The next day, early morning.

The Spirit Center of Xuefeng City.

The person who bid farewell to Xiaozhi this time was somewhat strange.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaogang, I think we will be separated for a while."

At the door of the elf center, I saw that Xiao Guang had already packed his luggage and said to his two little friends.

Xiao Wang was still standing beside him, obviously the two of them had already made plans.

"Understood Xiaoguang, then you will go all out, and we will see you at the Lizhi Lake."

"Be careful all the way, you two!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's eyes sank, and they responded.

Xiaoguang had already mentioned the plan to the two of them last night.

Since the super-level gorgeous contest is about to be held, Xiaoguang only has three ribbons on his body now.

Although at this speed, stop and go, travel and adventure all the way to the place where the Super Gorgeous Contest is held—the Lizhi Lakeside, they just happened to be able to pass by the two Gorgeous Contests.

But after all, there are too many variables in the gorgeous competition now, and Xiaoguang is not completely sure that he can win both competitions.

She no longer has time to stop and go and travel leisurely like before.

Now she must rely on Pokémon's "flying technique" to ignore everything on the way and reach her destination directly.

According to this efficiency, she can still challenge at least 5 gorgeous competitions... If she wins 2 out of 5 games, Xiaoguang is still very sure.

"Don't worry, I will be optimistic about Xiaoguang."

Xiaowang next to him also nodded to the two of them.

During this period of time, she plans to act with Xiaoguang at the same time, as the latter's military adviser, and the two temporarily form an alliance.

After all, Xiaoguang is not like a local from the Sinnoh area at all, and he can't recognize the direction at all.

Of course, this alliance will be broken again when they reach the shore of Lizhi Lake.

"Please, Piao Piao Qiu!"

I saw Xiaowang throwing his palm, and sent out a purple balloon Pokémon. The slender tentacles protruding from below can just provide a ride for humans.

Xiao Wang sat on it, like sitting on a swing, slowly rising with the fluttering ball.

As for Xiaoguang's "flying" partner...

"I'm counting on you, Mukehawk!!"

This time it was Ash who threw the poke ball.

Mukehawk spread his wings, and the moment he appeared on the stage, he shook his head violently, shaking the windy feathers on his head vigorously.

It was a little dissatisfied with Xiaozhi before it was transferred to the backyard of the Damu Research Institute, but it was only a day later that it changed itself back...

It seems that he is really Xiaozhi's favorite general, and he is not willing to leave the team at all!


Mukehawk chirped loudly, as if asking his trainer, who is the opponent this time?

"Oh, Mukehawk, please use the flying technique for the past two weeks, and take Xiaoguang to challenge the gorgeous competition!"

Xiaozhi patted the latter's shoulder quickly, and said with a smile.


Mukehawk's original action of flapping its wings heroically, couldn't help but fell forward and staggered.

Dare to change himself back so quickly, to make himself a flying tool man! !

This made Mu Keying feel a fire in his heart, and even wanted to face Xiaozhi on the spot, and hit a set of big moves that he had just learned - close combat!

"Please, Mickhawk!"

Xiaoguang couldn't help but beg.

Although her queen bee can take her to fly...but the queen bee's body is a bug after all, and the endurance of insects is the weakest.

Next, they have to fly across the entire region. The flying partner needs good physical endurance, and the queen bee is not suitable for long-distance flying.

"Just help Xiaoguang, and treat this as an endurance training for you... After two weeks, your endurance will definitely improve greatly!"

Xiaozhi also hurriedly chimed in.


In the end, Mukehawk agreed, spread his wide wings, and gestured for Xiaoguang's upper body.

Normally, Xiaoguang treats it very well, so it's not a big problem to help, although it's not as good as Xiaozhi treats it...


Mukehawk just wanted to recall some of Xiaozhi's warm actions towards it, but after thinking about it for a while, he didn't seem to find any memory fragments.

This trainer doesn't seem to take himself too seriously...

Hmph, this time I will get along with Xiaoguang for a while, so that Xiaozhi will be jealous and miss him!

Thinking of this, Mu Keying suddenly trembled, and the gorgeous feathers on his forehead stood out.

"Then please, Mookhawk~!"

Xiaoguang suddenly smiled like a flower, and happily jumped onto Mukehawk's broad back.

Puff! !

As the Mukehawk vigorously flapped its wings, one person and one bird rushed to the sky in an instant, at an extremely fast speed.

There was even a burst of dust blowing outwards, making Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang cough again and again... somewhat provocative.

"Then see you in two weeks~!"

Xiaowang wanted a lot of ladies, and sat on the lower tentacles of the fluttering ball like a swing, and slowly lifted into the air.

The flying speed of the floating ball is not fast, despite its small size... But it is better in endurance, and the flying ball can also complete the task of long-distance flight.

Soon, only Xiaozhi and Xiaogang were left on the ground.

Staring at the handsome and fierce back of Mukeying, Xiaozhi looked thoughtful and his eyes flickered.

He finally couldn't help but murmured:

"How about I bring back the proto-bird?"

According to Dr. Oki, the high-altitude bird-throwing project of the fossil pterosaur has been going very smoothly recently, so the ancestor bird is also making rapid progress, and now it has had a good battle.


Xiaoguang and the two left early in the morning, and they left in a hurry.

As for Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, they left Xuefeng City in the afternoon. After reaching the extreme north, they naturally had to turn south again.

However, the time between the two of them is much more than enough, and there is no need to hurry.

The two are going to enjoy the journey leisurely and leisurely all the way to the shore of Lizhi Lake, where they will reunite.

Even when they left Xuefeng City, the two deliberately took a detour to visit the famous Wisdom Lake next to Xuefeng City.

In the snow, through the sparse vegetation, looking at the calm lake of wisdom in front of them, the two couldn't help but stop and stay onlookers.

After a while, the two subconsciously turned their heads and looked at each other.


Following a strange silence, the two quickly turned their heads and looked at the lake again.

"Teacher Gang, there are only two of us left."

"Well, it's weird..."

After all, two big men, admiring the beautiful and quiet lake together, the atmosphere is indeed a bit weird.

It was only then that Xiaozhi realized that there must be a third person during the journey, preferably of the opposite sex.


The next moment, the elf ball on Xiaozhi's waist opened automatically, and a humanoid figure was inserted directly between the two of them.

I saw Ladias transformed into a maid, holding Xiaozhi's arm with one hand, pushing Xiaogang away as if declaring his sovereignty.


But just after he came out, Latias sneezed, and his complexion changed for a while.

"Why don't you go back to the elf ball and stay there."

Xiaozhi could only persuade helplessly.

The latter is not used to this kind of ice and snow environment. Before entering the range of Xuefeng City, he shrank into the poke ball and didn't want to come out.


But this time Latias risked catching a cold and refused to return to the Poké Ball.

Sure enough, this little brother Hei is the most dangerous!

Xiao Gang: "..."


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