He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1903 Sinnoh's battle frontier

After finishing this rather fantastic sightseeing of Wisdom Lake, the two of Xiaozhi finally continued on the road.

Although the special snow scenery is very beautiful, it will still cause fatigue if you look at it for a long time.

In particular, there are white snow fields everywhere, and there will be a snowstorm from time to time, which makes Xiaozhi and the two of them miss the snowless summer scenery before.

two days later.

The two finally arrived in a new city, and the surrounding temperature suddenly returned to above 20 degrees.

Since the heavy snow near Xuefeng City was blown down from Tianguan Mountain, the temperature change at the geographical boundary was also extremely exaggerated, from five or six degrees all of a sudden to more than 20 degrees.

Seeing that the surrounding green plants gradually became denser, Latias, who looked like a maid, walked into the city with a much lighter pace, humming a ditty.

Of course, despite the fact that it was a beautiful human maid walking happily, Ladias was actually in the body of a flying dragon, and now he should be walking at a strange pace like a duck.


He even turned his head from time to time, gently pulling up the red hair hanging from his forehead, slightly bending his amber eyes, showing a smile to Xiaozhi.

It has deliberately learned the movements and demeanor of human women, and it is said that this movement has fatal lethality to human men.


Sure enough, Xiaozhi's eyes were straightened, and he was also staring at Latias, a little distracted.


This made Latia suddenly excited, and turned her head shyly like a girl.

Of course, what Xiaozhi imagined at the moment was what would happen when a flying dragon made these human movements.


Xiao Gang obviously understood what his close friend was thinking, so he could only look at Latias' joy in silence.

Well, he'd better keep silent.



This city is called Shanxing City, located in the southeast of Xuefeng City, and it is also a coastal tourist city.

Because the northern part of the entire Sinnoh region protruded from the ocean like a triangle, Xiaozhi and the others went north all the way from the west, and this time they went all the way south from another direction.

"By the way, what kind of event is this? It looks so lively."

But what surprised the two of them was that there seemed to be some kind of celebration in this city, and it looked quite lively...

Well, it's not particularly surprising, after all, every city they reached along the way seemed to be holding celebrations.

Putting the luggage in the elf center for the time being, just as he walked out of the gate, a figure rushed towards him.

"Let it go, let it go!!"

He was still chanting and shouting hurriedly in his mouth, and his voice sounded familiar.

Xiaozhi hurriedly dodged to the left, but he didn't expect the other party to do the same.

Bang bang! !

The two collided with each other, and then the other person bounced and sat on the ground, his head spinning for a while.

"Damn it, what is so hard?! You need to pay a fine!"

Sitting on the ground, Ah Xun was still cursing, he felt that he had bumped into an iron pillar.

"Huh, Ah Shun...?"

Only then did Xiaozhi recognize the little yellow hair in front of him, and quickly helped him up.

You are impatient, so every time you walk, you sprint 100 meters?

Ah Xun was still in a daze, seeing Latias behind the two of them while his eyes were blurred, he thought it was Xiaoguang.

"Oh, so it's Xiaozhi and Xiaogang... Hey, Xiaoguang, why are you still dyeing your hair? Red hair looks pretty..."

Xiaozhi quickly introduced, but he didn't bother to explain so much, so he named Latias casually.

"Um, Xiaoguang is temporarily separated from us due to something, this is Ladi...Xiaola."

"oh oh."

Supported by two people, Ah Xun sat on the chair next to him, with a big lump on his forehead.

However, his eyes were piercing, and he quickly recovered his excited appearance, and stood up again with a "crack".

"By the way, Xiaozhi, you came to this city to challenge my father, right?!"

"Your father is..."

"Haha, but I am the only one who can challenge my father!"

Before Xiaozhi finished speaking, Ah Xun laughed and said, his face looked very confident.

Immediately, without waiting for the two of them to say anything, they ran out in a hurry, unable to stop for a moment.

He even forgot what he was going to do at the elf center before.

The two looked at each other, and turned to look at the front desk of the Elf Center. Only then did Miss Joy next to them learn about the events being held in this city.


"Today is a publicity exhibition match against the Frontier Zone~!"

Ms. Joy from Yamashiro City smiled and introduced to the two.

"Battle frontier?"

In Xiaozhi's mind, he instantly remembered the scene where Mr. Jindai drove away the battle pyramid, leaving only the bare land in place.

Could it be that Mr. Jindai also came to the Sinnoh area to promote...?

"It's not the battle frontier area of ​​the Yoshien area, it's our own battle frontier area in the Sinnoh area~!"

Miss Joy corrected, with a somewhat proud tone.

It was only then that Xiaozhi realized that the Battle Frontier Zone was not a unique product of a certain place.

Many regions now have their own battle development areas, as well as a group of powerful facility leaders with different styles. Their strength is higher than that of ordinary gymnasium owners.

There are even many leaders who have the evaluation of "no less than the king of the alliance", and their popularity is quite high.

And the battle pioneering area of ​​this Sinnoh area is also built on a huge overseas island, with a total of five battle facilities on it.

It is a large-scale tourist island integrating travel, leisure and battle challenges.

It is said that in the depths of this island, the legendary Pokémon still inhabit...

"The location is on an island to the northeast of our Shanxing City, uureading www.uukanshu.com This is the closest city to the battle frontier~!"

Miss Joy continued.

This battle development zone has just been opened not long ago, and today I happened to come to the closest city to promote it.

After fully understanding it, Xiaozhi immediately became interested. He just heard the word exhibition match.

"Can you fight the leader..."

Just take a look at the level of the battle leaders in the Sinnoh area!

"By the way, are all the leaders here?"

Xiao Gang asked suddenly.

Ah Xun said just now, what father...

"This time there are only two heads in the exhibition game, the Maharaja of the Battle Tower, Mr. Sugarnut, and the heroine of the Battle Stage, Miss Kate~!"

Miss Joy replied with a smile.

This made Xiao Gang rub his chin. It seemed that this leader named Sugar Palm might have something to do with Ah Xun.

"Let's go, Xiaogang, let's join in the fun!"

Xiao Zhi excitedly dragged Xiao Gang out of the elf center, and chased in the direction where A Xun left.

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