He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 169 We are the real protagonists!

Before the Rockets explained anything, or they didn't intend to explain at all, the Rockets acted without fear of anything!

Everyone loves it, that's the failed Rockets.

A red light flashed, and a purple Pokémon appeared in front of the three of them. Its round body and head were integrated into one shape. Its body was covered with a mass of purple fluff, with a pair of cute big red eyes. There are two long and thin tentacles.

If you take a closer look, the facial details of this Pokémon are somewhat similar to Butterfly.

"It's a hairball, a miscellaneous fish Pokémon, it has no value meow."

Meow Meow mocked with a sneer.

"In this case, let me teach this little girl with underdeveloped breasts, go, my baby!"

Kojiro rubbed his chest muscles and threw out his Pokémon.

It was gas bombs.

"Poison attribute vs poison attribute? Interesting, meow."

"Then let's watch the battle from the side, hee hee."

Musashi and Miaomiao retreated to the second line and entered the state of watching the battle with a smile.


Because Kojiro mocked the airport, the ninja girl's face became even more angry, and she took the lead in attacking:

"Furball, use the numbing powder!"

The fur ball bounced off its body, and immediately shook out a large cloud of yellow powder gas.

"In this case, we use poisonous gas!"

Kojiro raised the corner of his mouth and issued a similar instruction.


The gas bomb gave a funny smile, and spit out a large cloud of dark green gas. The concentration of the gas was much stronger than that of the paralyzing powder, and it was completely covered in a few seconds.

Seeing that the fur ball has been swallowed by gas, Kojiro's eyes lit up, and he instructed:

"Now, gas bombs, use impact!"

Hearing that the gas bomb followed the position in the memory, the body turned into a cannonball and shot into the gas violently.

"Hmph..." Kojiro was a little airy.

If I, Kojiro, challenge the Gym Alliance, maybe I can still win 5 or 6 championships!

He secretly proudly said.

It's just that the situation changed again, the gas bomb's slamming hit missed, and the thick gas didn't hit any solid matter.


In the gas, the gas bomb looked around in a daze, lost its way.

"here you go!"

The ninja girl's eyes lit up.

Don't look at Gas as if it completely covers the line of sight, but the Pokémon like Fuqiu is very special. Even if it loses its vision, its two cute and big eyes can still locate the enemy's position.

Most of the insects with compound eyes have the special function of radar positioning, so they are not afraid of the obstruction of vision.

The dime just bounced in place, and easily avoided the impact of the gas bomb.

The ninja girl waved her thumb and shouted:

"Now, use phantom light!!"


There was a burst of colorful light in the eyes of the hairball in mid-air, and it came out of the body, turning into a substantial energy shock wave, and hit the gas bomb below with a confused face head-on.

"Thump thump..."

Phantom light burst!

Immediately, the surrounding gas mist dissipated, and the room became clear, and the gas bomb below was smashed hard on the wooden board, causing considerable damage.

The super energy attribute restrains the poison attribute, and the effect is outstanding!

"What a strong little girl..."

Kojiro couldn't help but rubbed his chest muscles, a drop of sweat dripped down his forehead.

"Hmph, Team Rocket, you are too weak!" The ninja girl couldn't help but sneered with joy in her serious eyes.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, there was a trembling sound from the floor under Maoqiu's feet, and then a hole was opened, and a slender purple figure suddenly rushed out of the hole.

"Cha hiss!!"

A purple snake-shaped Pokémon appeared directly in front of the fur ball, and it bit it with its bloody fangs.


The ninja girl was shocked, and her face paled for a while.

The hairball couldn't dodge in time, and was bitten by the Abo snake on the lower back, causing a slight serious injury.

Musashi, who had been silently watching from behind, suddenly smiled and instructed:

"Now, use Coil!"

"Cha hiss!"

Abbe's soft and slender body suddenly spread out, tightly entangled the round body of the fur ball, and kept tightening it tightly, taking away the latter's strength.

Kojiro's eyes also brightened, and he shouted: "Gas bomb, give it another mud attack!"


The gas bomb had already floated right in front of the hairball, and when it opened its mouth, it spit out a ball of mud, which covered the hairball's face.

And Abo Snake took advantage of the situation to use the entanglement again, and the two worked together to take away the last hp of the fur ball.

"Damn, you are really despicable and shameless villains!!"

The ninja girl took back the fur ball that couldn't fight, and angrily said.

She had never encountered a fight of this quality.

"Ahaha, being mean and shameless is the best compliment to our Rockets, meow."

"Little girl, I advise you to obediently hand over all the Pokémon in the gym!"

The Rockets trio put their hips on their hips and laughed arrogantly. As expected, there was no kid head in the secret channel, and everything went smoothly.

It seems that even the surrounding air is much fresher.

"Haha, we are the real protagonists!!"

After the three of them laughed, their faces changed instantly, their expressions became dark and fierce, and they approached the ninja girl step by step.

Although the latter panicked a lot in his heart, he looked directly at the Rockets without any hesitation on the surface.


"Enough, Xing, you have already lost!"

A middle-aged man's low voice suddenly came from a corner of the room, Team Rocket took a closer look, and at some point, there was an extra figure beside the ninja girl.

The middle-aged man had a gloomy and serious expression, with dark blue short spiked hair, also wearing a dark blue ninja costume, and a slender red scarf tied around his neck.

Although his body shape was similar to Kojiro's, he was full of momentum and self-indulgent. Just standing there, the whole room felt oppressive immediately.


The ninja girl named A Xing panicked, and quickly lowered her head to signal.

"The first step in a Pokémon battle is to pay attention to every movement of the trainer, get out of the battle itself, and see everything with the calm and broad eyes of a ninja. A Xing, your practice is far from enough."

The middle-aged ninja spoke again, explaining the reason for her failure.

Take two first, mean, insidious? None of this is critical.

After all, observation is not enough.

"I'm sorry, my lord father!"

"Okay, step back, leave this to me." The middle-aged ninja waved his hand, signaling A Xing to leave.

"But, Father, they are the hateful Team Rocket, the enemies of Light Red City..."


A Xing wanted to say something more, but when she heard the middle-aged ninja's cold snort, she didn't dare to say anything, she could only give the Rockets a bitter look, and left the room with a sullen expression.


For a while, only the Rockets trio and the middle-aged ninja were left in this room.

However, to Team Rocket's surprise, the middle-aged ninja suddenly looked at them, not in a hurry to fight, but asked three consecutive questions:

"Team Rocket? Which unit are you from? What's your rank?"

"What, you ask us, are we going to tell you?"

"That is, we are the cadres directly under Boss Sakagi, will we tell you?"

"We won't tell you about the bronze rank we just promoted last month!"

The middle-aged ninja frowned slightly, and looked at the weird combination of two people and one cat curiously.

The cadres directly under Boss Sakagi's status are not low, but he remembers that the lowest rank is a gold start, right?

There are still bronze ones these days?

Relationship household?

Then the middle-aged man snorted coldly: "Hmph, I'm the trainer of the Light Red Gym, Ah Ju..."

As he said that, a shadow suddenly appeared on his serious and meticulous face, and he slightly lifted the cuff of his right hand to reveal the logo inside.

one two three four...


There are four bars! !

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Ah Ju's mouth, and he said slowly, "Hmph, do you know my identity?"

"Is this uncle stupid?"

"Four stripes? Is it a red scarf? It really made me laugh."

"Do you want us to give you a little red flower meow?"

The three looked at the middle-aged ninja like a monkey.

Ah Ju: "..."

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