He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1902 Yukexi, predict the future!

Seeing that Latias shivered in his arms, and refused to enter the poke ball to keep warm, Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly lit up.

"By the way, come out, Fire Monkey!!"

He released the fire monkey with his backhand. As soon as the latter landed, it bounced and moved in place, looking quite excited and passionate.

"Flame Monkey, let's warm up with a spray of flames, and then a flame vortex!"

So Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed.

The Fiery Monkey nodded, took a deep breath, and then suddenly spewed out a beam of fiery flame light from its mouth.


The flame swept across the lake in a straight line, and then the trajectory swirled in the air again, turning into a circle of spiraling vortices.

Warm beams of light illuminate the lakeside, and the firelight reflects on the lake, dancing gently with the current.

Immediately afterwards, the fierce fire monkey punched a set of military fists on the shore. It looked so hot that it made people look a lot hotter.

"It seems that the fire monkey is about to evolve...?"

Xiaozhi thought to himself, he should be more excited than usual, this should be a sign of impending evolution.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help turning his head to look at Xiao Gang.

"What do you think, Mr. Gang...huh?"

When Xiaozhi turned his head, he suddenly found that behind him were two Xiaogangs standing side by side? !


He rubbed his eyes vigorously, only to realize that next to Xiaogang was a small Pokémon, suspended in mid-air, at the same height as Xiaogang.

Um, why are there two phantoms of Mr. Gang in my mind just now with completely different body shapes?


At this time, Xiao Gang finally noticed something, and turned his head rather stiffly.

Similarly, the Pokémon next to him also turned its head and faced him.

It has a gray-blue villain body with two slender tails behind it.

The head is covered with a circle of yellow, hood-like organs, and there is a strange crimson gemstone inlaid on the forehead, which is quite a deep and serious Pokémon.

The strangest thing is that the eyes of this Pokémon are squinted like Xiao Gang, and it looks like there is only a slit, as if the eyes have not been opened at all.


The two looked at each other, which made Xiaogang even have a weird feeling that he was looking in the mirror.

"This should be, the gods of the lake...?"

From behind, Xiaozhi finally came to his senses, with a look of surprise in his eyes.

He had heard from Xiaowang before that the three major lake species in the Sinnoh region inhabited a legendary Pokémon, known as the gods of the lake.

This is Wisdom Lake, one of the three major lakes. The name Xiaowang said at the time was...

"Yukshi, the gods of the lake who represent knowledge."

Xiao Gang stared at the Sansheng Mushroom, which was close at hand, and said slowly.

His memory of knowledge is obviously deeper than that of Xiaozhi.


And the latter just quietly suspended in the air, and made no other movements, which made Xiao Gang stiff for a moment, not daring to act rashly.

"So Yuksi, did you show up on purpose because of the teacher just now?"

Xiaozhi still vaguely remembered that the gods in the lake could only show up when they sensed someone he recognized.

Like the last time at Lizhi Lake, he met Yaknom, who represented will... This attribute quite matches him.

And if this Yuxi is the god of knowledge... Is this because of Xiaogang's knowledge?

Stiff for a long time, Xiaogang raised his palm stiffly, wanting to touch the Pokémon in front of him.


You Kexi didn't dodge, let Xiaogang touch his head, and there was a soft and silky feeling in his palm.


Even Latias stared blankly, but she felt the Pokémon in front of her. Despite its small appearance, it contained impressive energy in its body.

This energy is from the same source as myself...it seems to be a Pokémon with super power attributes?

"The relationship seems to be going well?"

Especially from the perspective of the audience, Xiaozhi watched Xiaogang touch a Pokémon with a face very similar to his own from a few meters away... This scene seemed extremely weird.

But at this moment, Yu Kexi suddenly raised his little hand.


It let out a high-pitched cry, its whole body was wrapped in lavender energy light, and the two slender tails behind it also floated and floated.

"What's wrong?!"

Xiaogang's face was startled, he didn't do anything? !

This majestic momentum seems to be about to release some dangerous attack moves! ?

"Don't... worry... predict the future..."

At this time, a clear and pleasant female voice appeared in the minds of the two of them out of thin air, and the voice was intermittent.

This is Latias' telepathy.

The two immediately understood that it meant that Kexi was not using any attacking moves, but "foreseeing the future".

But predicting the future can also cause harm, right?

Xiao Zhi muttered in his heart, delaying a few rounds, predicting the future can still cause a terrible critical strike...but right now he doesn't talk too much.

Apparently this Yukexi had no intention of attacking Xiao Gang.

Foreseeing the future will only delay the fierce attack of the round in the battle, which is more like the literal meaning at the moment.

Yuxi is predicting the future!

His eyes were squinted, and he couldn't see whether the latter was closing his eyes.

But as the move was launched, countless streamer scenes flashed through You Kexi's brain quickly, which made his little expression gradually become serious.

Xiaozhi and the two stared blankly, could it be telling Xiaogang's fortune?



After a long while, You Kexi let out a low cry, and the purple light around him dissipated.

Foretelling the future, it's over.

It sensed that a catastrophe might happen in the next Sinnoh area, or even itself.

And this human boy in front of him may become his partner in the future...

Xiaogang's character quality is also quite suitable for him... It's just that the face is a bit too similar.


Thinking of this, You Kexi hovered in front of Xiao Gang, and slowly stretched out a small hand.

Although Xiao Gang didn't know what happened, he still bite the bullet, caught the opponent's little hand, and shook it up and down.

Are you going to make friends with yourself?

When did I have such a great charm?

In the past, this kind of scene usually happened to Xiao Zhi, but Xiao Gang was not used to it for a while.

But before Xiaogang could do anything, Yukexi suddenly disappeared in place with a "whoosh".


After waiting for a long time, he didn't come back again, which made Xiao Gang suddenly shrug his head instead of looking forward to it.

Coming out and leaving are inexplicable, he thought that Yuksi was going to be his partner... Was the relationship just to say hello? !

Seeing Xiaozhi's posture as a beast man, Xiao Gang actually thought about being addicted to being a beast man.

"Wait for the next time, Teacher Gang, maybe you can meet again in the future."

Xiaozhi could only comfort him.

But Xiao Gang stared at the Wisdom Lake next to him, and quickly got rid of his disappointment. No matter what he was doing, he was very Buddhist, and he would not pursue anything forcefully.

Of course, except for the beautiful big sister.


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