shenzhu giants in front of him, and nodded in satisfaction.

In his life, he has pinched a lot of giant...dwarves.

The three in front of me, if added up, can just give myself some exercise.


But at this time, Xiao Zhi suddenly pressed his hat, and stood shoulder to shoulder with Jindai.

"Only Shenzhu giants can participate in this kind of group battle...In that case, it's up to you!!"

Xiaozhi showed a fanatical smile and threw two elf balls.

boom! boom!

Following two crisp sounds, the figures of Electric God Pillar and Dragon God Pillar appeared on the stage.

The shape is exquisite, and it looks very weird when placed together with the original three gods.

duang~! duang~!

Even the appearance of Dian Shenzhu bouncing and jumping among the serious and simple giants of Shenzhu looks even more weird and funny.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the Electric God Pillar and the Dragon God Pillar, the Divine Pillar King was stunned for a moment.

Are these two existences made of pure energy also pinched by myself... Why do I have no memory at all?

But speaking of the aura alone, it is indeed the same as his own, the aura that belongs exclusively to the divine pillar giant.

The situation suddenly changed from three to one to five to one.

"So this is just starting to fight, right?!"

Xiaozhi didn't care about the rules of the group battle, one person commanded two, and directly launched an attack.

"Electric God Pillar, use 100,000 volts! Dragon God Pillar, use Dragon Wave!!"

After the words fell, Dian Shenzhu took the lead in making the move, and his figure bounced up at an extremely fast speed.

Boom! !

Immediately afterwards, the electric current burst out from the whole body, under the blessing of the characteristics of the transistor, the power of 100,000 volts was even more exaggerated, and it ruthlessly bombarded the face of the Shenzhu King, causing an explosion.

The three god pillars still have a respectful attitude towards the god pillar king, but these two strange god pillars don't have any feelings of superiors and subordinates to the god pillar king.

Immediately afterwards, the Dragon God Pillar slightly closed the dragon head statue, ejecting a beam of black and purple light beams, which also struck heavily on the face of the God Pillar King!

Boom! !

It also has the blessing of the characteristics of the dragon's jaw, and the power of the dragon's wave is far beyond that of others.


This made the 1.0 Sanshenzhu look up, his face flickered, and they all showed envious expressions.

Why aren't their characteristics enhancing the power of rock, ice, and steel attribute moves? !

"Hiss, what a powerful force..."

"How, did it work?!"

It was the first time for Xiaoguang and the others to see the battle of Dian Shenzhu, and they showed astonished expressions.

Just looking at the power of one hundred thousand volts and the wave of the dragon, it will surpass the power of the moves of the three gods in the previous battle between Shinji and the Age of God.


However, as the Shenzhu King waved his huge arm to disperse the smoke from his face, it seemed that it had no effect.

"How can it be?!"

Xiaozhi wondered, did these two cannons hurt?

Could it be that this extremely giant state has also improved the defense of Pokémon?

"Extremely large will only increase the upper limit of the Pokémon's physical strength, but will not increase the defense...Perhaps the defense of the Pillar King itself is already very exaggerated."

Jindai quickly reminded, and then he also launched an attack.

"Reggie Locke, Regice, Registeel, use Arm Punch!!"

After hesitating for a moment, Sanshenzhu realized that he was now in the testing stage and could attack the boss, so they started to move one after another.

Seeing that the three god pillars rushed up one after another, they jumped up and came to the knee of the extremely giant god pillar king.

All three of them had their arms covered with dazzling white light, and then they slammed down on Shenzhu King's knee with great force!

Boom! !

Three consecutive explosions sounded, and the effect was outstanding! !

There was a slight pain in the knee position, and the Shenzhu King finally reacted slowly, clenched his arm into a fist, and slammed it hard on the ground in front of him!

Keng whoosh...!

The next moment, a series of sharp and hard steel spikes instantly rose from the ground in front of him, and the spikes stretched wildly all the way, attacking everyone!

Extremely huge steel! !

"What kind of move is this?!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, this move looked a bit like a sharp stone attack, but it was completely composed of steel thrusts.

And you must know that the size of Shenzhu King is still more than 20 meters, and the moves he uses are also extremely terrifying. Each steel spike is five or six meters high, which is extremely oppressive!

For no reason, it reminded Xiaozhi of the cliff sword used by Gulardo back then, and it was so exaggerated.

"This is an extremely huge steel from Iron Head... Regis Chill, use the iron wall to block it!"

While explaining quickly, Jindai commanded and resisted, and his mouth was a little too much.

As soon as the words fell, the Steel God Pillar jumped out immediately, blocking the rising trajectory of the extremely huge steel alone, with his arms folded around his chest, his body glowed with a layer of metallic silver light.

Boom! !

The next moment, the huge steel exploded, and the scene looked as exaggerated as if a cannon had bombarded a mosquito. The terrifying force directly lifted the entire body of the Steel God Pillar into the air, and slammed it heavily on the nearby rock wall.

Fortunately, Steel God Pillar has a certain resistance to steel-type moves, so he barely survived this blow.

And this cave square seems to be a place specially built for the battle of the extremely giant Shenzhu King, but it is extremely firm and stable.

Even though the exaggerated and turbulent extremely huge steel protruded all the way, and the ground stood east, no gravel fell.


But after using this move, the body of Shenzhu King glowed red.

Regichkas' defense has increased!

Taking advantage of this gap, Jindai quickly explained to Xiaozhi:

"Extremely gigantic Pokémon, the moves used will become corresponding special moves, such as the iron head trick of the steel attribute, which becomes extremely giant steel."

"The power of the moves will be greatly improved, and each move will have special additional effects, such as extremely giant steel, which can improve one's own defense."

Obviously, Mr. Jindai is very familiar with this extremely large mechanism.


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