He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1905 Michael, the Coal Turtle!

The battle continues.

The arena seemed to have been divided into two small arenas, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang both faced their respective opponents.

Coincidentally, the fire monkey and the two-tailed monster on the opposite side are both monkey Pokémon, and they both have a fighting spirit when they meet.

"Fire monkey, use the flame vortex!!"

The fiery monkey opened its mouth wide, and fiery breath spewed out, forming a huge vortex of flames that surrounded the two-tailed monster's hands.

"Twin-tailed monster, use two combos!"

However, in the flames, the two-tailed monster lowered its body with its hands, and its two hand-shaped tails were covered with purple light, twitching horizontally like the propellers of a helicopter.


In an instant, the surrounding violent flames were completely scattered by the second combo.

However, as the surrounding vision cleared, he saw a huge ball of flame light rushing towards him brazenly.

The flames are constantly spinning and winding, like a yo-yo.

boom! !

Caught off guard, the two-tailed monster's hand was slammed into the air by the fire monkey's flame wheel move.

The latter dragged his body to the limit and wanted to struggle to get up.

"It's over, Fire Monkey, use Sonic Punch!"

The Fierce Monkey rushed out vigorously, and hit the two-tailed monster's chest with a quick iron fist, knocking it out of the field again.

The preemptive move is, as always, a magical skill for harvesting residual blood.

This time the latter had no extra strength, and simply tilted his head when he fell to the ground, completely losing his ability to fight.

"Damn...so fast?!"

The teammate's sudden defeat made the trainer next to him, who was commanding the Lurk cat, look dark.

This fiery monkey's movements are too fast, the offensive makes it hard to breathe...

"Then we're the only ones left...Luck Cat, use 100,000 volts!!"

The trainer could only grit his teeth and aimed at the big tongue next to him.

Faced with the electric shock from the lasing, Xiao Gang also issued a response command.

"Use a strong whip!"

After saying that, he licked his head with his big tongue, and the tongue in his mouth flew out immediately, and the end was even dyed with a layer of green light, extending several meters in an instant.


The tongue was like a long whip with a strong force, and with a strong slap, it directly slapped the hundred thousand volts completely!

Even the offensive of the strong whipping did not end, and directly wrapped around the waist of the Luke cat.

Tongue licked his eyes, tightened his tongue, and raised it from a distance, as if intending to strangle it in mid-air.

"Good opportunity, use discharge!!"

The trainer hurriedly commanded, intending to use the long tongue as a bridge to directly attack the big tongue licking in the distance.

"Don't give it a chance!"

However, Xiao Gang also changed his move in an instant, pointing his finger at the ground.

With a big tongue licking, he flicked his tongue down vigorously.

Snapped! !

The Luke cat was directly smashed to the ground,

Not only was the discharge move completely interrupted, but the whole head was also thrown dizzily.

Just barely standing up, I felt a huge black shadow pressing down from the air.


The Luck cat let out its final cry, and hadn't fully raised its head to see what was coming.

Boom! !

Big Tongue Licking has already weighed heavily down his whole body, that bloated buttocks directly pressed Lurk Cat completely under his body, the terrible weight even cracked the ground and opened gaps outwards.

Mount Tai overwhelms!

And as Big Tongue licked quite strenuously to stand up from the floor again, the Lurk cat was crushed into a piece of cat paper and completely lost consciousness.

"Oh, for the first knockout round, players Xiaozhi and Xiaogang will advance!"

Seeing this, Yilang, who was watching the battle on the high platform, shouted hastily.

Even Miss Kate next to her nodded and gave her evaluation.

"The fire monkey's offensive is very fierce, and the big tongue licking is very steady, making it impossible for people to counterattack at all."

I didn't expect such an ordinary town to have such a master. It seems that today's exhibition match will not be boring.

This was an overwhelming battle, and the surroundings suddenly cheered.

The next battle also started in full swing.


"Oh, is this the helper Ah Shun is looking for?"

The only acquaintance in the crowd was Ah Xun, and when the latter appeared on stage, Xiaozhi deliberately cast his gaze.

Beside the latter is a young man who looks very fiery and excited, probably only in his early 10s.

He has short fiery red hair, tied into an explosive braid at the back, wearing red short sleeves and black shorts, and is still moving his arms before the battle, as if he wants to fight by himself.

"Oh, the contestants on this side are contestant Ah Xun and contestant Michael!!"

Sugar palm introduced loudly, with bright eyes.

Not only because there is his own son in it, even the Michael next to him is also an acquaintance.

This is a rookie kid who lives on the island in the pioneering area of ​​their battle, but Michael has been training in the depths of the island since he was a child, and his strength is not bad.

"Miike, this time our opponents are only Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang! No one else needs to worry!"

Ah Xun also seemed to know the latter, and was plotting something loudly, not at all shy about sounding into the ears of the two trainers on the opposite side.

Since his father was the head of the battle frontier, Ah Xun had also been to that island several times.

On the other hand, Michael, who is only 1 year older than him, is not considered a stranger after socializing a few times.


Michel screamed excitedly, and then took the initiative to throw a poke ball.


When the red light fell, Xiao Zhi was quite familiar with Michael's Pokémon.

This is a large orange-red land tortoise with an old head and a black-gray tortoise shell that burns coals on its back. Thick smoke is blowing out from the cracks.

"Oh, it turned out to be a coal turtle?!"

Xiaozhi suddenly became interested, uu read a book

His partner in the Hoen area also has a Coal Turtle.

Then Xiaozhi looked at the sky again, and there was no sign of the sun becoming stronger.

"It doesn't look like a coal turtle with sunshine characteristics?"

Xiaozhi's coal turtle has the same sunshine characteristics as Gulardo, and it comes with a sunny day, which is a bit special.

Moreover, this coal turtle does not look lazy, but has a strong fighting spirit. It is obviously a coal turtle with a fighting character.

"And then I! Come out, Emperor Napoleon!"

What Ah Xun sent was his trump card Emperor Nabo. He had already seen it in Jiayuan City last time. He had just completed his evolution from Prince Bo at that time.

On the opposite side is a pink-brown manatee and a big-tailed civet.

At the beginning of the battle, Michel pointed his finger at the sky regardless of other situations.

"Spray directly! Coal Turtle, use Volcanic Eruption!!"

The volcanic eruption is a very powerful move. It belongs to the big move of the fire attribute, but as its physical strength decreases, its power will also decrease.

The eruption begins as soon as it appears on the stage, obviously it can maximize the power of the volcanic eruption.

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