He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 167 Two-Star Electrician Certificate

"This Pikachu is so strong..."

Taichi, who was watching silently, had his eyes brightened. It was the first time he saw a non-evolved Pokémon hammering his own evolved Pokémon.

"Am I going to find a time to challenge the three brothers with Ibrahimovic...?"

A bold idea came to his mind.


Surrounded by the crowd, Xiaozhi got another fire stone, and signaled to hurry up to the next game. Today, he will take all three stones together.

The local tyrants have no other, people are stupid and have a lot of money, come quickly.


Big Brother Spiny frowned deeply. The two defeats in a row had already let him know that the electric mouse in front of him was extraordinary, and it was by no means like the ordinary and rotten street on the surface.

But he quickly cheered up again. Both speed and strength can be improved through later training, but there is one thing, Pikachu will never be able to surpass Raichu.

Xiaozhi understood its body language, and said:

"Is it weight? Give my Pikachu another two years, it's really hard to say."

Pikachu: "?"

Big Brother Briny: "..."

He snorted coldly, it wasn't actually weight, what he really wanted to say was,


Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the other party with a nonchalant expression. You must know that electricity has always been Pikachu's special skill. The powerful electricity is even a big rock snake that can violate the attribute restraint and blow up together.

Suddenly, in front of everyone, the bristly brother took out a small red book from his arms, with a very proud expression on his face, and there were five big gilt characters written on the small book.

Two-star electrician certificate!

"Hmph, my Raichu has a powerful power of at least 2500 volts. I have obtained this two-star electrician certificate, which is the best proof!"

Brother Prickly Hair smiled proudly.

The electrician's certificate is actually not a professional electrician's certificate for part-time jobs, but a certificate issued by the Electrician's Association to trainers of electric-type Pokémon.

The representative of this association has the top electric attribute evaluation, and it is the shrine in the heart of every professional electric attribute trainer.

Cold knowledge, in fact, every attribute has such an association, and the electrical attribute is exactly this electrician association.

For example, Xiaogang joined the Rock Will Association, and currently he still has a certificate of Rock Will in the Subtlety Realm.

The prefix of the electrician certificate represents the trainer's ability to control electric-type Pokémon.

One star means that it can control electricity below 1,000 volts.

Two stars represent the ability to control electricity between 1,000 volts and 5,000 volts.

In the same way, for Samsung, the power is between 5,000 and 10,000.

It is said that when an electrical attribute trainer obtains a four-star electrician certificate, his strength can even occupy a place among the champions of heaven.

And the legendary five-star electrician certificate is a legend, and it has never been heard that anyone has obtained it.


Shaking the master chair in the soul space, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have a five-star electrician certificate a long time ago, but he lost it casually.

After all, he didn't like the five-character certificate on the cover.


"2500 volts?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, this was something he didn't expect.

The "one hundred thousand volts" used daily by the Pikachu family is actually just talking about bluffing, and the voltage cannot reach one hundred thousand volts.

If faced with a direct current of 100,000 volts, the Rockets, who are often blown up, will not only be blackened and injured, but will even experience a terrible phenomenon of sudden cardiac arrest on the spot.

"A two-star electrician's certificate... Interesting..."

Xiaozhi became interested, and immediately decided to go to this electrician's association to get his electrician's certificate, and then legally use 100,000 volts.

Soon, the bristly brother brought a half-meter-high machine, with various exquisite devices on it, a scale screen on the top, two long insulating ropes connected to the bottom, and a metal clip at the end.

"This thing is called a power multimeter. It can measure the voltage, resistance and current of AC and DC at the same time!"

That's right, his third competition was to use a machine to measure the power strength of Pikachu and Raichu!

He first made a demonstration, taught Xiaozhi the skill of using the resistance method and the voltage method to measure voltage at the same time, adjusted the type of multimeter to measure DC voltage, and mechanically picked zero.

Two leads were then placed in each of Raichu's cheeks.

"Have you seen my operation clearly? These are the key points of the exam. You have to pass the exam when you get the electrician certificate, and you have to memorize it clearly." Brother Bristle pointed out.

"I wrote down the five floors..."

"It's really difficult for you to have so many knowledge points at once, how much do you remember now?"

"There are only three floors left..."

"Not bad, not bad, I forgot so quickly, what about now?"

"I've forgotten all about it!"

"Then it seems that your theoretical knowledge has passed."

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if they had forgotten about the game.

Xiaogang Xiaoxia: "?"

Everyone: "?"

Every word and every sentence these two people said can be understood, but why are they completely incomprehensible when they are linked together.

Only Chi, who had passed the electrician certificate test, didn't respond, and even nodded slightly, understanding the conversation.

This is Sister Li who belongs to the electrician...



Raichu released a current, which flowed into the multimeter through the connector, and the scale of the latter quickly rose from 0 to 2500V, and even continued to rise until it stopped at 2700V.

"Haha, as expected of my Raichu, the power has improved so much!"

Brother Prickly Hair laughed loudly.

Although his trump card Thunder Spirit is actually more powerful, reaching a terrifying 3000V!

"it's your turn."

Without hesitation, Xiaozhi took the insulated wire, connected it to the electric bag on Pikachu's cheek, and then turned on the switch.


The voltage scale rose rapidly, reaching four digits in an instant.




Finally, the voltage scale stopped at the scale of 4396, accurate to three decimal places, 4396.777...

"Impossible, the machine must be broken!!"

Brother Prickly Hair blurted out.

In the next second, the scale value really changed again, and the value suddenly decreased, becoming the number 10.

Then the dial is constantly changing back and forth between "10" and "4396"...

Big Brother Briny: "?"

Really bad?

He has been a two-star electrician for so many years, and he has never seen ups and downs...

This Pikachu is so weird...

"So how do you decide the outcome?"

"Is there any need to think about it, let's just play a game to determine the outcome."

Xiaozhi, who was a little impatient with the flashy competition together, immediately drew the line. As a trainer, he was indecisive, and the Pokémon battle was over.

"Battle? I just let you go. Your Pikachu may win in individual quality competitions, but fighting is the most comprehensive quality project, and your Pikachu will definitely lose!"

Brother Prickly Hair said.


3 minutes later.

Raichu had fainted on the lawn, and Pikachu lifted his belly with his hind legs.

"That's it?"


(Two chapters in transition...)

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