He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 170 Team Rocket officially takes off from today!

A few blue veins on Ah Ju's forehead popped out, and the palm behind his back trembled slightly.

What a pissed off old man!

He has long felt that the Rockets' system of grading by bars is not good. One bar corresponds to the gold rank, and four bars correspond to the master rank. Isn't this just child's play!

But no matter what, he still had a playful heart, and wanted to show his noble status a little bit. You must know that only the boss Sakagi in the entire Rockets team is qualified to wear the five stripes.

As for the owners of the four bars below, each of them has the terrifying strength to face the Four Heavenly Kings head-on, and they are all characters who can make the world tremble three times.

Today it is regarded as a monkey?

What a pissed off old man! !

"These three are not fake Rockets..."

Ah Ju glanced at the costumes of the Rockets trio, and in the end just forcibly endured the urge to slap the trio to death, took a deep breath, and returned to a calm and introverted expression.

He's a ninja, in one word.


This time, Ah Ju directly exposed a rainbow letter R on the lining of the ninja suit, which made Kojiro Musashi startled.

This time I recognized it, it was my own.

Looking at the serious posture, he probably looks like an officer.

"I seem to have heard that the Rockets do have a grading system for bars?" Musashi scratched his head, as if remembering something.

"Hey, I just remembered when you said that."

"It seems to be there, meow. Only the boss Sakagi is qualified to wear one bar, and the lowest member with five bars. This uncle has four bars. Maybe his status is lower than us meow."

Miao Miao analyzed seriously.

Ah Ju: "..."

So stupid, it seems that he is indeed a low-level member of the Rockets...

But since it is one of our own people, we can let go of the robbery plan, then change the plan, and unite with our own people to ambush the little devil who came to challenge!

The eyes of the Rockets trio lit up again.

"I refuse. The light red gymnasium is the glory of the ancestors, and despicable things are not allowed..."

Ah Ju flatly refused.

He joined the Rockets just to make himself stronger, and he didn't have the idea of ​​working for the Rockets without thinking.

A ninja doesn't look at good or evil, has no position, and everything is for profit, this is his way of forbearance.

And Ah Ju's interest goal is her own strength!

If he could make himself go one step further, he could even go directly to beat Boss Sakagi right now.

But in this world, except for Light Red Gym and his daughter A Xing, he will not let these two things get involved in the path of evil.

At the beginning, he still resisted a little at the beginning. At that time, the Rockets directly used the light red gymnasium as a threat to force him to join, and even used the macro invisible hand of the economic market to secretly control the economy of light red city, making it Although it is a city, it is not even as good as some local towns.

Aju had no choice but to join in order to protect the gymnasium of her ancestors and her daughter.

Ah Xing was kept in the dark, not knowing that her father was secretly one of her own long ago, and that's why she hated the Rockets so much.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he joined and went on a few business trips, Ah Ju's strength rose by leaps and bounds. From the original ordinary level gym trainer, he stepped forward to a terrifying existence that can confront the Four Heavenly Kings head-on.

Fragrant, it is really fragrant.

And when performing tasks, they are all dressed up as a ninja and cover their faces. Until now, the Pokémon League does not know where this powerful ninja came from.

So no matter what, he won't involve the Light Red Gym, it's just a personal act if it's exposed.

"By the way, it just so happened that Doudouge, who was in charge of contacting your Rockets headquarters the day before yesterday, is gone. You can give me a message to Sakagi, just say that I will go to work in the Joto area in a few days. After I find a new Douge Don't take the initiative to contact me before Douge."

Seeing that the three of them were about to leave with little interest, Aku thought of something to interrupt the three of them, and took out a letter from his bosom.

"Oh, there is another letter, please bring it to Boss Sakamu for me, which contains my greetings to him."

The contact with the Rockets, the release of missions, etc., Aku used a Doudou pigeon to transmit information. After all, no one knows whether the communication device will be tapped by the Pokémon League, revealing his identity.

As for the missing Doudou pigeon, it was stoned down by ignorant wild children around Light Red City the day before yesterday, and now it has become a roasted pigeon.

"City capital area?"

The Rockets scratched their heads. Are they traveling across regions now?

Aku was talking about going to work in the Pokémon League in the Chengdu area. There was always a shortage of manpower there, and his own strength reached the standard. He had already been appointed as one of the new four heavenly kings by them.

After all, he has done a lot of things in the Kanto area, and many people are staring at a lone wolf ninja, just changing the area.

Maybe he can become the champion of the City League in a few years, but it's time to flush the Rockets and clean up on the spot.

But now, ninja, have to endure...

"Hey, why should we listen to you!"

"We are receiving hundreds of thousands of Pokémon every minute, so how can we have time to deliver letters for you?"

"It's negotiable if we can have a full meal."

The three of them said, obviously they didn't want to do this kind of job of passing eunuchs.

"Tsk, of course I won't treat you badly."

Aku's calculating eyes suddenly turned to the three of them, and the two cute Pokémon behind them, with a cruel and stern smile on his lips.

"In this case, in return, I will teach you how to better control these two Pokémon."

Of course he was referring to Musashi's Arbor snake and Kojiro's gas bomb.

"It's so difficult to deal with my incompetent daughter one-on-one. It's really ugly, but that sneak attack is pretty good."

Aku is a trainer who is good at Poison-type Pokémon, and he appreciates the word "insidious".

"Hey, Uncle, how dare you look down on my Abo Snake!?"

Musashi became angry on the spot, and was about to knock the uncle ninja unconscious, but the latter pulled out a shuriken from nowhere, and there was a poke ball embedded in the middle of the shuriken, which was gaudy. Then it was thrown out.


A red light flashed, and a big purple snake appeared in front of Musashi and Abo Snake. Its appearance and color were somewhat similar to the latter, but its momentum was completely different.

This big purple snake coiled up in place, and the body around its head was propped up into a big disc, on which was painted a colorful big laughing face, filled with a strange and terrifying aura, making it daunting.


The purple snake didn't roar like a powerful beast Pokémon, but just vomited the snake letter, which caused great fear to rise in the hearts of both Musashi and Abo snake. They were a little out of breath for a while, and just wanted to take a step back. But it seemed that he couldn't control his thigh, and just limp on the ground.

"too horrible!!"

The big purple snake curled up and looked at the two with a pair of snake eyes. The thought that they would be swallowed by the opponent in the next second rose in their hearts, and they almost fainted.

This is undoubtedly a terrifying Arbor monster!

"Tsk, your cultivation is not enough..." Aku nodded in satisfaction, looked solemn, and said:

"This is the path that an Arbo monster should take. You don't need to make any moves when you appear on the stage, and you can intimidate the enemy with just your appearance and momentum!"

Although the Abo snake family has a characteristic called intimidation, which can fear the enemy and reduce the opponent's attack power when it comes out, but Aku's Abo monster has the characteristic of shedding its skin.

That's right, he practiced intimidation later on!

With the scary patterned big face, coupled with the fleeting imposing manner, it is even more terrifying than the individual intimidation.

"Here's what I can teach you..."

In the next second, Musashi kowtowed on the spot and apprenticed to his teacher on the spot.

On the other side, Kojiro had already swooped up and tightly hugged Aku's thigh.

Damn it, great opportunity!

Our rocket team officially took off from today! !


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