He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 168: The Light Red Gym and the Ninja Girl

Light Red City.

Coming out of Ore Town and passing through this foggy forest, Xiaozhi and his party also successfully reached their destination.

Xiaozhi put the Thunder Stone, Fire Stone, and Water Stone he got from the four Ibrahimovic brothers into his backpack, looking at the landmark signboard of Light Red City, full of fighting spirit.

It is worth mentioning that in Mineral Town, Taiyi, the fourth brother, saw Xiaozhi's Pikachu defeating his brother's Raichu cleanliness so neatly, and his heart was filled with great courage, and finally he wanted to start training from Eevee. It is a happy ending to tell the three brothers about the idea and get their consent.

And Xiaozhi also got the three-attribute evolutionary stone, and he still needs to find a day to see if he can use these three evolutionary stones to narrow his relationship with Ibrahimovic.

After all, his Pokémon Revolution team is in good shape now, only one Eevee has some wrong ideas.



Light Red City.

Rather, it is Light Red Town, the city area is not too big, it is more like a rural town, covered with a lot of greenery, not like the artificial greenery like Yuhong City, but a purely wild wilderness.

"Didi. This is an ordinary city, there is nothing worth seeing. The Light Red Gymnasium is located in the southwest of Light Red City, and is connected to a hunting area in the northwest of the city..."

The illustrated book is introducing the landmarks of Light Red City to everyone. Indeed, as it said, except for a gymnasium and a hunting area, the city basically has nothing else, and it is a neglected existence in the Kanto region.

Although he was very interested in this hunting area, Xiao Zhi put away his playfulness and led the two towards the southwest of the city.

After walking for less than ten minutes, the three of them could already see a building from a distance. This is an old traditional style courtyard, with a house with wooden beams and tiles in the center, occupying a large area, surrounded by square walls with.

The outer area is like a wilderness in the suburbs, not like the inside of a city at all.

"That should be the Light Red Gym. It is said that there are ninjas appearing in it." Xiao Gang explained.

Hearing that Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, the boy was very interested in ninjas, so he quickly grabbed the two of them and moved on...


"Hey, it is said that this is the Light Red Gym?"

"Then we can ambush here in advance, and attack the little ghosts later."

"That's right, and by the way, steal the precious Pokémon from the Light Red Gym, Meow."

Three figures appeared on a brick roof, whispering something, as if they were plotting something big, it was the Rockets trio.

They arrived half a day earlier than Xiaozhi and his party, sneaked into the gym in advance, and were planning to launch surprise troops here to attack them.


Unexpectedly, the old tile roof seemed to be unable to bear the weight of the three of them, and a hole was directly broken, and the three of them fell through the hole in the roof and fell into the gymnasium without any defense.

"It hurts..."

"Hey, Musashi told you not to eat so much for lunch, meow!"

"What, I just ate 100 million bowls of rice, which is completely the standard amount of food for an actress!"

The three of them removed the dust and sawdust from their bodies, and they wanted to sneak attack outside, but they didn't expect to enter this gymnasium directly.

"Be careful, I heard that there are mysterious ninjas living in this gym for generations, we can't be careless." Kojiro reminded cautiously, looking around.

This is a wooden corridor, and it needs to be lightly angled when walking, otherwise it will make a "squeaky" sound.

"Ninjas? If that's the case, let's split up and steal all the Pokémon here!"

Musashi patted his chest, and Zhengyi said Ling Ran.

Before the other two had time to correct what she said about the bad grammar of the division, a square hole suddenly opened in the ceiling above her head, and a spherical object fell down with a "boom".

Half red, half white, somewhat similar to a Poke Ball.

"What, it turned out to be a lightning ball."

"Our Rockets don't need this kind of bad street Pokémon."

Musashi Kojiro sneered and mocked disdainfully.

As soon as the words fell, the lightning ball frowned, and a bright white light bloomed from its body, and violent energy was released from its body crazily.


A horrific explosion smears the faces of the Rocket trio, blasting them into Africans.




Three more lightning balls fell from the ceiling one after another, with a bad expression on their faces.

Team Rocket: "!"


No matter what the way to go, the three of them fled in the opposite direction tacitly.

"Boom!!" The lightning ball exploded! !

But the real protagonist never sees the explosion behind him!

Three minutes later, amidst the flames and the sound of explosions, Team Rocket's trio entered a room, but before they could catch their breath, another strange sound came from this room.


Dozens of shuriken darts struck from nowhere, forcing the three of them to move around in place, and their figures kept retreating.


The three of them were forced to stick against a wall, and the shuriken darts stopped for a while.


The wall that the three of them were clinging to suddenly fell backwards and turned to the other side.

And the three of them also appeared in another room following the inertia...

Repeatedly, infinite monthly reading, each corridor room is a mechanism room, until the cycle lasted for 30 minutes, the three stopped.

"Stop it..."

"This house... can't..."

"It's really the meow of the scallion duck..."

The three people who were spoiled fell to the floor, gasping for breath.


"Intruder, who are you!"

A clear low shout came from the side of the room, and the three subconsciously looked up.

Upon closer inspection, she was actually a 12 or 13-year-old girl, only slightly older than Xiaozhi and his party. She had pretty purple mid-length hair tied up into a pineapple head, and her facial features were good and capable.

He was wearing tight black cloth short sleeves on his upper body, a pair of loose black exercise pants on his lower body, and a slender pink scarf around his neck.

"Nin... ninja?"

The three of them were startled, the girl's dress was exactly the same as the ninja on TV, except that the pink scarf was a bit gimmicky.


"What did she seem to say just now?"

"What did you say, even if it's a ninja, we can't be polite, meow..."

After finishing speaking, the trio of the Rockets endured their sore backs and backaches, and stood up with a "squeak" sound. Immediately, their momentum soared into the sky, and even the surrounding air couldn't help but freeze!

Ninja girl: "?"

"Hehe, I heard someone asking "who"?"

"Since you asked the question mercifully!"

"Then I'll tell you with all my heart!"


"Fuck Chiro!"


"We are Team Rocket traveling through the galaxy!"

"White hole, a white tomorrow is waiting for us!"

"That's it meow!"

The three of them made a handsome pose on the spot, as if the heaven and the earth responded to their actions, and there was a shimmering and bulingbuling golden light around the house.

"Team Rocket?!"

The purple-haired ninja girl froze for a moment, then frowned fiercely, as if she had met an unshakable enemy, and threw a poke ball violently.

"Team Rocket, I want you to die!!" she yelled angrily.

Threesome: "?"

How did the plot progress so fast?

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