He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1906 Volcano Township Stone, Sidolan!

The shell of the coal tortoise trembled, and the next moment it was like a volcanic eruption, from which countless smoky magma spewed out.

Boom! !

Immediately afterwards, several volcanic flowstones wrapped in fiery flames sprayed straight into the sky.

Then, like a swarm of meteors, it crashed down, bombarding and falling towards the position of the big-tailed raccoon and manatee below!

The terrifying volcanic eruption completely covered up the two Pokémon's figures, causing considerable damage.

"Mil...!" "Woo..."

As the smoke dissipated, the big-tailed civet and the manatee struggled to raise their heads in disgrace.

Although the moves are fierce, both of them are water-type Pokémon, and they still have good resistance to fire-type, so they won't be defeated at once.

"And me! Emperor Nabo, use the water cannon!!"

Ah Xun shouted loudly, also without any fancy operations, raising his hand is the ultimate water attribute move!

After saying that, Emperor Nabo opened his bird's beak violently, and blasted out a blue water bullet. Dangerous electric currents were still flowing on the surface of the water bullet.

Although they all look like water bombs, they are far more powerful than water waves!

"Well done!! Manatee, next!"

However, this knockdown made the passer-by trainer's eyes brighten, and he quickly commanded.

The next moment, before the manatee could do anything, the water cannon turned around and was sucked by the manatee like a magnet.


The water bomb completely hit the target, but was absorbed by the manatee like a sponge.

There was no injury at all, and even the latter was glowing with increased abilities!

Water-draining feature, attracting water-attribute moves to oneself, thereby improving one's special attack.

"Ah?! I forgot to have this?!"

Ah Xun's expression froze immediately, and he couldn't help but grabbed the side of his face.

He had met a manatee with water-diversion characteristics before, but seeing that Michel was so excited, he couldn't justify it if he didn't follow suit.

"Coal Turtle! Keep using Volcanic Eruption!!"

As for Michael's side, it's over if you don't mind spraying.

Boom! !

Immediately there was another burst of exaggerated volcanic flowstones, covering and falling from the sky, with a violent scale...


A few minutes later, both the manatee and the big-tailed fox fell to the ground.

There is a big gap between the levels of the two sides. Even if they have an advantage in attributes, they cannot stand up to the Coal Turtle's brainless volcano eruption.

And as Emperor Nabo performed normal moves, the situation quickly turned one-sided, and the winner was determined.

"The one who advances is A Xun and Michael!"

Sugar palm hurriedly said loudly, but he couldn't help shaking his head when he spoke.

As my son, fighting is too easy to get impatient, which can easily become a weakness.

"Well, like father, like son..."

Even Kate next to her couldn't help jokingly laughing,

The fighting styles of this pair of father and son are very similar, and it is easy to get ahead when they fight.

Xiaozhi in the audience also gave sharp comments.

Ah Xun's emperor, Nabo, was stronger than he looked in Jiayuan City back then.

And the firepower of this coal turtle is also very strong.

But it's a pity that the coal turtle is not a sunshine characteristic, and it can come out with a sunny day.

Otherwise, with the eruption of the brainless volcano under a clear sky... this battle may be decided in less than a minute.


The knockout round is still going on, and players are constantly brushed out.

Looking all the way down, the intelligence level of the players is almost the same.

"It seems that today's strong opponents are only your son's group, and Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's group."

Kate opened the mouth and said that the combat level of these two groups is basically crushing, and it took only a few rounds to easily push down the opponent.

"Hmph, then who of these two teams will be the winner?"

Sugar palm also said with anticipation, but he already had an answer in his heart.

Ah Xun's battle was too impatient, while Michael's battle was very simple and rough, both were too single.

It is completely relying on the crushing of the firepower to carry out brainless flat pushing.

On the other side, in the battle between Xiaozhi and Xiaogang, both of them firmly grasped the rhythm of the battle, and did not give the enemy any chance to fight back.

It belongs to the crushing of skill command...

Such an opponent is the most dangerous!

Naturally, there were no surprises in the end. The two teams that finally entered the finals were already standing at both ends of the field.

They stared at each other, fighting spirits were high.

But Sugar Palm felt that the firepower was not enough, and suddenly grabbed the microphone.

"Oh, I forgot to mention just now, we still have a prize for winning this time, which is what I have in my hand!"

After the words fell, Guanglang suddenly raised his palm.

Everyone looked at it, but saw that the latter was holding the red rock in his hand, the size of a fist, emitting a faint heat.

"I'm afraid everyone doesn't understand, let me introduce. This stone is called the Volcanic Town Stone. It is a special product that can only appear after being continuously burned by volcanic magma. It is also related to the legendary Pokémon, Seadolane. !"

After the words fell, there was an uproar in the arena.

Anything involving the legendary Pokémon becomes extremely precious.

Among the crowd, especially Michel's eyes were particularly fiery.

The reason why he didn't practice hard on the islands in the battle frontier area, but suddenly crossed the sea to participate in this exhibition match was because of the stone in his hand.

There is a volcano named Grim Mountain in their locality, and it is said that there is a Xidoran inhabiting it.

Living there since he was a child, Michael naturally wanted to see Sidolan.

It is said that if you take this volcanic stone to Grim Mountain, you will be able to summon Sidolan...

"Xun, we must win!"

Michael said with firm eyes.

"Of course, uu read the book

I'm going to fight my dad! "

Ah Xun also patted his chest and replied.

He didn't have much interest in volcanic town stones, he just wanted to challenge his father, and he could throw the stones to Michael after victory.

"The legendary Pokémon, Sidran...?"

Hearing the introduction, Xiaozhi's eyes flickered and he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

"It's another god's token, Xiaozhi, don't be careless!"

Xiao Gang naturally understands what his best friend means, he has little interest in Xi Duolan, but for Xiao Zhi, this battle must be won!

Sure enough, following the words of Sugar Palm's fire, the eyes of the four people at both ends of the field seemed to burst into flames, and their fighting spirit became unprecedentedly high.

"Come out, Coal Turtle!"

"Please, Emperor Nabo!!"

On the one hand, Michael and A Xun still sent these two, a powerful combination of water and fire attributes.

"It's up to you, Fire Monkey!"

"I'm asking you to fight again, big tongue!"

Similarly, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang did not choose to change Pokémon. The next moment, the figures of Fiery Monkey and Big Tongue Licking also appeared in front of them.

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